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(XBOX)Muttz v2

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Posts posted by (XBOX)Muttz v2

  1. 53 minutes ago, SocialFox said:

    I see, so you're giving me pointy things now, to prove your point(s), touche, I accept, but hey, at least my feathers look better now


    Try doing that with umbral/sacrificial mods, I wasn't referring specifically to the primed version of those mods, but rather the unobtainable more than once version. it is literally impossible to have more than one Prime Fury/Vigor on your account due to the way those mods are rewarded, and no the regular ones are too low in mod level/stats when trying to use up mod capacity on a frame, which is where mod level adjustment comes in.

    And yes, the Umbral variants have their own non-umbral versions, but having more than one of the set equipped boosts them, and adds extra stats.

    I personally think replaying the quest should give a second copy of umbral mods, or hopefully there will be another umbral frame/quest in the near future. There are only a handfull of login reward mods and really buildcraft is working out the best use of what you have or can get and making it work.

    A wholesale way to change the ranking on any mod would affect there value in the market. At the moment vault runs are a easy way for new'ish players to farm something they can sell for 20 30 60 plat, it gives free to play players a chance. If those mods were considerabley devalued then not only would that mean less chances to farm plat but also more people would just buy them rather than farm them which devalues the whole top right corner of the starchart. Devaluing content is not something i want to see, giving players less to do? Really? Because 1 or 2 of a few peoples builds need a rank 9 prime fury? 

    I do understand how annoying it is when something just dont fit, but i personally work around it and make it work. Tbh ajustable mods wouldnt really affect me either way, i have multiples of every mod that can be farmed and i dont need to farm plat. But i do think its a step in the wrong direction for the game as a whole. However if owning one of a mod unlocked a way to get more copys of it, like you can get chroma parts from the santuary shop, i think that would be good.

  2. 22 hours ago, condimentking said:

    Nah, dude. Im MR23, and i had a clan member who is just MR8 and opening every star chart like a baws, and defeated every clan members' obstacle course time, and even genuinely know about the game mechanics .. .

    When i asked him why, he replies "I feel very comfortable with this, i can do everything, so i don't need to increase my MR ranks... ."

    Proof that so many Tennos have different colors, playstyles, and choices in the game.

    Period... .

    I watched a mr2 guy on mixer.. He was just putting his 7th forma on a lato. When he'd finished that he went to the void interception mission. No one joined him so he did 3 waves solo. Melted my head watchin that happen out of the blue. That was two years ago? Maybe longer.. I was mr16 then. Still am. Well over 3k hours into the game and really have no motivation at all to rank up.

    • Like 1
  3. 12 hours ago, DarkIcetower said:

    thx for the answer. It just dont really answer my quastion. 


    Maiming strike used to work on total crit chance, including any boost from bloodrush etc, now it just works off the base unmodded stat so its dogs dirt... R.I.P. MS. 

    Presure point (melee damage) or Condition overload is the debate now. PP give damage on first hit but CO can scale a lot higher with multiple status affects.

    Also Bloodrush or Sacrifical Steel?? My very quick watered down argument is PP & SS on slow heavy hitting weapons and CO & BR (Weaping Wounds) for faster weapons that can build combo and proc multiple status. 

    Oh small disclaimer, im on console so not on the same update as you at the moment, hence the vauge answer.. Please do more research before you reroll as there are many more ways to build and what was once meh can be godly now.

  4. 10 hours ago, (XB1)NoTownGhost said:

    Yep, I've got the widget...and update, just did another one and still no codes. RNGesus y u h8 me? I guess I can try recruiting a group, cus pubs tend to kill the kitties. Hopefully my first kitty will be a smeeta...cuz right now I only have my faithful kubrow and a handful of sentinels.

    Msg me when you have your dna and i'll sort you out with smeeta imprints... In fact just msg on xbl and i'll see if i can help you farm the dna.

    • Like 1
  5. 18 hours ago, (PS4)DaWhiteLight3 said:

    I was playing index with some players today and expected that I was the least experienced of them. What I did not expect was that it took me 2 minutes to kill one enemy in the index, while it took my teammates 10 seconds or less. I prefer melee and believe myself to be pro at it but I can't work with killing one enemy every 2 minutes. Is there a good way for me to increase my dmg by a lot or do I need to wait a bit until I reach other planets? I am currently equipped with boltor, dex furis, and dual skanas, but I can switch to the dual heat swords at any time. The mods I equipped are supposed to increase my damage but it is not working so far, any good tips or am I just impatient?

    Not sure of mastery requirements or what you have unlocked (or some spellings) but i hope this is of some help. 

    In the index mod weapons for radiation and i also mod for crit.

    Weapons I would use if restricted by mastery or just having things unlocked are Hek, Vectis, aklex, lex prime, kitgun catchmoon or any kitgun really. Zaw mewan built as pole/staff sepfhan as nikana or pole or zaw to taste.

    Try and carry atleast one lifesteal weapon, (mods) life strike, healing return, winds of puraty (furis augment) as when you start picking up points the debuff might make health a problem.

  6. 3 hours ago, Cryptonitor said:

      people that want to learn new things but cannot be bothered 

    Its a well known fact that animals (and obviously humans included) learn through play and i guess by default most people playing this game will learn something of the things you talk about just by playing.. But tbh with education you really get out of it what you put in. If someone wants to learn economics from a video game then good luck to them. Likewise learning a language while doing Mot.. Yeah I can see people getting distracted. 

    You also mention the exchange of plat for teaching services. Not only is this against the ToS of the game but would also be a taxable income in most countrys and if done internationaly... Well phases like money laundering and duty etc spring to mind. All in all i think this is not a workable plan.

    Well that was my free lesson in economics and international laws. Hope you learned something from it (free of charge).

    • Like 3
  7. 9 hours ago, RougeMagma said:

    Go for it and buy. It's your plat. Slots cannot be farmed. Plats only.

    Slots are normally in nightwave, so can be farmed if only very slowly.

    As for my advice as to what to spend it on... I wouldn't. 300 to 400 plat isn't a lot when some warframe bundles cost 600+ and 30 day boosters are 200p each... Theres 4 of them and you can't buy 2 of them. 

    Just play the game and have it there for when you need it. If you really want to just blow some then personally i would buy some veiled rivens to crack. It might be a total waste or you might get a meta g'roll. Either way its fun to do and no more of a waste than a frame you might not play much or cosmetics you might not wear. Colour pallets are something to consider. 

    If you really want a vaulted frame or weapon then first make sure its one you do want, find out its value, if its due to be nurfed/buffed/unvaulted etc and don't overpay.

  8. 4 hours ago, Zahnny said:

    I would love rank 10 Aura mods as much as the next guy however I feel it would severely devalue the need for Forma in builds. Don't get me wrong, Forma will still be hugely important but many builds would require less formaing to achieve the results most players are looking for.

    While I do think it's a bit unfair that Steel Charge has the highest amount of capacity for an Aura mod, I think it nullifies itself based on there being better Auras out there.

    With forma taking 24 hours to build and how many most builds need I would imagine its a good plat sink. Less need for forma means less profit for DE.

  9. 38 minutes ago, Almagnus1 said:

    I was explicitly referring to ODS [Orokin Derelict Survival].  For kavat DNA, you're better off using a different node in the Derelict, and if your'e seriously suggesting farming ODS for Nekros or the weapon parts.....  Then there's the vaults which work best having a key runner Rhino and using ODC [Orokin Derelict Capture] to rush the objective and find the door so the Rhino can unlock it, which makes the farm very efficient (and the other members can take keys if they wish to help speed things up).

    Taking a look at https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Orokin_Derelict#Rewards you are better off farming out the relics from other locations because it's just easier that way, the Mutalist Alad V coords are easier to get from Invasions, and there are far better options for gathering endo than the Derelict.  So are you really sure you actually know what you're talking about here?

    So you're making the assumption that all Ghost clans have 10 members, and that you can get the 10 members to spend like 2 hours each in ODS with a properly built out farming group so they can get the samples....

    Real life doesn't work like that, so you're going to have people that are going to slack off, or there's going to be clans with less than capacity, others that either don't want to recruit more people or the solo clans... which means it's going to take more samples per person than what you're suggesting it should be.  To better illustrate this point, here's a chart that shows how screwed you are depending on your clan size using the assumption everyone is contributing equally and each person is acquiring about 250 samples per hour:

    Players Samples/Person Est Time
    10 500 2hr 0min
    9 556 2hr 13min
    8 625 2hr 30min
    7 714 2hr 51min
    6 833 3hr 20min
    5 1000 4hr 0min
    4 1250 5hr 0min
    3 1667 6hr 40min
    2 2500 10hr 0min
    1 5000 20hr 0min

    I did the red one. It didn't take 20 hours, but even if it did and i only did 30 mins a day, i'd still get it done in about a month. 

  10. 8 hours ago, Almagnus1 said:

    It says 5k ingame for my clan with only me in it.

    But what your saying makes about as much sense as saying "I spent some time on the rack, so you should too".  5k mutagen samples (especially at the current sample drop rate WITH all the looting stuff) is going to be (at best) around 200-300 samples for an Octavia farming mission in for about a 40 mnin ODS (IIRC).    For a solo player... that's a very huge time investment, especially considering that the samples aren't available in the market - so you can't plat your way out of this.

    Also, saying "it is what it is so accept it" clearly isn't a good way to deal with pain points in a game, especially since Warframe is bleeding players (we're down to about a third of our MAU going by steam charts since Fortuna launched - which was our peak MAU).

    I wasn't sayin "spend time on the rack" just that its a grinding, farming game, they are a grind to farm but thats part of the game. Its a grind that really has very little affect on the game overall so really it matters not a fat lot when or if it gets done at all.

    I used nekros and it took about a week of defence in the derilict doin 2 or 3 hours a day.. so if i just did a hour a week it'd take about 2 months to do? Its been out how many years?

    I understand what your sayin about pain points.. But the hema grind isnt really painfull, its just takes a bit of effort. Unlike tryin to get coolent leak etc.

    • Like 1
  11. 30 minutes ago, SPplayer76 said:

    Yes, this research cost should be changed. These people coming out of the woodwork to defend it are out of their minds. A solo clan is still asked for 5k, and hiding behind this idealistic perfectly active "everyone contributes" clan example is laughable. People using that as defense need to stop looking at the cost "on paper" and open their eyes to the reality of the situation.

    Im quite sure the cost of the hema for solo clan was 3500 so i guess 5k are for the restores?

    I didnt come out of the woodwork to defend the restore cost. If im wrong and its 5k for the hema, im not defending that either, im just sayin thats what it is, so get over it. Thousands of other people have.

  12. 45 minutes ago, (PS4)AbBaNdOn_ said:

    My current lich is bramma so I can fuse it.  But all I see are requests to buy bramma im thinking about converting lol.   

    If you can sell it for more than you'd be willing to pay for it logic dictates you take the money and run. 

  13. 1 minute ago, (XB1)ashes of suvius said:

    i love the games themes, potential, and several other factors. i often hate the execution and many missed opportunities, as well as the trend of dismantling unique gamemodes for generic ones. its kinda like one of those "im not mad, just disappointed" things. 

    alot of it is that ive been here too long, seen too many promises from DE go unfulfilled, and seen too much of the potential i loved be squandered away.

    but this is why i take breaks. im glad u love the game. i just wish i could too. i used to.


    Oh dont get me wrong, i realise its a badly made mix of random and badly thought out ideas, but i see that as the challange. in a PvE game its not player v the game, its player v the devs who wrote the game. Learning how to cheese the hell outta a boss fight is the chalange, not the boss its self. 

    To be fair the game is a broken mess, and every time they fix something it just becomes a different kinda mess. No matter how they ballance it they miss something and working out how they messed up keeps me interested and giggling for days on end. I dont know another game like it, apart from maybe fo76 but that games too broken even for me. 

  14. 2 minutes ago, (XB1)ashes of suvius said:

    good on ya, mate lol. i dont understand how solo players keep playing honestly. i take months long breaks to not completely hate the experience n the only thing that brings me back in is my clan.

    I love the game.

  15. 1 minute ago, (XB1)ashes of suvius said:

    fair, but hey, at least u can get them in the event... which is probably why amps are stagger effing the operators trying to hunt eidolons.

    I wont be doing the event. Im a solo player, i soloed the starchart, soloed eddys etc, built my railjack, realised it was a heap of bs to try and solo so walked away. Also i play this game to be ninja, not starship pilot. There are hundreds of better flight sim games out there that i'd rather play than the buggy mess DE calls content. If its game breaking for me i'll give all my stuff away and leave.


  16. 5 minutes ago, (XB1)ashes of suvius said:

    quadruple post. lmao. u know in these here forums the normal thing to do is let someone respond before u repeat urself with the same argument, right? lmao. i kid, i kid.

    Sorry was thinking about having to grind out all my arcanes again... And again... And again...

  17. 8 minutes ago, Almagnus1 said:

    Which is why threads like this one are all the more necessary.  The more that we consistently point out grinds that are ludicrous outliers, the more likely we are to get some of the more stupid grinds fixed because not everyone should suffer through DE stupidity if it can be helped.


    At the time the hema was introduced there was a outcry about the grind. But within a few days clans had done the farm and unlocked the hema.

    Steve went on the dev stream and said something along the lines of.. We messed up, bit too harsh... But out of respect for those who have farmed it it will be stayin as is.  

    Tryin to get the hema changed is pointless. Using it as a example of how DE dont learn from there mistakes is valid.. But this thread isn't about cost of stuff in general, OP was askin why cant hema be changed if railjack was changed. The answer is because they ain't the same thing. By all means try and get DE to see sense about how stupid some grinds are, how the lack of rewards and RNG are soul destroying, use hema as a example of what not to do as Steve himself admitted.. But now, in 2020 the hema grind is historical, its the oddball, the exception that proves the rule. leave it as it is. If you cant be bothered getting it, then fair enough, dont.

  18. 49 minutes ago, Almagnus1 said:

    That's like saying "I worked hard for my railjack, you should have to pay the same costs as I did, don't devalue my hard work".  DE clearly didn't think so relating to the Railjack.

    Ok well i didnt work hard to get my railjack up. I had all i needed allready from just playing the game, well apart from some stuff i needed to mine from fortuna. Also Hema as has been pointed out isn't needed to open up a large portion of the game. 

    But aside from that trying to say that DE is consistent or even has a clue what its doing when it comes to grind, resources, rewards etc is just silly.

  19. 4 minutes ago, LSG501 said:

    . (note I do have sympathy for solo/duo clans but likely quicker to trade plat for them)


    I farmed them solo for my solo clan in a few days after work with Nekros while i had both boosters on but no smeeta. It should be even easyer now with smeetas and the like. 

    TBH i dont think the hema is worth the grind, its not that the grind is hard, its just that the hema isn't suited to todays meta. Health is easy to get so many other ways and as a weapon its really not much good. Really its just a clan status symbol, its says "hey look, we can be bothered." 

    If a clan cant be bothered to farm it, then your not really missing out... But OP dont be tryin to devalue my hard work. I worked for that useless piece of junk, you can do the same.



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