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Posts posted by xeller

  1. IGN: xeller

    MR: 9

    TIME ZONE: UTC Eastern Time Zone

    ABOUT ME: Ive been playing this game for 2 years now, and i have loved every minute of it, even the weird glitches. i do have random leaves of absence due to well, school or traveling, but i tend to make sure im on around major updates. i joined this game, back when nova just came out and since that time i have joined many clans, and even ran my own one, but they all died out and those who were in it havent been on in hundreds of days so it would be nice to join a clan that is active and laid back like this one.  

    I OFFER: An unhealthy enjoyment of farming and grinding, so if you need something, and i have the stuff to get it, ill get it no matter how long it takes.

    hopefully you consider me for this amazing clan.

  2. I would absolutely love to see this happen. It would be so amazing being able to wander through out a bad land, hunting for that elusive weapon that seems just out of reach. I am curious as to how would other tenno in a badland would interact, and by that i mean would two tenno who go into a badland both be able to see each other if they weren't in a group, or would you need to group up for there to be other tenno in a badland? 

  3. Hi, Im looking to build a gaming PC mainly so i can run warframe and i was wondering if anyone else has done this or if anyone had any tips for me, like what parts work best for this undertaking. thanks in advance. 

  4.  hi this is my first time writing any of these. this will mostly be ideas that randomly appear while writing it. alot of these ideas are either influenced by others or outright bad. feel free to say anything you wish.                                                                     



    so i had the idea early when reading HappyApathys Allies Of the Tenno. this idea is that each Syndicate should each have a Relay type outpost or Stronghold that can be accessed at first by a mission and then there will be a node that requires a key. the planet where the stronghold is would be based on what syndicate owns it. 



    for the mission i was thinking that you would get a message from your syndicate upon reaching a certain rank, i was thinking upon reaching the third rank, and it would be asking for help. in the message would be a key blueprint, that would only take 30 seconds to a minute to craft. upon making this key you will be directed to a planet or area on the star chart. upon entering this area there would be a cutscene of, depending on the Syndicate, your liset docking or you jumping out of it. After arriving you will be in a small entrance area that leads to a larger stronghold populated with members of the syndicate, some armed, others talking in groups. these are ideas for the strongholds 


    -Steel meridian- an abandon grineer bunker on Phobos. you would drop down and be faced with a grineer door in the side of a mountain. on either side of it are two arid heavy gunners with steel meridian gorgons. upon entering the actual bunker would look like a more compact but deeper navigation room in a grineer galleon. on the bottom floor the leaders of the Steel meridian would be around a holomap of phobos. on either side of the room would be two balconies that overlook the whole room.  


    -Arbiters of hexis- maybe a floating fortress that looks like their syndicate room in a relay only its a lot longer and has two platforms on either side that you can walk along. you would dock up to a small chamber room with a simple black door that has the Arbiters symbol on it. upon entering you can go up either stairs to the two upper levels or go down the middle to talk with the Arbiters leaders


    -Cephalon Suda- a small orokin ship in the void, that would be a fairly small area compared to the other strongholds and would look like Cephalon Simiras room in the relay. you would dock on it similarly to the Arbiters stronghold. upon actually entering the stronghold there would be a few people scattered around and at the very center of the room would be the cephalon. Upon getting closer to her, she would do the Cephalon zoom thing. 


    -Perrin Sequence- they would have a gas town on jupiter. i say town because it wouldn't be a full out gas city but it would be like them only smaller. you would dock on the top of the city and take an elevator down. Upon getting off the elevator two crewman would greet you, each wearing the Perrin Sequence colors. you would then walk through a door to a room thats like Alad Vs boss room only there are a few floors to it, maybe two floors. at the end of the room would be the leader of the Perrin Sequence.


    -Red Veil- Red veil would have a solar base. basically it would be a fortress close to the sun and would be on the mercury map. This would look like a hybrid of corpus and grineer technology, having the appearance of a grineer galleons Control room only cleaner and with corpus tech. the large window at the front end would face away from the sun and there would be smaller windows looking at it. at the very top floor there would be the red veils leaders surrounded by a ring of fire. 


    -New Loka- this would be a large, basically tree made fortress on earth. upon landing you would go inside of it, and there would be stairs ,made from the tree, that go up three floors and down one. the upper three floors wouldn't have much use aside from vendors (more on that later) and the emblem person. there would be windows so you could look out on the forests of earth and see the grineers smoke and decay and stuff. at the bottom of the tree would be the leaders room that would basically be the same room from the relay, only smaller and with fewer people. 


    To continue the mission you would talk to the syndicates leader and they would tell you that (insert planet's main enemy race here) have become a threat and they need your help to push them back. you will then be given several missions to do with the Syndicates leader acting as the lotus.


    for the Cephalon, since that stronghold is in the void, you would be given several missions across the system that are similar to the other syndicates mission based on the idea of gathering knowledge. you will have to occasional have to scan, then kill enemies. 


    after completing these missions you will be able to come and go from these strongholds whenever you like and they will act like a relay, in that other tenno will be there only there will be a limit to maybe only 9 or less tenno will actually appear to be there for you.


    in each one of the strongholds there will be two major NPCs that aren't the leaders of the syndicate. The first many of you should already know, it's the emblem person. The other is an actual vendor. this vendor will sell reskinned versions of some weapons, with slightly altered stats and then they will also sell faction specific gear. there will be different types of weapons for each Syndicate and some cosmetics blueprints for armor or skins or sugatra or the actual cosmetics outright for a certain amount of credits, or ranking. With each rank up you will have access to new reskinned weapons and specific gear but more on that later. 



    occasionally there will be attacks on the stronghold by the local enemies. these would happen randomly once or twice a day or week. basically a klaxon will start to blare and any armed member in the stronghold will rush to defend the fort. you will be asked to help out and defend it. you and any other tenno in the stronghold will have to hold out for a few waves maybe five then you will get a message that the enemy is pulling back to get ready for a larger attack. you will then get on your liset and use either your archwing or board the ship. this will be random, unless you don't have an archwing then its pretty automatic obviously. if you're the archwing crew you have to distract the defenses, the more the archwings destroy enemies, the less enemies inside for the tenno inside to worry about so the easier it is. the tenno inside have to basically run a sabotage mission and bring down the ship. upon completion of one of these you get a small item of gratitude, it may be just credits and reputation or it could be a cosmetic piece or blueprint for something.   



    i don't have as many ideas for this part as i did for the strongholds. i have a handful of weapons ideas but basically they're mostly going to be reskinned weapons but there will be some common themes and some unique weapons specific to each cause. all weapons would have the special ability of each faction. these mostly are melee weapons since i can't think of any guns or bows XD. 


    steel meridian

    -a nikana- i was thinking each syndicate would have its own nikana. the steel meridian nikana would have heavy and clear grineer influence. it will deal mostly puncture damage with a good deal of impact and slash. it will be slower than a normal nikana


    -sword and shield- as with all meridian weapons and gear it will be heavily grineer based. it will deal impact and slash damage with a little puncture


    -Dual Machetes- this will be the steel meridians signature melee weapon. it will be two vakyor machetes. it will have a base damage on par with that of Skana and use the dual swords stances. it will have increased slash and impact damage. 


    arbiters of hexis

    -a nikana- it would appear to be a kinda high tech black and white nikana. it will appear slightly more ornate than the traditional nikana. it will deal alot of slash and a bit of impact and some slash with little puncture. its speed will be equal with a nikana 


    -longsword- think galatine only faster and the guard is replaced with the arbiters emblem. it will deal a good deal of slash and puncture damage. it would be an     


    ill post the rest when i get better ideas for them. 


    any ideas about this or any comments please say them. also any art please post it. i appreciate your feedback and you reading this. 

  5. ​name: leviathan

    location: orokin derelict 

    a lot had happened since he woke up from sleep. a frame he had now come to know as a rhino had asked him if he heard the lotus or the conflagration. he had told him he knew who neither was. the rhino raised his gun and leveled it at him. he said he was sorry but it was to late. he had opened fire but somehow missed. taking cover levithan had attempted to return fire only to have his guns jam. he was forced to draw his sword and face his opponent head on. the rhino drew his sword and said so the brave nekros wants to fight blade on blade. he had activated some power that caused his frame to become covered in silver. a blast from levithan shot through the rhino and removed the cover. he sprinted forward and drove his sword into the rhinos gut. he took his foes blade and severed his head with it. after he left he began to intercept transmissions between the two tenno sides known a the lotus and the conflagration. he slow began to take out key tenno forging a name in blood and steel. now he hid in the orokin derelict ship, twin nikana at his waist waiting again for another opportunity. one thing always stuck out to him from his first fight, the name nekros and that blast. he still didn't know what either was and was determined to find out. 

  6. name: levithan 

    location: unknown 

    the voice permeated my mind and the pod hissed open. i stepped out and glanced around. the room i emerged in was empty.my sword sat cormfortable by my side. an image flashed across my eyes. blood sprayed across technological and others. a noise made me spin around and another figure entered the room.

  7. name: destron 

    location: e prime 

    catching the prova, Destron set to work hooking up the electricity of the ship.

    "now that thats done i'm going to be taking my leave of you two. goodbye."

    destron pulled himself into the cockpit and flicking the switch the ship began to hover.


    name: levithan


    i lie, waiting for a call to wake me. i wait for a sign of life aside from the creatures that surround my pod. the stasis wore off on its own, i knew it wasn't supposed to but it left me watching creatures of the world that i am trapped on swim above me. i clutch my weapons. a faint tendril of sound like someone asking for me to rise. i decide to wait pationetly contemplating the possibilities of my future in this new time. the tendril of sound grew slightly stronger. 'wait' i thought to myself 'wait'

  8. character: destron 

    location:e prime 


    destron aimed the supra at two parts of the ship and began to weld them together. "hmm this is a lot better than using a heat knife." after a few minutes the shell of the ship was completed and all that was left was the wiring. "hey acrim would you by any chance have a porva on you would you?" 

  9. character: destron 

    location: e prime 


    destron stared at the micro maintenance shade. "thats an interesting shade i never saw anything like it." he poked it gently with a slightly shaking finger. the shade gave a little whirr of annoyance. destron looked away and took out a utility knife and began to finish off the ships repairs. 

  10. ​character: destro

    location: e prime


    "oh boy exactly what i need a grineer attack." he said as a burst of fire barely skimmed across his helmet. rolling to cover he took out three tesla bots and stuck them to grineer lancers. as they set about shocking all near them he shot others in the head. he stood and turned to face what would have been the other two thirds but was nothing but a pile of dead grineer. "i am suddenly glad i didn't have to fight either of you two."

  11. character: destron 

    location: e prime 


    " i am Destron and this is someone. i get the feeling you two where sent to get and detain me on account of me going rogue? now if you both don't mind i have some where i was trying to go and a ship to recover." he turned and began to walk in the direction of the smoking remains of the make do ship.  

  12. character: destron 

    location: e prime 


    a new voice cut into his head. suddenly the ship gave a little jump upwards and spiraled out of control. destron took out a utility knife and tied a wire around the end. he tore open the ships cockpit and threw the knife into a branch and was pulled out. he looked behind him and saw a falling ash frame. he fumbled for a second with his pouch then took out a bastille grenade and threw it at the falling frame. it exploded and suspended him. swinging his legs back and forth he gained enough moment to swing out the the suspended ash and bring him safely to the  ground.  

  13. character: destron

    location:e prime


    'hmmm i wont be able to use those handy drop ships that im used to.' he looked around thoughtfully. around him lay scattered grineer tech. he drew a heat knife and cut the armor off of a heavy gunner and turned it into a kind of shell. he snatched some hellion packs and strapped them to the back of it. he tore up a few terminals and used the for the tech of the ship and finally used parts of the shelter as a final heat sheild. he looked around once more to make sure no one was near him and saw a saryn with a wyrm a few meters off. 'S#&$ S#&$ S#&$.' he thought and clambered into his make do ship.

  14. character: destron

    location: e prime, earth


    destron holstered his grinlock and looked around. around him lay dozens of scattered grineer bodies. 

    " i dont detect any more grineer. well done now get to extraction." 

    destron began to walk in the direction that extraction was. behind him he heard a rustling followed by a whooshing sound. he spun around and was caught by a barrage of rockets sending him flying into a tree. he felt pain spiderweb from his arm. 

    'damn it dont be broken.' he thought looking over at it. it wasn't broken but a branch had gone completely through it. he grabbed a cestra with his free hand and blasted the grineer hellion in the head. he pulled his arm off the branch and slide down to the bottom of the tree.

    "damnit lotus you lied there was still one hellion left!" he yelled into his communicator. he ripped it out and removed the tracking system. a few days ago he had received a message and he figured that it was about time that he found the tenno who had sent it.    

  15. character: destron (vauban)

    location: e prime, earth


    destron absently tossed a tesla bot up and down. he watched as a group of grineer walked beneath the branch he was on. he put the tesla bot back into his pouch and leveled his grinlock at a hellions pack. after a moment he squeezed the trigger. the backpack exploded sending the squad to the ground. destron tossed a handful of tesla bots into the center and watched as they zapped the squad to nothing. he waited a few minutes and three more grineer came to investigate the explosion. the first two where zapped by the tesla bots and the third went down with a grinlock hole in its head. destron dropped down and gathered all the loot. he began to walk towards the tunnel that, his radar said, should lead to the rest of his extermination targets. 

  16. http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/468676574117361582/A7BA1ADAA202B155AA259FC4636B79B17631424A/


    they say valkyr is the Tennos psycho. she may be crazy but i am the true psycho. i am shunned by the rest due to my powers and nature. they tend to pretend that i don't exist but the lotus accepts me. i am the last Tenno shaman and i have great power.




    i hunt the systems for the Tenno feared by all. i received a message from him and now i hunt grineer on the planet of my brother. i hope to draw him out with acts of destruction and death.






    as the grineer shoot at me i feel the bullets impact but not the pain. i have not felt pain since i was thrown into the void all those years ago when i was a normal. i felt the flesh and muscle being torn from my arms and legs and hearing the screams of my crew as around me they were eaten by the void but i survived. i was just a private nothing important but skilled at killing and supporting my team. somedays the screams fill my head and drive me outside into the cold vacuum of space where i sit watching waiting.    

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