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Posts posted by Buddlschlumpf

  1. Recently I acquired the melee range mod, maxxed it and put it onto my scindo. When playing with it, it did not really feel like the range was farther than before. Without +range, it's possible to hit a toxic ancient without getting affected by his AoE DoT. Thus, with +range, it should be really easy to hit a toxic ancient without getting hit yourself. But in the end, it was not easier.

    Thus, my question: Does +range on melee weapons really do anything?

  2. Right now, DE should work more on making the weapons unique. Right now, you have a trillion melee weaposn...but like 70% of them are strictly inferior to the other 30%. Which means, there is no point in having those 70% at all because each of those is a weaker version of one out of the other 30%.


    So, to correct you: It's not about more weapons, it's about more DIFFERENT weapons.

  3. Dread 150 base dmg with maxed serration 397,5 dmg + 60% arpen = total 636 dmg weapon dmg will get reduced by armor, overall it will do 400 dmg at best(cant confirm this though, no one figured dmg formula for corrupted yet) everytime multishot procs on this ive been dropping 85+ corrupted boxheads/lancers with it. 

    Sure heavy units have around 3,5k+ hp, normals between 600-800hp depending on lvl.


    Braton 20+165%=53 dmg + elementals = 228 dmg, 11.3 rof + 60% = 18 rof. 18 x 228 = 4104 dps before resistances headshots multishot and crits. Didnt count reload, cause you are shooting for only 1s.

    charged attacks ignore armor. They always deal full damage, no reduction due to level. Whilst the braton dps are lowered to well under 1k/sec against high level mods, charged attacks still deal full damage. The same goes for normal melee attacks. Charged attacks scale better, a lot better. Normal attacks are incredibly inferior to charged attacks.

  4. 10 meters was too much. But 0.6 meters is not enough. Given a cost of 15 points, just being able to shoot through cover is not enough. It should be around 1.5 to 2meters or only cost 8 or 9 energy points.

    Right now, it's too expensive for its strength or too weak for its cost.

  5. armor piercing is an elemental damage as well.


    You have 3 faction based elementals: fire (infested), electricity (corpus), armor piercing (mostly grineer but great against ancients as well). The elemental property of frost is too slow which works well against all factions. Frost does extra damage against shields but besides that it's the basically the same as normal damage (that does not increase your base damage).


    For a combo: Always go for multishot, damage, frost + ap. And then, depending on the faction, switch in between fire and electrical dmg.

  6. <p>Interesting research. </p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>@Reaver_x: besides pure dps, there are a lot of other factors playing a role: The mentioned mobility e.g., and a very important one, range, as well as the max multiple hits. It's 3 for dual weapons but afaik the heavy weapons don't have any limit on how many enemies they can hit.</p>

  7. Go for Kiste on ceres. Online play only. The spawn rate with 4players is great which results in lots and lots of xp, mods and alloy plates. I wondered what people liked about Kiste until I switched from solo to online. The difference in the amount of spawning mobs is insane.

  8. Lato Vandal: 30*5=150

    Lato: 24*6.7=160.8


    Comparison to other weapons:

    Akbolto: 25*10=250

    Braton: 20*11.3=226


    Can't see how the Lato Vandal is a high DPS weapon...

    the lato vandal is a lot more accurate. Which means you actually hit with your one-shot-kill-shots. And you did not account for mods. Mods scale a LOT better with pistols so you do come close to a braton.


    The lex is outperformed because with high level mods the lex overkills EVERYTHING. With the lato vandal you deal around the same dps but you can spread it better and kill more targets in the same time. Only with around lvl50 enemies the mobs have enough health for the high damage per shot of the lex to matter.


    As for the akbolto: it's weak against small infested and it's close-mid range only.


    I have to point out again: my arguments apply to highly modded weapons only (maxxed eletrical, fire, freeze and ap damage, maxxed multishot, hornet strike 160% for me as of now). At this level, the lato vandal outclasses almost any other gun due to my arguments above. With lower mods, other things factor in, rendering my argumentation invalid.

  9. We are space ninjas. We can pull that off.


    The weapon switch time is more about build diversity. Right now there is not much point in choosing your primary and secondary to complement each other due to the long switching times. With shorter switching times, you could choose e.g. a mass damage primary like the braton and an armor ignoring secondary like the akbolto or vice versa (boltor + kraken).


    Right now, using the not optimal weapon to kill of a specific enemy is faster than switching weapons. Especially against infested.

  10. <p>To summarise the OP wishes: Instead of spreading the advantage of multishot equally over all shots you make, he wants to concentrate the increased DPS only on the shots that proc the multishot.</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>With no changes to the mod stats, this doesn't change sustained dps but randomizes the spread of the damage.</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>I don't see any point in doing this. Why would you want to make damage more random? You already have crit for that (and even there better concepts exist).</p>

  11. Imo the lato vandal is overpowered. It's by far the strongest pistol ingame, outclassing the LEX at 1-shotting and even the akbolto due to it be a lot more flexible. With high level mods, the lato vandal has almost comparable dps to a highly modded braton (due to pistol mods being stronger). The lato vandal right now has the stats and mods the latron should have.

  12. Go for the braton. It outclasses the gorgon in almost any regard (except bossfights). Once you have some decent mods, there is NO enemy at all except bosses that'll last long enough for the gorgon high spin-up dps to be relevant. You mostly 2-4 shot everything and even Heavys die faster as the heavy unit is pretty much dead anyways once the gorgon kicks in.


    As long as your mods are not sufficient to few-shot everything, the arguments of the posts above me apply.

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