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Posts posted by Ecnemalas

  1. Hi there!

    I usually do these on solo Lua extermination (attack Sentient scouts to get 2 Sentients to appear) with Loki.

    If you use Zenurik and some ability efficiency mods, you can be permanently invisible and take your time.

    Good luck!

  2. Interceptions are a bit confusing for solo players at the beginning. I got through those early planets solo with Frost and agree with the people commenting about him above.

    Since nobody suggested this, I recommend Loki (when you get to Neptune and can get him). Keep the invisibility up as much as possible, and even if you can't kill all the enemies, capture the points at the beginning ASAP, and then just follow the enemies and reclaim points as they leave. Works always, but especially well on that circular Grineer map.

    With a minimum of CC you should very rarely have 2 groups of enemies capturing different towers at the same time (seems like it happens on Jupiter a bit more often to me). You can also use radiation damage to make enemies fight each other and slow them down, while you run past them and recapture points. Get yourself an Amprex when you get to MR10, and you will be set for life.

  3. When in doubt, consult Wiki, but here is the gist of it:

    - find a Siphon (floating thingy with 4 tentacles-braids)

    - ignore enemies, or clear them up if they are irritating; I do these with invisible Loki, so I just leave them alone

    - wait for a braid to rise a bit and start vaccuuming

    - from the direction the braid is facing, a red and black cloud of Kuva will approach, making a distinct sound

    - shoot it with your amp (or Void Dash through it), that destroys a braid (if you fail this step and Kuva cloud reaches the Siphon, you get one red counter mark, get all marks and you fail)

    - repeat 3 more times,

    - finish original mission

    Hope it helps!


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  4. Neat answer above, let me tell you what worked for me. I literally never did a mission in a squad, and am at ~900h at this point.


    TL;DR - Loki and Octavia, properly modded weapons are at least as important.

    Starting Warframe does not matter much, with survivability mods and good weapons you can get pretty far.I chose Mag and I got as far as Uranus boss with little to no effort.

    Then you can for example backtrack to Ceres and farm Frost for defensive abilities, or push to Neptune and get Loki here. By this time you learn to parkour pretty well if you play solo.

    Ignore survivability, build Loki for duration and efficiency, and  enjoy running at full speed undetected pretty much permanently (with invisibility recast probably around every 30s with beginner mods). Now I use InvisibLoki for 99% of missions, including Sorties, as my Kitgun oneshots pretty much all mobs up to level 80-ish.

    Octavia makes survivals and mobile defences trivial, get her as well. That being said, trivial means you stand there and recast 2 abilities again and again. Easy =/= exciting.

    For efficiency, get those 2. The only content I don't do regularly are open world bosses, because they take me a bit of time, and my potato laptop likes to crash in 15+ minute missions. That's not a beginner content, you will have a lot of options by then. I also sometimes use Rhino, for example to grind for Khora in Sanctuary Onslaught. Then again, it was more dependent on my melee weapon than frame. Might as well have used Inaros or Nidus.

    With Loki and Octavia you will be easily able to do (almost) all content, and more importantly have access to (almost) all other frames to find what works for you best.

    Just remember to mix it up once in a while and have fun, that's the main point.





  5. Few things found literally last hour (v.25.0.4), all Ropalolyst-related:

    - in the huge elevator/container room, if you jump on a container that's very low, you can land outside map

    - Ropalolyst sometimes teleports to one of the generators when out of health in the last phase (attacks once, comes back, has to be hit again, then you can blast him with the laser),

    - Ropalolyst sometimes gets stuck at generator floor level for few attacks; even though it looks like it hits, if it's too low it can't charge the generator

    - continuous falling issue still exists, in my case when mis-jumping from main platform to wires leading to last generator (fell few times and was mercifully oneshot)



  6. I can't help but agree. It's something I wrote in the general feedback topic: Wolf (and other incoming seasonal bosses)  should be an opt-in encounter. For example coming for revenge if you caught the fugitives, but avoidable if you destroy their distress beacon (something like in Orb Vallis) or get out of its range, so using mechanics already present in game.

    I met him only 4 times while playing daily since the beginning, but caught dozens of fugitives. So, if those two events were connected, it's a higher encounter rate + no more threat to underprepared teams + players can ignore him if focused on other things/speedrunning.

    I hope I'll get that hammer when he finally settles down.

  7. I quite like your ideas! You are right, socialization is important. At the same time there are people in the Forum who look at the single players with almost disgust and dare to say that team challenges are for our own good and will help us in real life. Or openly complain that because of those challenges they had to carry new players. And that makes socializing and asking for help a little harder for some.

    I am a solo only player with 675 in-game hours, and nothing will change my mind about it. My rig and Net connection is weak, does it mean I am not supposed to play a great game? No. I don't want to socialize online, so I am a recluse? Also no. The game gets older and players with it. Many, including me, are pretty well functioning, working adults. We don't need additional online human connection, we want to have a break and we want to have fun.

    That being said, this is a game playable in a team, and it has a dev that wants it to be played that way. I am adamantly against the "with friends" challenges purely because in their current state they do not rely on skills. If I am able to do "5 sorties in a week" task solo for 5k standing, why am I deprived of the "1 sortie with a friend" prize? I do not envy the players being carried, I skipped a lot of tasks on my own, but it was my choice. I am also not saying team players don't deserve a prize. I don't want DE giving me candy, I want fair treatment. I am against players being locked out of something due to variables independent of them.

    I would be probably OK with the idea number 2, as long as the difference in points is not too big, but number 3 is the most appealing. Make something infinitely easier as a team, but still doable solo. Like kill X enemies in  one level 40+ survival, where solo players have much slower spawn rate, so they have to go longer. Or simply catch lots of fish in a small amount of time. Let the team players have easy spoils, and let the solo Tenno strategize and fight if they wish to do so. You will convince some to try playing in a squad without offending the others.

    So for those of you who are in the toaster league with me, those who were burned by community, those who simply stop to look at Warframe mission sky, I hope we can get some acknowledgement, but for all of us players, I hope for many successful challenges in Season 2.

  8. Hi everyone! I waited for the Devstream before I posted my opinion in case DE addressed the points I was going to make. They barely touched on the topic of Nightwave (and said nothing about Arbitrations), instead spending half of the time on cosmetics, so my opinion remained pretty much the same. I hope you find my feedback constructive.

    A little background: I am a solo player (mostly due to both my Internet and PC being what they are) with 670h of play time and I got to the rank 30 in about 8 weeks. Please remember that I am speaking for myself and as much as I sympathize, I can’t fully enter a new player/hardcore veteran mindset. Here is what I think about the Season 1.

    1. Daily/weekly missions:

    Missions should be skill-based.

    I am OK with Orb/Eidolon hunting tasks, even though I never killed one – it’s fine, I play solo/casual, can’t do them yet, I skipped those missions. I am not OK with missions with friends. I did the “5 sorties in 1 week” (skill) easily, but I couldn’t get the “1 sortie with a friend” (player independent) done. Some people are forced to solo for technical or personal reasons. I’ve seen posts on the Forum by people who physically lack coordination or have no social confidence, who play solo because of other’s criticism of their team play. It was the first time I was 100% locked out of content, and it did not feel good. Missions should be possible (not necessarily easy!) for everyone.

    More is more.

    Not the other way around. By introducing less missions, you will make people who can’t do them lose more standing per week. I get that it allows for faster catch-up system, but this is easily fixed by not making people do all the current tasks before you can catch up. Just make the old ones pop up in place of completed one by one. Also, if  there is stuff like Ayatans or Perfect Conservations every week, that some people find hard to complete, your version of catch-up may frustrate many players by forcing them to do these things. Some argue that you do these weekly tasks automatically, just by playing. Please remember that everyone likes to do something different. More missions every week with a weekly standing cap, rather than “you should be OK if you miss 35%”, would allow people to actually do what they like more often and reduce burnout.

    Standing amounts need more variation or missions have to be better adjusted.

    Killing 150 enemies does not equal deploying a glyph, and 1-hour survival does not equal five sorties in a week. Amounts need to be adjusted to difficulty of a task, and tasks have to be predetermined (more or less), to avoid past missions becoming worth much more or much less when you think back. Have the same amount of standing every week, but distribute it differently. Missions need to be ‘priced’ according to difficulty/time consumed/repeat numbers, and not in a rigid 1-3-5k way.

    Missions are too repetitive.

    I am not talking about “Complete 3 missions X”. I am talking about the same mission coming up every other week. Reducing 60 minute survival to 30 is pointless, difficulty was never an issue, as Nightwave is not new content (at least mission and mechanic-wise). Warframe is full of potential simple mission ideas, and I was very disappointed in the lack of variety. One of the ideas I had was to include riven unveiling-like missions. Not the “Headshot a Tusk Ballista while backflipping from a Dargyn five times in one day” kind, but there are so many I would rather do than three mobile defences, a.k.a. listen to Octavia’s 1&4 for 15 minutes. I have a more detailed idea for getting some standing the end of the post, please check it out and let me know what you think. The more variety, the more engaged your players will be.

    Timer. Please give us a timer for Season 2. I get that this was a test run, but PLEASE give us a timeframe next time. Not knowing how many weeks you have left is one of the top reasons of burnout and fear of missing out.

    2. The Wolf encounter.

    Wolf encounter probability is bad.

    The Wolf found me four times. Twice during week 4 or 5 (same day!), and twice this week. Once per 2,5 weeks on average, with me playing daily. My solution would be to make Wolf an optional miniboss. For example: you found Fugitives > you captured two > you get a message saying they deployed a distress beacon > you destroy the beacon (or get out of range) > continue mission OR you let it signal the Wolf and he arrives to help the Molotov Brothers. This accomplishes several things: higher spawn rate, no players complaining about being not geared, new players are able to ignore him. A player in a team destroying the beacon on their own may be an issue, but how is it worse than what we have now? I am sure you could find a workaround. Make the season’s Big Bad an opt-in encounter, not an RNG unicorn.

    Wolf is dumb like a bag of sand.

    Encounters 1 and 2: speedrunning Lith relic exterminations, Wolf spawns at level +/- 11. I am invisible (Loki). I empty a clip from 6-forma Amprex at point blank range in his face. Takes a full clip to kill him, but he does not even move. Even grunts in Warframe try to shoot at your last location if you are invisible and follow you if you use loud weapons. Thumpers and Dargyns have some kind of Orokin magic in them allowing to ignore your invisibility completely sometimes. Wolf just stands there and tanks. Encounter 3: leveling gear. Still the same blind Wolf (lv 38), with three irritating extras this time. Fighting with level 5 Pangolin Sword is obviously like sculpting marble with a feather, Amp does very little (2-2-2 gilded), I think I saw the health bar move after 15 shots or so. Decided to bail, Wolf does not follow, because blindness. Encounter 4: running Axi relics. Level 48 Wolf dead after 70 Catchmoon rounds (2 forma, no riven). Fight took 2-3 minutes, and consisted of me walking backwards in a circle while invisible, because this time he actually followed me. I let him attack me a little, and honestly it felt like the Molotov Brothers were out-damaging him. He has no interesting mechanics to him, he’s just a bullet sponge, which is not the same as difficulty! Make the Big Bad actually dangerous and unique!

    Lack of rewards.

    Wolf is known mostly for dropping Molten Impact (as he did twice for me), and that’s not OK. The fight is not rewarding at all considering how rare it is for most players. I get that he will be a permanent addition, but still. Why in the Clem’s name is he not dropping Wolf Creds? If I had a currency named after me, I’d never leave house without some. Make fighting the Big Bad actually worth our time!

    3. Rewards.

    Rank 1-30 rewards are pretty good.

    I liked the variety with some mods, some cosmetics. I loved the Kuva. Not much to say here. I would consider reducing the ranks to maybe 25 to reduce burnout and focus a little on the prestige system, but that’s a large, event dynamic-changing step. I was happy with the rewards, but also happy to be done with them.

    Prestige system is a joke.

    After I saw it I stopped caring and am actually not sure if I ranked up more than once since rank 30. I stopped doing Nightwave missions altogether, at least consciously. I check the missions on Monday, laugh, and do what I want, not Nora. My solution would be obviously to increase the reward, but also to add some variety. As I recommended earlier to put a cap on weekly standing, I’d remove it for prestige. I think 50 Wolf Creds would be much better, maybe in a Wolf Creds – Kuva – Endo sequence and something fun every 10 ranks. Maybe all 3 or a small booster? Remember people hoping that prestige would give the same rewards as ranks 1-30? Yeah. There is no point in doing the prestige system right now.

    Wolf Cred shop has no interesting items.

    Fortunately for current prestige system, there is nothing worthwhile in the shop. If someone played for more than 2 months and did not get the helmets before Nightwave, they probably do not care. I get that auras are nice, and new players need Nitain. I bought the decoration and as many catalysts as I could just not to waste the Creds. I would love either more unique cosmetics, or some kind of a currency exchange. I would, for example like to purchase void traces, as I am always low on those. Shop is mostly for new players (Which is OK! They need this stuff!), but Wolf Creds are pretty useless, at least for me.

    4. Lore.

    Nora who?

    Unless I missed something at the beginning, we just trust this person with pretty much no explanation. Her rants became a little repetitive after a while, but that doesn’t bother me much. I would love some physical introduction to the character. Like the Corpus raiding her radio station and us helping her relocate in a rescue-like mission. I feel no attachment to her.

    Wolf’s motivation.

    There are topics on the Forum already how his story is full of holes. Yes, we don’t know his full story (to quote Nora: “news to me too”), but why would he antagonize the Tenno? He is an escaped convict, and Tenno are people who in three days can destroy for example a Fomorian, that took months to build, while being extremely reluctant and complaining how easy it is all the time. Maybe it’s in Wisp’s lore, but I’d like an enemy with a plan.

    5. “Bounty Hunting +” system

    This is a draft of a proposal for Nightwave task, I’d love to see your feedback. It can be implemented as some capped standing per week or an alternative for catch-up system. The idea is to have few marked enemies every week and to get Season standing for killing some of them. Simply killing would not be very efficient though, unless you do it in a specific way. There would be a set of modifiers, looking for example like this (numbers of course to be discussed):

    Task:     kill 50 Bombards (200 standing)

    a) with a melee weapon (+100)

    b) with a polearm (+100)

    c) with cold damage (+100)

    d) in a lv. 40+ mission (+100)

    e) in one mission (+600)

    Modifiers have to be fulfilled in sequence, so killing 50 bombards with a primary weapon in 1 go will yield you only basic standing. So you can get from 200 to 1200 standing per repeat, as this is meant to be repeatable, but capped. The better you are, the less repeats necessary, but also the basic standing will be earned passively as you play and kill these enemies. Let me know if this is worth discussing here or in a separate topic.

    TL;DR: Playable, not 100% enjoyable. Needs a lot of work and will still never satisfy everyone. I think that overall it’s a large improvement over old alerts, at least for my caliber of a player. It left me hoping for upgrades rather than despairing over the flaws (of which there are many).

    • Like 1
  9. Someitmes you are just unlucky. I recently got suspended until 2035 for EULA violation, but got the account back 2-3 days after my ticket. I was completely innocent and as surprised as you, and the reason for ban was probably that my Warframe was crashing a lot. To quote DE support response: "Upon manual review of your account activity, there is some uncertainty as to why the ban was triggered. Typically, bans are triggered due to attempts to manipulate the game or player account, but there is a chance in this case that it is caused by a hardware error."

    I hope you still have forum access, the ban systems are probably separate, as I got locked out the forums day after game ban.

    So as long as you didn't do anything wrong, be patient and think positively. They just defend themselves from abusers and sometimes get false positives.


  10. Hi everyone! So this is a perspective of a solo/mid experience player (350 days).

    I feel like it could have been done much better. The idea is there, but the execution is not great.

    1. Rewards: 100 points is simply too much. I am at 42 right now and honestly a little fed up. Solution? Decrease number of fractures to close to 50, give an amalgam mod every 10 and Opticor at 50. The glyphs can be a reward for scanning the hidden data thingies, as right now I  have no motivation to look for them. I tried, even with the marked map, and still could not find anything in 3 of the supposed locations. I wonder how long would it take for enough players to scan the data if you didn't send out the hints to partners.

    2. Difficulty: there is none that warrants the warning on the announcement page. It's a bunch of mobile defences, extremely easy to solo with Octavia.

    3. Fracture locations: maybe there is already a map of possible locations, as they clearly recur in some cases, but boy is it painful the first few times to find any, especially on foot. I was hesitant to use Archwing at the beginning, as it usually crashes the game on PoE immediately, but somehow Fortuna must be much better optimized. However, some people with even weaker rigs than mine probably have problems with flying in Orb Vallis. Solution: after getting the coolant/closing a fracture you could get a transmission from Eudico that an "Emergency thermal scan is being performed, but oh no, Nef is jamming us, quick take note where the fractures are!" and the locations flash on the map for 5 seconds or so. You can even add a timer to get there to add a sense of urgency instead of a walking simulator.

    4. Repetition. Mobile defences. 14 4-fissure runs and some change for the Opticor. 60+ times the same mobile defence. Quite a long one at that, or at least it feels long. How about some variety: a fissure closes almost immediately, but canister is snatched by a large raknoid you have to capture, or a bunch of spiders explode from underground, throw you back, and you have a small horde extermination on your plate to reach the canister, or one of those irritating Jackal-types, a high level one, shows up for an assasination before you can proceed. There really is some room for variety, plus the difficulty can be increased easily with a non-defence mission. I guess we don't have the lore yet, but why can't the Corpus want to steal our canisters rahter than simply destroy them?

    I didn't really find any bugs, other than few Corpus melee fanatics ignoring my mallet and getting stuck in the fracture, hacking away at it quite effectively. Oh, and I agree with some people that said the fractures probably should cause heat damage.

    In conclusion: I get that you don't want us to rush the content, but this is not the main dish, right? People who want to challenge the next boss will still farm the resource from fractures, others just want a new shiny weapon. I feel like both groups would be happier with some variety and streamlining. Not handholding, just a little help in locating the fractures and maybe the data as well. Polish it a little before console release and you have a nice recurring world event.

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