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Posts posted by Lmoist

  1. I am 90% sure that condition overload does not affect throws anymore, but i think that is used to. I have not tested it out myself because I have not found the mod yet. I am asking because i want to know whether or not i should start to grind for it. 

    Glaive Prime with 4 dual stat mods can reach 100% status, so while using glaive for mele you can get multiple procs off very quickly and get lots of condition overload damage, but only for mele. I am trying to make a hybrid build where i can use it for mele and throw it.

    My question is whether or not condition overload is a good mod on the Glaive prime even though it does not affect throwing damage.

  2. On 2019-12-15 at 3:23 PM, Alcatraz said:

    Kind of wondering what's on your Riven.

    This is what I used on Opticor for Grineer and Corpus. You want that combined element to reach top end damage and yes, you want Vile Acceleration.
    Armaments isn't worth using when you're not even getting a combined element from the build you described.


    If you had Opticor Vandal you'd want to try something like this


    Additionally, the status chance on a slow firing single shot weapon, isn't worth going for so using Radiation for Grineer is recommended instead of Corrosive. Always remember to build for what hits hardest against armor if you do not have a way of stripping armor with status, or warframe skill. If you can strip armor with a skill, build for what hits health hardest.
    Note: This is just a general tip for you to take into mind when building any weapon.

    Thanks for your response.




  3. I know that this was previously answered but it was in 2014 so i was wondering if there is a new opinion on which mod is better overall. I am mainly using the opticor and my build for it right now is 

    heavy caliber - serration - split chamber - vigilante armaments - vital sense - point strike - Riven - (VA or ST)

    Is the damage reduction from VA is worth the extra 30% fire rate.

    I have also heard that the opticor is only useful with both fire rate mods, is this true? And if I only have room for one which would i use?

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