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Posts posted by Murderfini

  1. Equipping and unequipping weapons there will be a 1-2sec freeze. The freeze is removed when there is only one weapon equipped. If there are 2 or more weapons equipped the freeze will appear. This has become noticeable after the WW patch.

    It would appear that you're engine is not utilizing the memory available to load the textures beforehand. I would suggest you either expand the resources the engine  is allowed to use or preload only the weapons class being configured at the moment and only the owned weapons in that class.

  2. During a mission if you enter operator mode and return into warframe mode the FOV will reset to the default value not the player specified value.

    Example: spawn in warframe mode - fov is player specified -> switch to operator mode - fov is operator mode fov -> switch to waframe mode - fov is default (or it could be the operator mode fov) it is not the player specified fov (in my case max value)




  3. Inserting another star before the animation of the first has finished it will appear as the first was never inserted and it will consume the star as tough it was. I than proceeded to insert another in it's place and it appeared as tough 2 were consumed. Reloging shows that in the end only one was consumed.

    Now either the server recognized and accepted the star while the client didn't or the server and client accepted the cancellation but the client doesn't have a way of returning the canceled star to your inventory.

  4. Sadly void farming is taking all of my warframe playtime and I don't have time to write a feedback essay so this picture will have to suffice.


    159 Void 3 MD key is surly going to drop a vectis prime stock or a spira prime blade or scindo prime blade? Right? Right?

  5. The closure of the thread Tentative proof that RNG is rigged is unacceptable!

    After spending so much time farming one item they have every right to spred such a conclusion. Their bad luck ran out after the 13th C-rotation and such a drop rate should be discussed even at such a frightening title. Because it is as frightening. After the obscuration of the drop rates in the game files this is a more than sensible conclusion to be had that the developer would use such tricks to boost platinum sales.

  6. A scroll in the loadout UI! Why? What is the purpose of it? Why isn't the other half of the hight used? Why aren't the left and right side used either for that matter? Is the future warframe only going to use 1% of the screen showing 1 loadout slot and while the rest is empty? Must I scroll like a maniac to access the last loadout slot? Will there also be a scroll wheel for the name of the loadout if that name is to long? Will there be a UI mod we can equip to make it larger? Why must we wait for it to load, is our PC so slow it can't load a few letter instantaneously? Is a bigger UI technologically not possible on PC? Will the world end if we receive a less time wasting UI?

  7. You have not stated your goal in why you are backing up your data.

    Lets assume you dont want to download everything again. The backup should include at least these files: Cache.Windows, Drivers, Lotus, Tools and a Warframe.exe. You want to move them into \SteamApps\common\Warframe. Then I would advise you to verify the contents of the files in the warframe launcher (download cache> verify).

    Cache.Windows will be the heaviest of them all as it contains most of the downloaded content.

  8. As long as you GPU doesn't reach 100% load you won't see any diference in fps. Be it max or min settings it will run the same. GPU won't be your bottleneck.

    As a start set everything on low. Choose a benchmark scenario. If it runs faster than you wish increase the settings that are most aesthetically pleasing to you. The only thing I would advise you to stay away from is AA and keeping it below maximum load.

    The other performance nuker that I noticed is loading of assets. If the game has to constantly switch between high quality and low quality assets you will feel that lag spike more often as such a change is bound to the CPU it will put more strain on it.

    So onto the CPU aspect. Theoretically without v-sync the GPU should run on full load achieving as high as possible fps count. It doesn't. When on minimum settings the game ran at around 130 fps in a relay with only me in it. The GPU usage was around 20%. On max it was 120 and 85%. The only possible conclusion that I could reach is that the game is CPU bound. I am also sceptical of that because only 1 of 6 cores peaks at 70% and lets not forget that CPU monitoring is broken on win10 and shows more usage than it should.

    If you are lucky the game will use all your resources and you will be satisfied with your rig as you know it is doing all it can to run the game. If not you will be screaming bloody murder as the game is using less than 40% of all available resources and running at equal 40fps.

    Conclusion. Got to oc.net and ask people for help in building a new ring because there will be no optimization of any kind that will help you run the game significantly better on your current rig.

  9. 18 hours ago, CaterHowlett16 said:

    Well that is a good point, but that argument could be said for any reward. Heck, that argument could be used for what we got now.

    The main controlling factor is that this event would be triggered at DE's discretion. If they sense that the community is abusing the system they can choose to simply not do it. Also you seem like a smart guy, you should know that we tenno don't do anything if there is no reward in it for us. Other than that, people still need imperator vandal parts. And Gold Fusion cores NEVER go out of style. 

    We still need to think of some way to minimize the chances of abuse.

    But first things first the credit amount is to low. It is hard to set a price without knowing how much the whole warframe community is worth. I would set it at and it still may be too low. I alone could give 10.000.000.

    On to the abuse. The only thing I can think of is making the missions really hard. Make a raid style mission but a max and min 4 member mission to prevent the 8 member type mindless spam of crowd control. Paths will be raid stages. That would make the rewards justified while also making it difficult to complete the mission and restore the relay. Than people will seriously think about whether or not the community is capable of organized enough to succeed in rebuilding it.

  10. It would work. Think of it as a frost snowglobe that slows time only that the snowglobe moves with the player.

    You explained it quite well. In order to implement this into the game I suggest adding channel mods for gliding. Channel mods would provide augmentation to the gliding ability while draining energy in exchange. What those mods are in detail I will leave to you Chr1st16n as you should speculate how they would change the gliding ability and by how much they will effect it.

  11. Oh those relays. Now I'm on the right track. I hope there isn't a third type of relay.

    Anyway I still stand behind my argument that the rewards are so good that people will let the relays fall in order to trigger this event. Destroying all the relays except one would be amazing. People and baro would visit just the one. So there are no bad consequences of having a relay destroyed and rebuilt.

  12. First off clans compete for the dominance of the relay and the taxes because they want to collect them and show off their name.

    You must have a system where after your event the relay can be destroyed by other clans so that it can be replaced by theirs because other clans want to obtain the same rewards. If not you will be seeing constant destruction of relays in the incentive to farm arcanes. This is the biggest problem. To avert that arcane rewards must be taken out and replaced with some other rewards that are not as rear and are only given to the clan member that participated because only the clan members can participate. Arcane rewards can be given after a timed period (a month) in which the relay must survive the onslaught of hostile clans. Only the top 50% most active playes of the clans/alliances total amount of players are to receive arcanes as to prevent players from playing it once and leaving the rest of the defence to the selected few who will dedicate most of their time contributing while other "leech".

    What I'm trying to say is you must revise your idea because this is a competitive clan vs clan event. Your addition to the building event is great but it lacks the phase of conflict.

  13. Description of your idea is pretty lacking. It is not specific and it can be interpreted in a number of different ways. You should elaborate if you wish any meaningful feedback.

    The only change the glide mechanic needs is to add a second sensitivity value for aiming while gliding. I do not wish to fling my mouse across the room just so I can do a 180° spin.

  14. I have experienced nullifier shields to be ineffective during mid animation "attacks".

    Now rather than reporting this as a bug I will try and convince you that this feature offers a new skill level of play when it comes to dealing with the second most hated enemy type in the game loosing to the most hated ancient healer just because of this feature.


    The basic tactic for dealing with these anti-fun buggers is running away from them and shooting them with a ranged weapon with a high fire rate lowering the shield as fast as possible. While effective it is problematic for warframes that specialize in close range combat and those that utilize channeling and "buff" abilities (rihno armor, volt speed..). Not wanting to switch out of the close combat style to deal with nullifiers I most commonly used the melee slide attack to kill them. When in some cases I noticed that entering the shield doesn't effect me. Through trial and error I noticed that when you gain enough momentum and start the slide attack just before the shield and kill the nullifier before the animation ends in some cases you will not be affected by the shield.


    This method of playing drastically changes the way I deal with nullifiers because it is much faster to kill the nullifier rather than taking on his (i noticed he has quite a manly voice when dying) shields. Though it has a high chance of failing it is rewarding when you get the timing just right.


    The problem is this is inconsistent as it is technically a bug and needs specific parameters to be met. I assume this bug occurs withing the netcode and animation because you have a specific time frame to execute it (i have a maximum of 50 ping to my friend who usually hosts). It is worth mentioning that this was achieved easier before the new movement patch as you could reach the required speed easier.


    While the feature will require a precise time and as such high skill level it would make melee combat more appealing, adding a new way of dealing with nullifiers (because currently there is only one way of dealing with them) and it might just have a place in the high level games where it is essential to deal with him as quickly as possible while also keeping the melee and "tank" warframes more relevant than they currently are.


    I forgot to mention in some cases when you stand still the shield won't affect you this is why I got the idea the animations might be the cause of this. (and yes i know the shields don't work through walls)

  15. InGameName: Murderfini

    MasteryRank: 17


    At the time of writing this I am still the architect of a ghost clan Filthy Bastards however by the time I finish writing this I will have left the clan which I and 2 other friends built from nothing. Our clan grew to populate all 10 slots but now only 1 is still active. I am saddened to see so many resources and time go to waste. Anyway Warframe is no fun playing alone and it has become even harder getting the keys and time to acquire prime equipment alone. I was a player since closed beta? (i remember keys for access) and I had a period of abandoning the game because I played solo. Hopefully I will be successful in preventing such events by joining a prime clan.

  16. My progress on these two challenges just reset (again) as these two screenshots will show you. 




    As a fix may I suggest using the value from the players stats rather than tracking the challenge count with some variable which arbitrary resets itself.


    Here are also screenshots of my stats related to these challenges.




    This should be an easy fix, right?



    The reset happened during Derelict Defense Mission (or at least that's when I noticed). When I revived a teammate a window popped up (same as the side mission window "example: kill enemy while sliding" ) telling me I have revived 1 out of 1000 players needed for the challenge. The previous, current and next mission was also Derelict Defense hosted by a random player from the recruitment chat. Cryptographer also reset in the same mission.


    A patch MAY have been released during that playsession how ever I did not updated at least after a few more runs.


    Also the screen shots were posted on October 1st at 3:57pm UTC +1. Check an hour or 2 max before if there was any hotfix in that time.

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