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Posts posted by tnkfreexx3

  1. Hi,

    So it have happened to me for several times recently.

    Once the mission has done, instead  been pick up by your ship, you been left there with mission result on the screen..

    The only way to leave is force quit the game which in result the system counted as you abandon the mission.

    This is extremely frustrating to me, as I don't like to abandon, it also left me without the winner reward, I hope DE can look into this.. 

  2. 3 minutes ago, Jobistober said:

    "Content guys were tapped out"

    DE didn't even officially release this "feature" and people are complaining of lazy modeling? Does anything make this community happy? Remember the early days of Warframe when ancients used the same model as corpus crewmen, just scaled up? Because I do.

    What can I say, DE spoiled me :D


  3. There is no need to translate for him.

    He can understand and use English but he just doing it to prove a point.

    If he fail to inform his own idea and feedback in a international level then that is hes problem he have to solve himself.

    It is not everyone here use English as 1st language, like myself, but it is the most common second language and fairly easy to learn compare to others, making it the international language to use in a global platform. I can understand if your English is bad but at least make a effort, people would understand and help you, but if you doing it just to rant or to think certain language is superior than another.

    If you fail to respect the others, I don't see why should people even try to communicate with you.

  4. 29 minutes ago, immolator1001 said:

    She says she wants to do this, your analogy doesn't hold. 

    Also the Tenno are worse. We're children forced to be warriors with no choice of our own. She just has a disease that makes her and everyone around her safe from the infested!

    Yes she can keep everyone safe, with the price of her life. there is no future for her to look forward to her adulthood, yet lotus has offered to the colony to her protection. If she choose to change from their old way, theres still a good chance they can be saved from the infested, just mean that they might no longer able to harvest from infested and have to moved away from the colony to somewhere else( go with lotus). The argument here is only whether to preserved the colony's tradition and their life style or change to the lotus way.

    In a way I do think it is quite similar as child marriage since it is consider as tradition in some culture, and who knows that there are no young girls who is willing to do it just for her family? The point is how our contemporary morality changes compare with traditional morality. no matter the child willing to do it or no, to us in the contemporary society would clearly think it as a wrong tradition, and judge them, ask them to change, just like what lotus did.

    I know tenno, as child soldier, are very bad too, but i don't think there is a competition anyway lol. But probably that's why my in game character decided to let her die, since being a child soldier for centuries has messed up the brain a bit. :D


  5. Would you think it is right that in some part of our world young girls are been married to adult men, sometimes against their will?

    And now in warframe, the child gonna die soon man.

    But, nooo, its their culture and tradition, let her die please.

    I choose to let her die tho :P 

    cause.. game :D

  6. I find it funny all people think the future of deluxe skin would be bad based on one nova skin, yet the 95% of the look in warframe is designed by DE them self.

    As much as I enjoy the designs from IgnusDei too, yet these things happens, and DE will keep on making good skin in future.

    Don't forget there's tennogen too!


    3 hours ago, ranks21 said:

    yes its selfish. like everything in life you have a choice you do or you don't. and the only thing you don't have that option is death itself.

    if you want to play and get kills no one is stopping ya, even if you play in public each frame has an ability that will kill or stop/slow that process<< see trinity for the latter.

    mirage is made like wise the syn simulor or any other weapon by the developers of the game, some or a lot of players enjoys using these tools provided by the devs why cant you respect their right to enjoy the developers hard work?= selfish because you don't like it and is also brain dead to not form a group requesting that none of you should use this combo. the nerf complaint is just cancerous because again you or a few don't like it and post on the forums and it spreads faster than hell fire itself, when the least and courteous thing you could've done from the get go was a simple click to remove yourself but you chose to be a whiny, salty selfish person whom doesn't like said combo so no one else should enjoy or use it, grow up a little its not that bad dude.

    In that case is it your opinion that there should never have rework in warframe then? since they are all DEs hard work, and they must all be well balanced.

    Matter in fact, they should also bring back the old nova, who can just blow up the whole room instant kill all the mobs, just like the old saryn, mag, ash, excal before.

    This is not selfish to want to have a co operative game to be team playable, it is DE intention to promote team play, then team play quality must be exam here. The mirage combo as damage frame is clear out shined most of the other damage frames, therefore the balance for the game is clearly broken, that's why people come here to complain. 

    Your fun with mirage has affected other damage frames to perform and to have good gaming experience in the public game, and tell others to go to play solo does not solve anything but an encouragement for others to play only mirage for the " max damage out put" inthe public game, which also does not help the warframe to grow in cooperative gaming experience and I doubt it is DE's intention at all.  

    I believe DE did a great job for Warframe so far, thats why I'm still here playing. And again it is my opinion for the warframe to become better, and for the current and future damage frames, miarge combo must change. 

    Also, insulting other players as brain dead or selfish does not helping your case at all, it only shows a persons quality.

  8. 8 minutes ago, (PS4)Tsion said:

    This argument reminds me of the ol' Saryn just hitting 4 to win epidemic. People getting mad that someone found an insanely efficient way to kill things in a game about killing things. If someone wants to run around spamming that god awful noise of a gun, let 'em. Play the game the way you want to play it. If you don't like playing with someone using that combo then leave the group and move on. 

    Ya'll complain a lot about things working the way they were intended. 

    Playing in a public game with a mirage and her simulor, who basically taking all the enemies away from the map, leaving her team mates just walk around with nothing to do, and you are telling me that i should leave the team if i don't like it?

    what is the point to play in public? so i can afk for the most of the game? or it is for some fun team play?

    seriously they need to do something with that mirage and simulor combo. 

  9. I think its the way that you use the flowers on top of hair like tentacles makes the helmet a bit too humanoid now, which is what DE aesthetic trying to avoid for warframe?  

    The dulex skin and alt helmet for saryn does has flowerish element but been done such a way that does not make her have a resemblance of a Hawaiian woman with flowers on her head.

    Either tune down a bit or just exaggerate the flower element would fit better imo.

  10. 3 minutes ago, MrM1 said:

    My fav frame got a nice skin recently but I am talking about also other people. And I, to be honest, don't even think Excal is that popular. Every game I join has at least 1 Ember and 1 Frost. Frost of course because he is the best for defense missions. And in my entire play time, I've seen just 3 or 4 people really using Excalibur as a main. Everyone else picked Excal as the starting frame and then took another main frame.

    Thats not what the poll says, from the past to recent(un/offical) polls it always suggest excal is among the top popular frames. 

    I understand your concern, I also think it would be nice to see other frames got some love too, but there are other things the makers need too concern(technical or not).

    If I'm not wrong they only recently upload all the frames( like a month ago or so?) to allow them to have skins. 

    Give time and space things will get there eventually, after all tennogen are less than a year old and still growing.


  11. Excal just got more potential customer.  

    If you want them to make more unique skin for other frame, make other frames as popular as excal. 

    Beside its not like every tennogen makers only making excal... 

    Your favourite frame will have good skin eventually. 



  12. For that excal part I gotta say, Excal is my main frame and I don't mind the change at all, matter in fact, That sliding blind had it coming and ought to be change long time ago.

    Without change you can just spam the hell out of it for free while dealing great amount of extra damage, and before go to end game, you don't even have to move while exalt blade is out! 

    Excalibur was god like( still is!). You just keep blind chopping enemies until you are tired and your damage could not keep up with high level enemies, by that time their level are probably already 200 plus. 

    That extra cost for slide attack blind is quite low anyway, it cost the same as using his 1 if I'm not wrong. It basically forcing to rethink your option on how to go close combat, which make sense, otherwise many people forgot that slash dash is also very useful, and just mindlessly swinging the blade at the far end, spam fee blind to charge in or slide flashing all over the map( like I did many time before XD).

    Excal is more balance in this update to me, and if you Know your excal well you wouldn't feel really much of difference, he still one badass agile swordsman after the update.

  13. Thats what Interests me, alot of people I noticed saying that her Helmet don't make any sense on how, how it became that head, to the one we got now, with the blue half flower on.


    Also, I kown its just a "Skin", but why does she still have her old powers, if its Before her torture?

    As each tenno is individual and warframe is a suit to enhance the power, there are many different helmet for each warframe for customization. The pre corpus is just one among them.

    The power is not given by corpus, corpus hasn't master the orokin power yet but just researching it. The poor catframe was been lab testing for her ability and taking apart( the tail ; _ ;) for making a corpus version of that dogish thing.. 


    PS- Zanuka is not exactly full part of Valkyr. It doesn't have her abilities, well it doesn't have any of these crazy tenno power..the maximum it can do is to drop frost bomb and deactivate your ability thats it...   

  14. I feel like you're skewing these results to fit your theory.


    Excalibur and Mag are just as efficient at killing (moreso, most likely) as someone like Frost, who I'd consider the most defensive, passive frame in the game. Sure, he can use his powers to kill, but - as I said - so can Excalibur and Mag.



    Doesn't really fit with Ash then. He is the selfish, kill only Warframe.


    As I stated before that all frame are capable of mass killing, the sole reason for the birth of tenno is to create an one man army to change the tide of war.

    What I try to explain is that black and white colour pattern for the prime armor could provide us a indication on how orokin may categorize each frames by their unique, characteristic power, to see which frame is more suited in certain mission objective. 


    Frost maybe seems to be more as a defensive frame in the game is because his snow globe out class the rest of his other 3 abilities as they did not deal with enough damage to create instant kills, but when you look into them the rest of his abilities, they are indeed should be consider as offensive; freeze one target into a popsicle, send a ice wave to hurt a group of people or even a ice storm to freeze and kill an entire field around him. That seems pretty offensive to me lol.


    For loki to be a white prime, is because his power provide him to be a tactical frame, decoy to lie to the enemies, invisibility and switching to walk around and pick up the key target, even weapon disarm, they all give loki an edge to manipulate the enemies on the battle field, to turn the tide into his favor


    Ash in the other hand, yes, he is a killing frame, but I think he is a proper ninja frame. which is mean his ability is to help him to act as an shadow assassin, not a super fire cannon. That's tactical elimination, not pure force destruction.

    lets look into his abilities, most of his abilities are to help him to inflatrate, and stealth kill the key target, that is why hes so good for soloing the mission. Shuriken is to kill whoever noticed him or run away from him, smoke screen is to blind the foes while he run around stab stab, teleport help ash to sealth kill a distance key target, and if sh@it hits the fan ash would just stealth kill an entire enemy group with blade storm then leave the scene.

    When you need certain one or a platoon of enemy to be cleared fast and quietly, ash will be your man. Also as, I stated before, white pattern could also act as camouflage in orokin era for ash to blend in and hide. 


    Of cource when DE presented us warframe, they want us to customise our frame and allow us play the frame the way we want, like a nicely modded trinity equipped with some awesome weapons can surely be as powerful as the rest of the destroyer frame( at least used to before in the game, I don't know about now, never play her :P), yet it does not take out the fact that she is initially a supportive frame with her power.


    Well, that is what I thought, hope its entertaining lol


    Again thanks for whoever is reading this short text XD




    this is what I think an oberon prime should look like:




  15. I got an interesting idea I would like to share, about the possibility that tenno warriors could used to be categorized into 2 groups, based on the colour of their armor during the Orokin era. 


    Probably somebody already have told about it or DE already have an explanation but anyway :P


    Let me start on how I got the idea.


    So the other day when I was watching the teaser for volt prime, I noticed that there are actually 2 versions with different description text. 


    The 1st is was: 

    A brilliant tactician shines.


    Then DE soon changed it to: 

    Behold the chains of destruction.


    By changing the description, we can understand that volt is considered as an mass destruction killing frame by DE.

    Then I thought, is it possible that, DE separate the prime warframes into black and white colours for more than customized aesthetic, but actually have rational decision behind it based on hidden background lore? After all, we know there are so many different warframe and they each have unique incredible power to serve their own good,

    and the Orokin general/ leading official would need know what they are dealing with, which frame is good for what mission. 


    To test this theory, lets check some lore and make some assumptions.


    1.We know that warframe was built during the time when orokin empire are loosing the war with sentient. The empire was losing and desperately need a new weapon/army to fight with Sentient while they are invading the orokin territory. 

    As every orokin weapon seems powerless against Sentinel army, warframe is the last hope to change the tide of war.


    2. From orokin tile set we can also find out that Orokin people lives in a society that tend to minimized the colour to mostly white and gold in all their design, this combination of white and gold  is the representation for the glory of Orokin Empire.

    Orokin also applied the same colour palette to tenno when they are creating warframe. It does not only to make tenno to be the symbol of the empire, but also could act as camouflage; to help tenno to blend into the landscape and interior in the imperial territory. Because Orokin made everything with white and gold!



    Therefore, we can guess that:

    White frame is primary for the assassination of key target; to manipulate the battle ground, to turn the tide of the war into Orokin's favor. 


    Black frame, in other hand, could be the frame specialized in mass destruction/killing. As the black suit stands out from the rest of white orokin army, black warframe would be the one who come and destroy everything on his/her sight. After all, who cares to stand out when everything against you are dead.


    Now, lets see what we have for the prime warframe so far:



    Excalibur- The 1st, the classic symbol, quick swords frame with blind ability.

    Mag- pulling, shield adding/depleting and bullet attractor for the tough to kill. 

    Loki- Invisibility, well, troll frame. 

    Nyx- Mind manipulator. 

    Ash- Ninja.



    Frost- Freeze to kill everyone around him.


    Rhino- it's rhino, no one can kill rhino.

    Nova- If turning entire enemies on sight into walking bomb is not mass killing then nothing is.

    Volt- electrocution for everyone, faster speed for more killing spree. check trailer:  



    As we see above, all those prime frame does seems to fit in the category.

    Even though all of the frame are capable for mass killing, but if Orokin does follow this rule to differentiate each frame, it could give us a guide line who does what best during the Orokin era, and it could prove again that Orokin indeed is a very well organizing empire. 


    Last, to check if the theory is possible or no, wait and see if the future prime access would follow the category as well.


    Banshee, trinity- white

    Saryn, Valkyr- black


    Thanks for reading :)

  16. I think that giving it the basic Quick Melee punching combo that sparring weapons have would be fine. Pressing E while the boomerang is gone should do insignificant damage, and be useful only for opening crates or briefly staggering nearby enemies.

    Yah I don't think it matters how much damage it would take imo, it just makes the whole throwing experience more natural.

  17. Hey, just wondering, is it possible to get some fist and legs fighting action while we threw our glaive type weapon and waiting for it to return? 


    I think it would make tenno look more nature instead of just wait the throwing weapon to return and cant do anything but hide, he/she can also punch around to protect him/herself.



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