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Posts posted by EWar

  1. On 3/24/2017 at 8:49 PM, [DE]Danielle said:

    Octavia Neuroptics is sometimes not being properly rewarded when dropped from Orokin Derelict Survival in groups. Our leading theory is that clients activating our AFK trigger in earlier waves will mess with the reward distribution. 

    We farmed 40 minutes ODS with chatting alot, I am certain that AFK detection sometimes kicked in for us. Looks like noone got the part for that run. Mission end proof: https://plays.tv/video/58dc12754ba371aac3/-bugframe

  2. 2017-Mar-10

    Intel Core i7-6700K (4 GHz, Stock)
    16 GB RAM (2666 MHz)
    EVGA GeForce GTX 980 FTW (4GB VRAM, factory-overclocked)
    Nvidia Driver Version 378.78
    Windows 10 Professional x64 Version 1607 14393.693

    10 Minute run of "corpus.outbreak" - Warframe all options on except motion blur, 1920x1080 fullscreen, PhysX on

    Start RAM (in-game heap): 485 MB
    Start RAM (Commit): 1.7 GB
    Start RAM (Working Set): 1.3 GB  

    End RAM (In-game heap) 520 MB
    End RAM (Commit): 3.1 GB
    End RAM (Working Set): 2.6 GB 

    I only had to run it for 10 minutes to already have more than doubled the needed RAM.
    During Pacifism Event I used to exhaust my 16 GB RAM in about 1 hour, image below.
    (Please note that I did the run above with everything else closed, including any overlays or recording softwares - no change happened tho).

    Disabling PhysX in Warframe instantly fixed the leak.


  3. Hi there.


    I am suffering the same problem since I switched from an AMD Radeon HD6950 2GB to a Nvidia GTX 980.


    GPU is not faulty.

    After I got my first 980 which was a EVGA GTX 980 SuperClocked ACX 2.0 I experience those crashes and thought it's the card.

    I RMA'd the card and got a brand new EVGA GTX 980 FTW ACX 2.0 for it, sporting the exact same crashes.


    Display driver crashes range from none to 5+ a day.


    Increasing the TDR Delay to 15 seconds only reduced the amount of display driver crashes, but did not solve it.

    Disabling PhysX in Warframe seem to further reduce the crashes.


    Now, temperatures and GPU load are on another page.

    At Liset and post-round screen I have about 75°C (Temp Target is 80°C, fans are at ~50%)

    and the card hits about 70-85% of the Power Target. Game runs at 300+ FPS.


    In-game during missions the card is dipping below 60 fps on high complex scenes and median about 80-100 FPS.

    BUT the card is below 70°C and only hits 50% or less of the Power Target all the time.


    I have already set the power preference in the control panel to "Prefer Maximum Performance".

    I feel like the game cannot tap into the full potential of the card somehow.


    Here are the readings: http://imgur.com/a/kQuJU


    No idea what is happening here.

    Underclocking to 980 factory speeds did not help.

    Is downgrading to 345.20 the only valid solution here?



    Windows 8.1 Pro x64

    16 GB DDR3-1866 RAM

    Intel Core i7-4770K

    EVGA GTX 980 FTW ACX 2.0

  4. Greetings fellow Tenno,


    I was unsure for quite a while if I should report this but thought it would fit best in there.


    So practically "since ever" I am playing Warframe with disabled in-game music and running my own (low volume) soundtrack, I also play a lot with my IRL friends via external TS3 voice comm.


    I am not sure if I got just more sensitive to this kind of sounds during this year or if it's my switch to closed over-the-ear headphones (Creative Aurvana Live!2) but I just noticed this really really annoying high frequency sound when runing Derelict missions, especially in "low action moments" like searching the map for Grineer Caches during the Event.


    It's quite loud once you start to notice the sound and it really bugs me out. By now I even notice the sound when hearing music relatively loud compared to the game sound level (I have a pretty quiet master sound level, so I am always able to understand my teammates in Teamspeak during heated battle). It's also very noticeable when playing over my 2.1 system in the rare cases where I do solo runs without idling/chatting in teamspeak.


    The sound is not part of the in-game music but rather the ambient sounds which you cannot disable separately in the options. It's only present in Derelict missions (together with the "shipwreck" sounds, etc.).


    Not sure if someone can or will do something about it, but these are my 2c, thanks for your attention.

  5. We were able to stop the blackscreen by setting matchmaking to friends only and the guy with the blackscreens needs to be session host. Might relieve the pain a bit until a fix has been deployed. Good luck, Tenno (also disable DX11 and 64 bit if used).

  6. I was able to fix the problem for me after poking around a bit with compatibility settings, launcher.log and firewall rules.



    The Warframe launcher doesn't seem to be able to check correctly if all Firewall rules are set as intended.

    This triggers a UAC message with every launch which is used to re-set the firewall rules. This seems to either fail or misses a check.



    Delete all automatically created Windows Firewall rules manually so that the launcher can re-create them properly.


    Instructions: (mine are for Windows 8.1 but should work for Windows 7 as well)


    Open Windows Firewall settings (open Startmenu/press Win-Key and type "Firewall" and choose "Windows Firewall", press enter).

    Click on "Advanced Settings" to the left, accept UAC message.



    Click on "Inbound Rules", sort by Name and search for "Warframe".

    Select both entries and delete them by pressing "Del" key or choosing "Delete" on the right side.





    Click on "Outbound Rules", sort by Name and search for "Warframe" again.

    Select all 6 entries and delete them as well.





    Close all Firewall windows.


    Start Warframe, accept UAC message to re-set firewall rules.

    Close launcher and start it again.

    UAC should not show again and game can be started without admin rights again.


    Good luck!

  7. Same problem here. Started somewhere in December if I remember correctly.

    I need to accept the UAC message to be able to play. Running Windows 8.1 x64 and Warframe without Steam.



    Don't forget to set Warframe and Steam to be ran as administrator on their compatibility tab. If somehow the problem still persists (Windows Firewall sucks!), try to completely disable Windows Firewall and use other more configurable firewall programs.

    Why should I risk my computer security and data by running a whole shop+download system or a simple game permanently as administrator? If something requires admin rights without obvious reasons it's a straight uninstall for me.


    Beside the Windows Firewall is fine for the most part and covers everything basic users need from a local software firewall.

  8. Is it possible this is due to rushed code?


    I think it's more due to missing reflection on things made.

    If you work on the color correction stuff all day you might lose the great picture some times I would guess

    and you don't notice something like my screenshot anymore where a level is now almost pink.


    But this is just an guess, maybe it was their intention but I still think it's often not pleasing anymore.

  9. I took a break from Warframe for a while due to the lack of high level content which recently got filled.


    What I noticed is the ridiculous color tint on some maps.

    For some it's nice like the ice worlds, some are bad.


    Worst is on some Grineer maps which looks almost completely purple/pink o.O


    Screenshot from a Grineer defense:



    Does it look that strong on your configurations as well?



  10. I only get a crash in a this certain area where you can enter this hidden storage room through the long "vine" hole (with the 3 very hight "generator" poles"). It crashed 50% of the time when trying to crouch under the vine to enter the room and when I try to reconnect to the session it keeps crashing so I can't finish the map either.


    Beside we had the same problem with not beeing able to kill the last enemy in Exterminate.

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