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Posts posted by RowdyBenzo

  1. Was confused also how to progress the quest after the 1st circle then being told to talk to Konzu.  After I built and claimed my first component (chassis) I went back out into the plains at night and Nakak started talking and I was able to touch the 2nd circle.  Rinse repeat with next component (systems) and got the 3rd circle and Revenant was summoned then got the BP.  Very manipulative way to entice you to spend plat to rush the components so u can get the quest done during night and not have to wait a few more hours for day cycle to complete it and obtain the BP..."I see you DE"

  2. This is happening to me as well.  Noticed you are using Shade...I use Prisma Shade companion often maybe it's a Shade bug?  I know the warframe head disappearing bug is still a thing with Shade

  3. Same!  Got on here to post (complain)  but I'll just add to yours...literally just got done with the 5th ESO mission in a row that dc'd the host then left us all in host migration please wait screen indefinitely forcing a restart. Other players i was matched with were saying they've been having same issues all night as well. Did it last night also but only about 3 times then I finally was able to finish a few to get my focus but tonight can't finish a single one have wasted the past 3 hrs for absolutely nothing.

  4. When shooting my primary I won't be able to reload and after emptying the magazine it won't auto reload either.  Sometimes during this glitch my character will pull his melee weapon out while shooting and hold it out straight in front of him, doesn't hold it like a normal melee weapon in agile stance either, but like he's handing it to somebody.  I can continue to shoot until the magazine is out making for some awkward looking animations but when it's out I can't do anything not even melee. I have to swap to secondary then back to primary to be able to reload.  Ran a mission with primary  and melee weapon only and still occurred but made it worst because I didn't have a secondary to swap back n forth to had to push swap to melee binding then back to be able to reload.  Very annoying have to flee from enemies to avoid dying all the time because my frame randomly stops shooting and holds his melee weapon out trying to show the grineer how cool it is.  

  5. This was my exact situation his last visit.  Had just ranked to MR 13 before he arrived so I went to visit him and then....disappointment!!!  No way possible to have reached rank 14 over course of the weekend even if I no-lifed it with a booster still would be tough. I've purchased the tennocon digital pack for the relay key as I need some primed mods still so hopefully he'll bring the supra with him then.  Idea to be able to purchase blueprints and not craft them until reaching required MR would be fair but just isn't the way it is

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