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Posts posted by (PSN)TinRibz8T

  1. Sandstorms dmg needs to scale better... I like it as it functions now... If you take dmg during sandstorm while using Rage/Adrenaline then you can maintain it past its expensive cast cost... It just fails to do any dmg past a certain tier... Against infested it can still kill past upto T5 but against Corpus & Grineer it just tickles...

    Devour on the other hand is just terrible and needs a major overhaul... The time it takes to convert the minion is traded off against how ineffective they are when turned... Leaving it a wholly useless skill... Even after pinning multiple enemies down with devour, then sandstorming them to convert multiple minions at the same time seems a waste of time... They die instantly, providing zero distraction and causing zero dmg...

  2. I think it would be nice to tie a Focus school to a warframe... For example, I don't need Zenurik when I run Inaros (which I do, a lot)... So on the odd occasion I remember, I'll change the school to something more combat oriented... But, when I forget to change it back (which I always do) its a noticeable minus on my energy hungry frames... So the short of it is, I only ever really run Zenurik... Which seems a shame... Just saying... 🙂

    First time poster, plz be gentle... 🙂

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