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Posts posted by Stulthy933

  1. 1 minute ago, (PS4)THE-GAMERBORN- said:

    I heard that there was a disconnect at the stream can someone confirm that cause if thats true then i can say goodbye to my ash prime

    I've heard that same thing from some people who said they got disconnected from twitch. I got frozen streams sometimes but it normally sorted itself out even with a linked account. Which shouldn't matter but in this case it does some what. If there was a disconnect from twitch then i dunno maybe you'll still get it

  2. 2 minutes ago, (PS4)leo_hash89 said:

    I Watched the full event and received nothing yet

    Me either my IGN is Stulthy933 even with a linked account, but its a waiting game pretty much it'll come in due time im sure the thread is gonna be bombarded heh. Oh well it happens especially when everyone runs from the stream to the game.

  3. Just now, Crestfelt said:

    Well, I remembered watching the Harrow winning the Cosplay Contest, and Perrin Sequence winning the Syndicates and then the big reveals on Deluxe Skins and then bigger reveals came through.

    Same here, i loved that harrow cosplay that was really well done i'm in a group right now and was ever since it started. So i mean right now someone stated on their twitter that over 500,000 people tried to log in at once that was read in region chat so i'm not sure but that seems like the case. But yeah in due time it'll come i hope.

  4. Just now, Crestfelt said:

    Well, I started to stream mine from the Twitch App from 5:40 to 7:00. And I still haven't gotten my Ash Prime.
    Probably taking a lot of time to send out the Ash Prime to the right people.

    Most likely i haven't gotten mine yet either and i started around the same time as you, 5:00 to 7PM ET. which is after the new quest was revealed and after that they stopped and went to a new broadcast and i got off after that cause i work in the AM anyway lol. But yea i'll have to check my inbox again later on possibly when the servers aren't too borked.

  5. Same here, Select ten fish, well i went out to get more fish only 3 more they did not add. No done button etc no way to commit the changes and it'll remain at the same number as it did, when i cap my standing with fisher lady i just keep the excess fish in a tank to take them out for tomorrow, i can't do that now.

  6. Well here's the idea, I got through it by what someone posted it really helped. When confronting Ballas you must use your VV EDIT: Wrong button lol. This is to help people that can't get through the confrontation and get that weird looping issue like there is dialog but none is being said after you sheath your weapon.


    Operator Mode Num 5 on your keyboard.

    then after that you MUST kill the last sentient being with said mode so that you can get to the cutscene because the cutscene requires you to be in "spoiler" mode  so that you can control the dialog in which you either do either of the 3 options given. i will not spoil it but however give that a try. 🙂

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