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Posts posted by UnholyPerfection

  1. G'day guys,


    I just finished (well tried to finish) my second ever Void key mission thing where you kill X amount of enemies. Unfortunately after we killed all the enemies the last door we came across only one of us could walk through. The host thought if he quit and the host was migrated the door may reset, but when he left the entire game crashed.

    We all lost all rewards we may have gotten and my key was still spent.

    I there any way for me to report this and at the very least get my key back?


    Thank you for any help.

  2. More people might be able to respond to help you if you didn't post gray text on dark gray background. Y U DO DAT??!


    I'm not sure why it did that, I didn't select any colour just posted. I even tried to change it to white (See the edit) and it didn't change? :P


    Anyway some disappointing feedback lol looks like just a major grind.

  3. G'day guy,


    Finally got my Rhino building (After making a Thrak helm and finding out you can't build with that >.<) as well as my Deathcube, so now it's time to level up these mods :D


    I have started with my rifle Serration mod which I now have to +75% damage but I'm finding that now it takes copious amounts of mods and credits to level up.

    Is this just the way it is at the higher levels or should I be fusing specific mods to get better value from them?

    Is there any other tricks and tips when it comes to maxing out mods?



    Thank you for any help :)

  4. Hi guys,


    I've just started heavily modding my weapons and I'm wondering whether I'm doing ok.


    I have a Braton Rifle that I've modded with Electrical Dmg, Piercing Dmg and Rifle Dmg for Corpus and Grineer missions and a Strun Shotgun modded with fire Dmg and Shotgun Dmg for Infested missions.


    Is there a 'maximum mod' build I should be heading towards for my weapons?


    Thanks guys.

  5. G'day guys,


    Just starting out and wondering what weapons I should forge once I have the materials. So far I have bought the Braton Rifle and Strun shotgun and I'm pretty happy with these. I have also bought the blueprints for the Bolto Pistol after someone recommended it but thought I'd get a second opinion before spending my hard earned rare materials.

    Dual Ethers were also suggested as a melee weapon.


    I'm mainly looking for what Pistol and Melee I should buy the prints for.


    Any help is appreciated :)

  6. Hey guys, 


    Just starting out and wondering 2 things:


    1) Can I 'refresh' a planet? What I mean by this is, I can see if players are playing  map. Sometimes I try to join someone but they've already finished before I get in.


    2) Is there a way to check what your 'challenge' in a match is? As in get 30 Rifle kills etc. 


    Thanks for any help guys and if you could point me in the direction of a good nooby thread, it would be much appreciated :)

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