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Posts posted by iSmeejo

  1. For those of you having issues with updates,  my problems with it were just solved by deleting the files in


    C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\Warframe\Cache.Windows


    I'm on windows xp so you will have to adjust to where your OS keeps the folder. What I did though was closed warframe down, went to that folder and deleted everything in it, then started warframe back up. I had to do a 2gb download but it fixed the problem and I can get on now.

  2. Please tell me you got some satisfaction out of typing that, I'd hate for you to waste more of your time thinking it had no effect.  Because you clearly don't get it.


    Removing Solo mode does one thing, and one thing only.  The ability to pause.  Which I admit would suck, but implementing a pause function to another mode wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility.  And it's not as hard as you people want to assume it is.

    So let me get this straight. You have said there is no difference between solo and private other then the ability to pause, we should remove solo and give pause mode to something like private. Meaning private would be solo mode. That says your ONLY objection to solo mode is the name.


    What you are trying to say and failing at is, "DE I am an immature asshat and can't handle the fact that a mode is labled something wrong so I want you to bend over backwards and redo your coding so that I can be happy."


    You should see a doctor about having your head removed from your &#!. It's gotta be painful...


    Edit: also solo mode is not false advertisement. It's not advertised as being any different then anything else just that you will be solo. Show us ANY proof what soever that solo mode is supposed to be different. The name just implies you will play it...solo.


    Telling people to play in private does not work because you don't have to send invites to people for them to join you. If they are on your contact list they can just pop in whenever they want on private mode. DE would have to develope a way to filter out that ability...or they could just keep solo mode.


    I know it's hard to grasp but hang in there you will get there eventually.

  3. Losing Solo mode (until such time Digital Extremes decides to actually work on fixing issues rather than pump out content) won't affect you, assuming they can put in a detection system for whenever you play on Private, so that when you're alone, you can pause the game.


    I'll type this slowly so you can understand it ok?


    If people play solo mode and enjoy being able to pause it. DE taking out solo mode WOULD in fact affect them as the gameplay style they chose to play, is no longer an option.


    However, keeping solo mode in the game in it's current state, would NOT affect you at all as you can simply not play that game mode.


    As Leonard Nemoy once said, "the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few."


    You are the few, we are the many now stfu and gtfo. kthxbai.

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