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Posts posted by Eewec

  1. Just a reply to say that I found out what the issue was. It appears setting Esc -> Options -> Display -> Windows Scaling Mode -> Scaled while in borderless fullscren (not sure about other settings) causes the mouse to get confused about where it's supposed to be.

    On a slightly related note, anyone know where the setting for where the menu fades out is (and please be the same setting for where the bottom of the Profile screen)? I can bring up the mouse overs, but the menu items themselves are invisible.


  2. What should happen (and used to): Hit up arrow and the mouse cursor moves up to the next menu option up. Hit the down arrow, the arrow moves to the next menu option down, Left and right moving appropriately in the menu.

    What does happen: Hit up arrow, mouse moves to next menu option, then goes up and left as though there's two layout's it's looking at and going to the wrong place. Same "up and left" behaviour for any other direction button pressed; It goes where you expect, then off it goes, somewhere else, then it looks at where it went, and arrow keys are from there.... which means anyone relying on arrow keys to navigate is stuffed.

  3. I know this is an old bug, but it is one that is immensely frustrating for completionists such as myself.

    If it's that the item has been scanned twice in the count and thus isn't being flagged as new or something else I have no idea. But I'm still missing the Ayatan Valana Sculpture in the Codex even though it been scanned.

    Is it possible to reset the scan count for *just* that one item?

  4. So, Was crafting things on my Foundry when I the progress went negative. Times for everything increased, which is odd, then counted down normally and eventually completed (at longer than they should have been).



    Notice how somethings that only take 1 minute are set for longer than that. This has happened before and usually only for small amount of time, but it shows something isn't quite right. Things seem to be linking to the wrong things when I take them off the Foundry other things increase in time. I believe it might be related to a similar bug in the Codex where the wrong item will unlock on scanning things for the Solaris fragments. Might even be related to why I can't see Ayatan Valana Sculpture in the codex even though the rest of the UI (when trying to scan) says I've done so.

  5. So I finally got around to farming up khora. Just took her off the craft bench and took her out for a spin. Quick question though; She has a kavat companion. Is this supposed to replace normal companions? And is the Kavat companion she has supposed to use the exact same mods that my normal Kavat companion (that I forgot to unequip) has as their loadout? Basically I have 2 Kavats trailing my Khora both using the same exact mods. Pretty sure that's a bug but want to check with people who've been using Khora for more than a day.

  6. So I was playing solo earlier today just grinding out some dailies for our dear lady of the radio and I died. It happens. Unfortunately the Revive button didn't work when I was clicking it with the mouse. Fortunately hitting the numpad Enter key worked so all was good. Still gave me a few moments of "Oh shoot!" only with 2 less o's and 1 more i.

  7. Could have sworn I reported this months ago, but it seems my old post have vanished soo....

    Ayatan Valana Sculpture isn't in my Codex as scanned

    When I see an Ayatan Valana Sculpture in a mission it says it's already scanned and won't let me scan it. Point of note, the scan count is at 2 when I use the Synthesis Scanner and at 0 for the Codex Scanner.

    Codex Scanner: Warframe0453.jpg

    Synthesis Scanner:Warframe0454.jpg

    And a pic of my codex after the Ayatan retrieval mission the above were taken in:Warframe0456.jpg


  8. I've been playing this game on and off for over a year now and in that time I've amassed a fair amount of Stuff™.

    I would love it, even if it's only available through the Account Maintenance screen on the website or an API, if the history of what changed from each mission, each trade and each craft could be looked at. This way players could see at a glance that "Oh so that's where those 9 Meso D4 relics went, I used them there!" instead of driving themselves half mad (hey that would be an improvement for me) trying to work out what happened to them.

    I'm frankly amazed that this isn't already a thing here. I know I've played multiple other MMO's and other online games where inventory history is available at a few clicks of the mouse. Sometimes that's been through mods (WoW) and other times it's built in at least for the NPC retainers you hire (FFXIV). Other games also do something though generally only for history relating to the in-game premium currency such as Platinum (I know I've used that feature before but can't recall which game it was for - might have been WoW again, come to think of it Turns out that was Destiny 2).

    Thing is, how many times does someone ask via ticket or bug report on the forums about "X is missing from my character" or "Such and such didn't drop from mission x when it's supposed to be 100% drop rate" or "I traded with x for that plat, why am I getting banned?". Simple inventory/balance/trade history would solve so many issues it seems remarkable that it *isn't* already implemented.

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  9. Anyone know what the corpus word for Excavations is.... being that they have no letter for X. Also, people say there's no map point with all those letter in.... I disagree. Euro{p}a Va{l}e{f}{o}{r} Excava{t}ion anyone? It's a Corpus map too.

  10. Hmm. So looking at the names of missions on the map, and the types, the ONLY mission that fits is:

    Euro{p}a Va{l}e{f}{o}{r} Excava{t}ion

    It's the only one with all the currently found letters in it; F R P L T O. So it if it's an in game location, that's it.

  11. There are some things here that I didn't actually know (such as the range on getting xp from other peoples kills - my low xp from some missions now makes more sense).

    However, there is something I notice that has led to more than one argument between players during missions I've been on recently between other players. Couldn't care less myself 99% of the time, but would rather not have that sort of argument raging in chat so would like to know what people see as the 'correct' way to play in the following scenario.

    On using Public matchmaking for a survival mission, one player wants to farm, another just wants to clear the map point, someone else is there to hunt a scan target and someone else couldn't care less what happens so long as people kill stuff and they get loot (normally me). The exit opens and the Solar Map Clearer wants to leave, the Farmer wants to stay (this is usually where the argument starts) and the scan target hunter may or may not have found their target. No one has a pre-made group for their specific purpose.

    What is the etiquette?

  12. And this is still happening as of 27/10/2018 2pm ish BST: Warframe0268.jpgWarframe0270.jpg

    This is a total guess, but the fact it's saying I have zero (0) scans taken, but is also saying Codex entry complete *might* be part of the problem.... just a guess. Won't let me scan it with the normal scanner though.

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