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Posts posted by Fireflyness

  1. The woes of having a black hole as a pet...not all that photogenic but! Oh Mara my drowsy girl.

    OH NO, looks like Nef Anyo was truly chosen by the void and was transformed into some void monster! Dx
    As per cats go, materials include greedy milk carton painted with acrylics and a tralok tuna can.


    does anybody know what's the fine for counterfeiting credits?

  2. Well I searched around a bit but I don't think I saw anyone report this glitch. That and gineer sealab archwing on land tosses out too many irelevant search results.
    Was not sure if this belongs in general or mission section since it's a tileset glitch???

    The glitch:
    This tileset: (may happen on more tilesets but not sure) (With the mesa on the end and me at the bottom)

    How the glitch happens:
    1) Slide into the closed door in this tileset.

    What happens:

    2) Suddenly you will be submersed, see past the door and be in archwing mode.
    3) You can move back only a little and turn around.

    Moving back for 2-3 meters ejects you from archwing mode.
    4) You are able to use your archwing weapons on land.
    5) Other people have sucessfuly replicated the glitch so it's definitely a tileset glitch.

    Photographic reference in progress:

    glitch3.png  glitch4.pngglitch1.pngglitch5.pngglitch6.pngglitch2.pngglitch7.png

  3. Well I shall post some art I did thoughout the months heh.
    Hello I'm Fireflyness and here I will post all my fanart related to WF.

    Things I still wanna do:

    • sketches of in-game shenanigans with octavia that went through with my friends.
    • more feral kubrow art because I like feral kubrow.
    • one more sketch relating to the same event as with octavia but a short three panel comic strip.
    • no idea.


    So since the title states watercolour art, lets begin with a pencil drawing. he-ho!
    A mama kubrow with her babies in a kubrow den! The first ever fanart I did is ofc of the wildlife cause I'm mostly of a background where I drew animals and stuff.


    Then I actually tried to draw warframes and I was like. WHOAH SO EASY. The organic shapes weren't really that much of an issue. (I was also motivated to draw by my friend with whom I did a collab. (under spoilers, mentioned there)because we both would draw at the same time in the atelier)


    Also a small bonus sketch located behind octavia


    My excalibur on one of those frozen planets, the only way to combat is to wear and embarrasing pullower and a hat.

    Had to alter the image so much because the scanner ruined an already weak picture a bit. (the heat thingy/generator is on 'fire'?)



    -/- Quick square format doodles of warframes from memory. :clem:Memory on equinox was poor.  frost, and excalibur are fine! and when I tried to do rhino my brain melted. (so you know what awaits: No rhino)



    Bonnet or hood? Bonnet or hood?


    Bonnet of course!


    My nekros is hella pink and I adore him that way. So cute. The binds make him even cuter.


    Bonus sketch that was underneath of them_ harrow with waterlilly (The only small and thin kubrow I own)



    Now for legit art. (I have progress documentation of both artworks if anyone is curious about em.)

    Rose inspired Saryn

    I think I drew enough roses for a lifetime. But I was severely mistaken for the next artwork I started...was ten times worse. (I'm not a big fan of saryn's looks but spamming random colours and having a green-red thing pop up and not scream of 'christmas' made me realize how pretty she can be on her own)

    (watercolours + gold markers and white pen)


    The next thing, that was a torturous horror.

    This took a day longer to complete. Just because of the chains and me not wanting them be flat and lame. They are 3D and rotate every so often as they change direction. RinaDark12 wanted me to do it in his default colouring but I would have just encumbered myself more by trying to mix the same desaturated red-violet over and over again. Also I wanted to draw my ver. that I use in-game which I find verypretty on it's own.

    (watercolours + multiple gold markers and white pen)


    Scrapped sketches and other work that came with it. (drag to url bar for better view ofc)


    (sketch 1 was eh, sketch 2 was meeeeeh) (I erased both and seeing how i ruiend the paper just used it to carefully plan the pose on paper 3. Eventually settled for the bottom right corner doodle (row 3, second doodle was also good but didn't portray what I wanted)) (the last image is the final sketch, though I regret not maing him look at 'you' in the final image. I think I lost some more punch via it.)


    Spilermode fanart:


    This picture right here. Boy. First of all it was collaborated with RinaDark12 from the ps4! =D I'm from PC and we can't really paly together but we can draw our tenno together to compensate! I did the base sketch and she then fixed it and we both drew from there on all the little details and coloure it. (I'm still urging her to post her own fanart cause it's goooood)




    All my current pets. But ofc I was quick to add a new kavat. She has a non pudgy face and is ALSO yellow and cyan...Her name is spray.
    All my kavats are named after watery stuff. And only Guppy and Pimp are male. What luck I have haha. I never consinged any pet.
    Ramya was the first pet and I never matured her for combat.


    I will later update this with a closeup I did of Ramya's face.

    arfarf.jpg Turned Ramya into a crudely mouse-drawn icon that I currently use on certain sites.


    The first time playing Mesa with your vet friend that loves to paly Mesa.

    Guess which is mine.


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