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Posts posted by 3cto03

  1. After starting a mission on Jupiter (Adrastea) I immediately used an Exemplar Granum Crown to access the Granum Void in attempt to farm Protea parts all was well when I was just about to complete it when suddenly the Zanuka Hunter spawned and I was removed from the Granum Void, I tried continuing the mission as normal but I would randomly get teleported back. I was just about able to do all the required things to complete the sabotage but when it came to reaching extraction I was rendered useless. After realising this bug was a real problem I opened OBS to record it sadly there is no sound but if it helps I've linked it near the end. I'd like to thank the devs for all the amazing new content they bring and I'd like them to keep up the great work. Can't wait for solo support for railjacks... I have no friends. 😐


  2. I am glad to see that I will or should be getting Ash Prime but I am really disappointed because where I live I had to stay up from 11:00pm to 12:00pm this really wastn't the best for my health and the fact that I didn't even need to be putting this pressure on myself really annoyed me. Also my friend who didn't even watch the stream at all got it way before me, in fact I still don't have it. any chance you can speed this up? Thanks (but not in a nasty way)

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