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Posts posted by Kaos88

  1. >Implying that good mods make you a good player

    >Implying the market is saturated with max rank mods for cheap

    You must also feel that an Unusual makes you a good TF2 Player

    Being maxed Prestige makes you good at CoD



    This whole thread




    Hats don't change stats / prestige doesn't change stats. Max mods sure as hell changes stats.

    Also have u seen some of the prices of TF2 hats? That crap is ridiculous but if they wanted to add cosmetic stuff like that in the game then sure put it in, it doesn't affect me I will just ignore it the same way I did in TF2, but if TF2 had 'Rocket launcher Hale own Rank 10 2x damage' then I would have a problem with it.


    Any player can still max out a mod without paying.

    They're paying to save time.


    should I tell you now that I maxed them with what 2 30min runs at Egate gave me?

    (well, except heavy caliber, but level 7 is nice level for a first fusion)

    So u ranked a lvl 10 mod in 1 hour. Simply talking bullS#&$ there my friend.

  3. I think most people complaining that trading is Pay to win clearly have no idea what real pay to win is.


    Is it a straight upgrade that can only be obtained by paying?

    If yes: Pay to win.

    If no: Not Pay to win.

    It's not just that at all. It's when a feature gives TOO MUCH of a advantage and time saving which can also be considered pay to win to a extent it can ruin the game. It's not set in stone what pay to win means seeing as it's not in the dictionary and can mean a lot of things.

  4. First question regarding your reasoning is p2w for who?? Being able to sell bunch of mods you wont ever bother to use or just another for some plat is a blessing for "older" players. Theres nothing wrong with selling mods as long as someone is wlling to pay for them and that money just doesnt disappear. At beginning of game you will need lots of mods but as game progresses you will want more and more catalysts and maybe some cosmetic stuff or youre just lazy and dont want to farm frame, DE gave option to do so without buying plat and without hurting economy. If you ask me this system is far superior to do doing polls for a slight chance to not be cheated. 

    Only problem i see with this system is that it would be better just to put it as auction house to reduce spam and increase availability. Oh and ofc option to trade bps and parts. 

    Spare mods or mods you have picked up from farming or simply don't use, sure, sell them for a bit of plat. But last I checked u don't randomly rank up a mod u don't use to rank 10 then sell it and doing so isn't just a friendly un-needed mod trading. This will in fact in courage farmers to farm mods to sell for plat to then sell to players for under the price of DE. Has no1 ever played a MMO before? Not to mention it's a free to play game too so they can make as many accounts as they want.

  5. I see you're trying to save face by pretending you mean something you don't.


    People have known trading is coming. Some people have PURPOSELY farmed for things JUST to trade them. One guy I bought from explained he had over 40 of the rare mod in question, just because he'd been power-farming it in anticipation of this. The guy is going to get a ton of plat. He worked for it. A lot of other people did too.


    It's absurd for you be dismissing all of the efforts because "OH NO, SPENDING ENOUGH MONEY MEANS YOU CAN OWN ALL THE MODS IN HOUR 1!" I don't see how that's actually bad. If someone *wants* to spend that much money on the game, more power to them. The rest of us should be grateful for their donation to the cause.


    As far as "having a goal", mine is "having fun". I enjoy running around with crazy ninja flips and wiping out groups of enemies with oddball tactics. I like finding secrets(even if I've been there before a dozen times), trying to loot every container in a map, trying to battle endless waves for survival.


    I'm not playing for some manufactured "MUST HAVE IT" mod list or item list, but that's *exactly* what you've said the ONLY point of the game is(several times now), and there is NO "twisting" of words to pull it off.


    You don't want to play the game, you want to collect the mods, and playing the game is just an annoyance on your way to getting them all. If you actually found the game itself to be "fun", you wouldn't CARE how many mods you have, beyond what power they grant you. Again, no twisting at all here, just straight up what you yourself have said.


    If "that's not what you meant", sorry, but that's EXACTLY what you keep saying over and over and over. So, really, if the game is just the annoying interlude between you and your mod collection, why play?


    We ALL know the "point of the thread": You don't actually enjoy playing the game, and you just lost the macguffin keeping you here, so you want to have a big dramatic cryfest to try and convince people that the macguffin should be restored by removing the ability to obtain it, because you've spent so much effort paying and playing for that reason alone that you now feel incredibly stupid, and that makes you angry.


    You can try and spin it any way you want, but that's the long and short of it.

    Again trying to tell ME the reason I play the game and what Im thinking. The reason I play the game is ofc for fun too O_o how would it be for anything else? But what also makes it fun is the accomplishment of getting there? I don't say anywhere I like to collect all the mods. I also didn't say I don't like trading of rare mods, if u would of read my other posts u would of seen I don't mind the trading of rare mods so much, I care about trading high ranks of the mods.


    Who is spinning anything? It's not that hard to grasp. I don't like the fact some1 can get 200+ hours of work in a blink of a eye. That in my eyes is for sure pay to win. If it was some1 who just started, buying all the rare mods but rank 0. He has no boring mod farming to do but at least has to work for his power from the mods. The fact is u can get waay too much progression for real money, which ruins the game. If you disagree so be it. I for sure think you can get waay too much! Like I said before if DE themselves added OP lvling up items like 5 times forma a wep to 30 item. People sure as hell would be complaining about pay to win. But because it's players doing it, it's fine.

  6. I got Quick thinking, Heavy caliber and Berserker with trading, after I've spent WAY too much time farming for them with 0 success.

    and there is nothing wrong with it!  

    I've put my fair share of time trying to get them as a drop, enough to say "thank f*** god! I can buy it now".

    did I payed to win? nope, I just rused my way to the mods I've needed while also giving someone plat, which I assume its something they needed.

    Again, Its the MAX RANK! mods im talking about!

  7. The argument here is not should we allow  "time for money" it's the fact u are getting far too much progression for money. Credit boosters and exp boosters help, but they are not game breaking and pay to win. They are a helping hand. But if there was a item which u could buy which if bought makes any item or warframe 0 - 30 would u not call that pay to win? ( I mean u can do it eventually right ) or if u could buy a item which formaed your items 5 times for you and lvl to 30? is that not pay to win? It can be done eventually? ( in fact, lvling a mod still takes longer? ) The point is, lvling up a mod takes soo much time and effort, it should not be so easily sold.


    Im not saying don't sell mods and by pass the farming for it ( some would even argue this is pay to win to some extent considering how long some mods take to farm ). Im saying you shouldn't be able to have a max rank version of it. Or as some1 already said. lvl for lvl rank 10 for rank 10 ect.

  8. The argument here is not should we allow  "time for money" it's the fact u are getting far too much progression for money. Credit boosters and exp boosters help, but they are not game breaking and pay to win. They are a helping hand. But if there was a item which u could buy which if bought makes any item or warframe 0 - 30 would u not call that pay to win? ( I mean u can do it eventually right ) or if u could buy a item which formaed your items 5 times for you and lvl to 30? is that not pay to win? It can be done eventually? ( in fact, lvling a mod still takes longer? ) The point is, lvling up a mod takes soo much time and effort, it should not be so easily sold.


    Im not saying don't sell mods and by pass the farming for it ( some would even argue this is pay to win to some extent considering how long some mods take to farm ). Im saying you shouldn't be able to have a max rank version of it. Or as some1 already said. lvl for lvl rank 10 for rank 10 ect.

  9. The way I see it, buying a ranked mod for platinum equals paying someone for doing you a service that would've taken you a lot of time and effort that you might not have had fun with. Also keep in mind that there isn't really a pay to win since PvP in Warframe is mostly for fun and giggles at best.


    I myself decided to buy that one mod I had been farming for days on end without ever dropping because I got sick of doing the same thing over and over again. Once the market stabilizes, things should be just fine.

    Buying the mod is fine, because farming for it is boring as F***. But lvling it is something every1 can do and should have to do so u are not getting a completely free ride.

  10. I like how nobody here talks about selling.




    Well... what about those people who ground to get an r10 serration, and then sold it to buy the colors they always wanted, or some syandanas or more slots or whatnot? People aren't just going "Oh, platinum is shiny." and surely you haven't "won" the game by purchasing things you can grind for. After all, shouldn't the people selling them to you have quit already, since they had to have "won" to get the item they're selling you?


    Next question: So you were always planning on quitting? I mean, you say that grinding was the only point. So, what if you got lucky one day, and got all the things you ground for? Or you just got them on the regular percent chances they'll drop? Then what? You'd write a post whining about how the RNG is forcing you to quit by giving you what you want? Yell about the need for more content? Sob piteously, "WHY MUST I HAVE MODS?"


    Better question: What's the point? Why grind for these things to begin with? If you've no intention of using them(you quit as soon as you've got them all), why do you even want them? A sense of completion from collecting all the stuff? Why not just pretend you got them, quit now, and save yourself the aggravation? I mean, it MUST be aggravation, right? If the only point of playing is to get the rare drop, and you don't actually CARE about the rare drop, you just want it, every single kill that doesn't drop it is, "somewhere in the back of your mind", a complete and utter failure.


    So your whole theory, then, is frustration if you don't get what you want, and disillusionment if you do. Why are you playing this game to begin with? o.0


    I'd find a different reason to play, or just stop playing, without the theatrics of "OMG, THE TRADING SYSTEM WE DEMANDED MUST GO AWAY!"

    I see you've tried to look clever by twisting everything I have said, because surely deep down u knew the point of the thread and what I was getting at?


    The ppl selling have not got all the mods they just see quick plat and go straight towards it. The point of playing is to have a sense of accomplishment by way of progression of your character, which can't be by passed with anything other than time spend on the game.

    That has been taken out of the game by giving every1 access to end game content just by buying a bit of plat. Technically a rank 1 who has played for a hour can have a maxed out warframe and mods for there weps ect just by paying the right price. when before that was simply impossible to do before this.


    Intention of quitting? what are u talking about? It's simply a reality if u are playing a game with no challenge or anything else to work for u will eventually quit. Im rank 13 myself and have more than enough platinum, so Im not just *@##$ing at higher ranked ppl who can afford it. Im talking about people now not having to play the game and put the hours so many ppl have put into this game to get something which is suppose to be end game content. ( Pay to win )


    Im not saying don't let ppl sell there mods. There are plenty of mods ppl need ( Split chamber / hells chamber / Flow the list goes on ) so they can get there plat in other ways but ranking them up is something which should be worked for. Personally I would rather full weapons and parts trading be enabled rather then the current state of trading atm.

  11. I know there is a few thread about this already, but I think this trading is becoming just ridiculous. It's took all the challenge and sense of achievement from the game. I was so pleased getting my serration to rank 10 back in the day and with all my rank 10 things as it takes SOOO damn long!! now u are seeing ppl sell there rank 10 things for less than 100 plat.


    1 guy selling Rank 10 Blind rage / Rank 8 Narrow minded and Quick thinking for 200 plat for the lot.

    1st of all I don't think these ppl realise how much time that takes and just have plat in there eyes. what are they really going to get for 200 plat which is better than all those mods?? O_o I don't get it!


    Im really not liking this trading what so ever, when I wasn't that much against it before tbh. But what happened to only being able to trade rank 0 mods or if it does have a rank on it, it will be set to 0 if u trade it? I would of been 'alright' with that.


    The only thing keeping me playing this game is the thrill of improving myself. There is a crap load of grinding too, but im willing to do that because I know every1 else has to do it. But now with the trading there is no need to and I have doubts myself. I now find myself thinking hmmm what's the point in grinding when I have the plat to buy what I want? ( essentially saying why am I playing the game ) so im not enjoying the grinding now with that in the back of my mind. But what if I do go ahead and buy them with plat? I will have everything I want, then have nothing to work for, so what next? only thing left is quit the game, you've won? surely?

  12. I know there is a few thread about this already, but I think this trading is becoming just ridiculous. It's took all the challenge and sense of achievement from the game. I was so pleased getting my serration to rank 10 back in the day and with all my rank 10 things as it takes SOOO damn long!! now u are seeing ppl sell there rank 10 things for less than 100 plat.


    1 guy selling Rank 10 Blind rage / Rank 8 Narrow minded and Quick thinking for 200 plat for the lot.

    1st of all I don't think these ppl realise how much time that takes and just have plat in there eyes. what are they really going to get for 200 plat which is better than all those mods?? O_o I don't get it!


    Im really not liking this trading what so ever, when I wasn't that much against it before tbh. But what happened to only being able to trade rank 0 mods or if it does have a rank on it, it will be set to 0 if u trade it? I would of been 'alright' with that.


    The only thing keeping me playing this game is the thrill of improving myself. There is a crap load of grinding too, but im willing to do that because I know every1 else has to do it. But now with the trading there is no need to and I have doubts myself. I now find myself thinking hmmm what's the point in grinding when I have the plat to buy what I want? ( essentially saying why am I playing the game ) so im not enjoying the grinding now with that in the back of my mind. But what if I do go ahead and buy them with plat? I will have everything I want, then have nothing to work for, so what next? only thing left is quit the game, you've won? surely?

  13. It seems my account is bugged. When ever I log off and then log back in all my settings are back to default.

    Also when ever I change my settings back, my screen freezes for 10+ seconds before it finishes. This includes Building and receiving items from the Foundry. To changing my FOV or turning bloom off ect ( every setting change )


    Also when changing any setting while in a lobby or in-game. This will cause me to disconnect from the players in my lobby or in-game and every1 else on the server to be put back onto the menu.


    At 1st I thought it was my PC messing up. But I logged into my brothers account on my PC with no problems what so ever.

    Do u know what could be causing this? Thanks in advance.

  14. Tbh the main reason I started playing this game was because I typed in cross-platform games and this game came up. None of my IRL friends play on PC they are console gamer, so I thought FINALLY! there is a game I can play with them and it was promised very early on. Now I have put almost 500 hours and real money into the game for them to turn to around and say "Oh sorry that can't happen anymore" WTF :O I don't care about late patches and hotfixes, are u serious, a few days difference for a huge player base boost and having all your friends playing in 1 place. Some of you guys are sounding ridiculous and just being elitists when the benefits are huge.


    The cross-platform will be the only thing stopping me from going to The division when it comes. If im not going to able to play with friends on either I might as well pick The Division. Very disappointing.

  15. Tbh the main reason I started playing this game was because I typed in cross-platform games and this game came up. None of my IRL friends play on PC they are console gamer, so I thought FINALLY! there is a game I can play with them and it was promised very early on. Now I have put almost 500 hours and real money into the game for them to turn to around and say "Oh sorry that can't happen anymore" WTF :O I don't care about late patches and hotfixes, are u serious,a few days difference for a huge player base boost and having all your friends playing in 1 place. Some of you guys are sounding ridiculous and just being elitists when the benefits are huge.


    The cross-platform will be the only thing stopping me from going to The division when it comes. If im not going to able to play with friends on either I might as well pick The Division. Very disappointing.

  16. I personally don't care about the 5 mission battle rewards. They can all be gotten in different ways or bought.


    But having a reward depending on which side you chose is ridiculous, as it's just a numbers game nothing to do with averages or anything. So even though the people who went corpus and spent hours grinding well over 100+ they get nothing to show for it because they "chose the wrong side".


    But the worst thing is there is no other way of getting these weapons. So it's a un-fair event in my eyes. At least with survival every1 could get the end reward still, if they put the time in and got over 20min. Then clans just battled for the dojo statues which is the incentive to get even higher scores. But to punish some1 on picking the wrong side and chose a unbalanced side no matter how hard they grind is ridiculous.

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