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Posts posted by Dimzor

  1. Apart from other stuff others have posted, what I really found disturbing in the new system (running with everything on high and Ludicrous particles) is:

    1) Warframes seem to tremble in arsenal screen (tried with lower settings too). 

    2) Shadows and particles (lightning etc) of decorations visible below the ground they are on, in Dojo.

    3) Contrast and light have been tweaked in a weird way in Dojo specifically, looked like someone raised contrast to 70 instead of 50 (In old contrast value). Tried changing my graphics settings, no change.

    I really tried to upload my screenshots but after half an hour of searching how to, I gave up.

  2. I am running with 128% dur, 75% eff, 235% range, 209% Str.

    1) Well Sporing a target was never our best way to go as Saryn, because another player may kill it at the time of cast, wasting our energy, therefore we preferred Sporing our Molts..

    2) Molt has no timer on it (bottom right) but only the upper right and shows no health bar whatsoever when you hover your cursor on it.

    3) As some already mentioned spores spread weirdly and what happened to me several times is that they get stuck in the "press again to explode" state, requiring death-self ressurect  tactic to debug.

    4) Feels like Spore-Spreading needs some help if the "no sporing your molt" remains, the damage is way better though.

    5) As of this new Spores breaking armor, there goes our Naramon Polarity Aura, another forma wasted due to such changes.

  3. 50 minutes ago, sushidubya said:

    As a former Ash main...


    I've moved onto other frames, so it's not a biggie to me...  (I play frames mostly for looks, because I enjoy guns and swords more than casting anyways.)  HOWEVER...  If I'm going to use a reticule to mark targets for bladestorm why wouldn't I just shoot them instead?  LMAO.

    Sorry DE...  This one was half baked...  =/


    5 minutes ago, Racter said:

    Whelp, Bladestorm is completely useless now. This is far, far too slow to use in a public game ever, and even in private why would I bother with this over just killing them with regular weapons, faster, with no energy cost?

    Ahem, creative feedback.. If you hate a rework don't just post "I dont like it or this is not efficient why should I use it?" post what you don't like in detail to be an actual feedback like many others did with Ash's rework. This IS a thread about Ash's rework feedback after all.

  4. Well from page 1 till the ending of posts, there is already lots of feedback, perhaps enough for a rework of the rework, but I have a general question which comes up due to Ash's rework. Is a warframe all about his ulti? Think for a second when you are playing a warframe in a tough mission, especially Ash, do you actually use Shuriken to kill an elite unit? I don't, usually its just Bladestorm. Like people suggested, rework shuriken as well and make it a more usable and a more reliable ability.

  5. 21 hours ago, Xylyssa said:

    As a solo Saryn, I can't do anything without dying. My abilities cost TOO much energy, you are required to press all her abilities consecutively to even get a minuscule payoff. Her health and armor is laughable as she can be one shot by almost anything. She is still slow and cumbersome. Her Molt works SOMETIMES as a distraction and the only redeeming factor about her is Viral, which again takes up almost your entire energy pool to get off once.

    Can you PLEASE take a second look at her rework finally?

    The only time I see Saryns is in relays to look good or in Defense missions hiding in an enemy spawn spamming all her abilities in the corner with max range most likely using a Simulor. She isn't fun. She can't survive half as good as even some of the trashier frames, not to mention to even have a slim chance of survival you are REQUIRED to have Regenerative Molt, Energy Restores, and Naramon:Shadow Step. She has too many prerequisites to her payoffs and only fits one style of play: Viral Debuffer & Trinity Lover.

    She is still by far the worst rework done so far.


    At least, can someone give me a good end-game Solo build for her? Nothing I mod onto her works.

    I will never stop my crusade against her rework. Pressing 4 to win is bad, but Pressing 2-1-3-4 in the exact order EVERY TIME is worse and more importantly not fun. Please for the love of Lotus redo her rework.

    As I am sure many others will reply to you and suggest builds and such. Please don't say Saryn needs rework.. Saryn prime has high armor, high energy, her abilities are all awesome and she is like one of the most OP warframes atm.. There are other warframes that are begging to get reworked and seriously need it!

  6. Further testing going on... All things mentioned but really need to say again that marks should be changed, can't really see how many times a target is marked until you are like hugging distance. Changing it to smt visible next to target name or health bar, like black outline, red center DOT next to its name, with 3 dots making 3 times marked would be way better. Just suggesting smt like that would actually help.

  7. 7 minutes ago, Tesseract7777 said:

    While everyone is complaining about not hitting enemies through walls, or having to manually mark and taking a lot longer, I am more concerned with the fact that Ash seems to have gotten a rather sizeable energy nerf for Bladestorm. 

    Yeah, you can get refunded if your squad mate kills the enemy, but let's just compare it to regular bladestorm. 

    The old Bladestorm cost 100 energy to cast and could attack up to 17 times. That is roughly 5.9 energy cost per time that Ash attacks during Bladestorm. 

    With the new Bladestorm, every mark (which is every attack once you press four again) costs fifteen energy. This is almost 10 more energy per attack than it used to cost to do a single Bladestorm attack with Ash when efficiently going after a large group of mobs. Not only is it almost 10 more energy, it is almost THREE TIMES as much energy cost as before for a single attack using Bladestorm. 

    This is the real nerf. The marking system already slows us down (although the skill did need to be interactive somehow, and I can't exactly think of a better way that wouldn't be way too OP), but this was not necessary. Nerfing the energy for Ash into the ground, especially when he is now going to rely way more on duration, especially when he has a pretty small energy pool compared to most frames to begin with. 

    I saw the primetime where Rebecca was talking about Ash being able to just keep marking enemies forever if he had more energy from EV/orbs/pads/etc. and how this might not last. The sad thing is they made the energy cost too high, and still left it exploitable in the first place! 

    The energy cost per mark is way too high, it is 3x what it used to be almost, and that is not okay. Stop people from exploiting Bladestorm by marking enemies forever, but also do bring the cost down to something reasonable. 

    At the very, very, very least, marking an enemy multiple times should be less energy per mark. 


    Edit: Oh and I would add, they allow us to only use 10 energy per mark if we are invisible, as if that is somehow a bonus, when it is a major nerf on top of bladestorm now being wayt slower and clunkier. But 10 energy per mark isn't a bonus! That is still almost twice as much as it used to cost to mark a single enemy on average! It is still a major nerf! 

    Actually some people mentioned the energy efficiency of bladestorm now going to hell, but you are going into much more detail :)  Requiring Duration and Efficiency at same time, while Bladestorm depends heavily on Power Str and still need Range.. Well doesn't leave you with many choices.. no Survivability mods now on, high risk builds ftw..

  8. 7 minutes ago, Celetille said:

    I wrote it exactly how it plays.
    1 mark = Ash teleports in and does the animation just how it was before.
    3 marks on 1 target = Ash teleports in and does the animation. You return to your previous location and the other 2 marks are executed by your clones.
    3 marks each on multiple targets = Ash teleports in and does the bladestorm attack on the first enemy and then proceeds to do the bladestorm animation once for each enemy. The clones take care of the other marks. In the end, you will return to your position and the clones will be finishing up the last 3 enemies' marks.

    Suggestion: To alleviate waiting time, every enemy hit with bladestorm speeds up Ash's animations on all subsequent targets. Clone speed is not affected.

    I was about to post another reply saying that about how marks and clones work. I've come to understand that after a while. Your suggestion seems nice to me, having Ash's own animation time lower with more marks, would definetily help. Rework also help us avoid the annoying "Endless attacks on elite unit while whole squad can't attack and sit watching enemy get tortured to death". Also got to do something about Marks.. Can't really expect players to see those little faded marks above targets in the midst of battle.. Maybe next to enemy health bar like or something like that would help.

  9. 16 minutes ago, Dimzor said:

    I immediately ran to simulacrum with zenurik maxed energy regen, 229% power str, 145% power range, 135% power eff and 100% dur. Sure new bladestorm is more interactive and different but:

    1) Not viable in 4man squads with lots of enemies because there is no time and Ash is no tank to mark around targets.

    2)You struggled in the past to fix the animation time and now you ruined it again.. There are no clones to help as of now, making 10marks really really long animation..

    3)Damage increase sure is nice, if the animation was shorter then could actually consider it if not a nurf, same output as an ability just different.

    4) Compared to old Bladestorm, you actually need visual contact, making it hard on a lot of tilesets due to objects (small or big) interefering or enemies on different height (Stairs or mini-floors)

    In the end, despite using exactly same build as before, after testing a while and getting the hang of it, you really need to use it in conjuction with smoke bomb, which has low duration even if boosted with mods (actually tried with 280%dur). Compared to loki's Invisibility smoke bomb is lower duration and now its almost a "must" to use it to mark targets both for energy efficiency and survivability. Making Bladestorm kinda get boosted by smoke bomb was nice, but the result after this rework is that bladestorm just got nurfed. Harder to use both in solo and public, higher dmg but more energy consumptive, less survivability, animation time needs fixing (like "if marks less than 5, no clone, if marks 5-10, 2clones and so on up to 4clones" perhaps something like that..) or perhaps make bladestorm spawn clones that attack the targets instead of Ash himself. Hope my post actually helps.

    Correction, don't really know how many clones spawn now depending on marks, noticed them, but still animation time too long and if "marking time" added, whole ability time is like half a minute.

  10. I immediately ran to simulacrum with zenurik maxed energy regen, 229% power str, 145% power range, 135% power eff and 100% dur. Sure new bladestorm is more interactive and different but:

    1) Not viable in 4man squads with lots of enemies because there is no time and Ash is no tank to mark around targets.

    2)You struggled in the past to fix the animation time and now you ruined it again.. There are no clones to help as of now, making 10marks really really long animation..

    3)Damage increase sure is nice, if the animation was shorter then could actually consider it if not a nurf, same output as an ability just different.

    4) Compared to old Bladestorm, you actually need visual contact, making it hard on a lot of tilesets due to objects (small or big) interefering or enemies on different height (Stairs or mini-floors)

    In the end, despite using exactly same build as before, after testing a while and getting the hang of it, you really need to use it in conjuction with smoke bomb, which has low duration even if boosted with mods (actually tried with 280%dur). Compared to loki's Invisibility smoke bomb is lower duration and now its almost a "must" to use it to mark targets both for energy efficiency and survivability. Making Bladestorm kinda get boosted by smoke bomb was nice, but the result after this rework is that bladestorm just got nurfed. Harder to use both in solo and public, higher dmg but more energy consumptive, less survivability, animation time needs fixing (like "if marks less than 5, no clone, if marks 5-10, 2clones and so on up to 4clones" perhaps something like that..) or perhaps make bladestorm spawn clones that attack the targets instead of Ash himself. Hope my post actually helps.

  11. That's not what I said. I said "like" so I can show what I mean, by comparing to Wikia. Doesn't have to be copy/paste or anything like that. Just giving an idea of an improvement, which I'm sure a lot of people have thought of.


  12. Well, how many times have I visited Warframe Wikia to read in detail about a Warframe Ability, how a special weapon works or some mods?.. Countless... It would be nice apart from that nice short text (in abilities mostly), to have a different page or an option to see more in detail. Sure it has become a little better compared to the past where you saw almost nothing and had to figure out the ability completely on your own, but new more complex abilities are out compared to 3 years back... So I'm pretty much suggesting something like Warframe Wikia page (at least for abilities). I believe it would help a lot new players as they barely know stuff, so more detail means more knowledge and further understanding of your warframe or weapons and maybe some mods too. Of course it would be nice and convenient for all players and also make the game more independent and not force us to visit internet for every little detail. Some of course will say : "You should experiment and explore stuff on your own" or whatever, still I've played lots of games (MMO or not) and knowing more doesn't make you an imba player, just giving you a clear goal and understanding of your capabilities. In short,I believe it would make Warframe a better game.

  13. So I was crafting a Mutagen Mass and it had a rush cost of 15platinum, on the contrary its market cost is 10platinum, which begs the question, why would I use mats and rush it for 15p when I can instantly buy for 10p? The Rush Cost is unreasonable. I didn't check if this is the same for detonite injectors and fieldrons too, but their Market prices are 10p as well, so it probably is. (I know that people don't really craft and farm invasions so don't reply me with smt like "why craft when you can farm for free" thank you)

  14. I pick lets say the B color set and when I enter mission it goes back to A or maybe default sometimes. This started today with the update. Colors even changed when the game refreshed after staying for longer to defend in a Defense Mission.

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