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Posts posted by moshhammer

  1. Am 24.3.2021 um 20:49 schrieb notmaris:
    • TYPE: In-game
    • DESCRIPTION: Opened the market to check out not owned deluxe bundles, even if I did own the skin already.
    • VISUALBFXQizw.jpg
    • REPRODUCTION: Open the market, and look up an unowned deluxe bundle, of which you have bought the warframe skin already.
    • EXPECTED RESULT: Being able to purchase the bundle.
    • OBSERVED RESULT: Inability to purchase the bundle, as it shows as "owned" because of the skin.
    • REPRODUCTION RATE: Every time. 

    I have this exact bug. I can't buy ANY collection from which I bought the WF skin seperately before.

  2. In the Dojo, when opening the trading interface and no player is around I can trade with, I can't leave the interface anymore.
    And if a player then enters the Dojo, they are not shown in the list. 
    The trading interface even stays on the screen if I for example browse to the arsenal. Only solution I found is to leave the Dojo. leading to the bad situation that I have to explain myself to my trading partners and invite them again, hoping the are patient enough.


    Also, controller doesn't work AT ALL in the trading interface. Please fix this asap.

    Using XB360 controller.



  3. Am 20.12.2018 um 22:43 schrieb ZwRaven:

    Also while your at it having the ability to bind "Right Click" on the controller and have it work would be awesome, Actually full controller support would be awesome as there are many things you cannon do in the chat menu's w controller, accepting friend request for instance.  You have to log out and log back in with M&K.  Hey I'd settle for a fully functional M&K keyboard system that works at the same time. (i.e. I can used the mouse in the menus even when I have controller plugged in)

    Why do you have to log out? You can use controller and mouse at the same time..I at least can (XB360 controller)

  4. (this is NO duplicate, since the bug is different from the one I had before)

    Hi. I have this problem for months now and it doesn't seem that it's getting fixed in the near future:



    Nearly EVERY time I switch to my operator and back to my warframe (which I have to do pretty regularly due to how operator buffs and energizing dash works), I can't cast any abilities anymore and can't fire my weapons. Instead the game tells me "ability not ready".
    I need to switch to my operator and back to my warframe AGAIN, sometimes several times, until it's fixed again.


    I tried to change key bindings but nothing worked.

    I'm playing with XB360 controller (I think this may be important)

    And no, I can't play with keyboard due to medical issues with my wrists.

  5. Hi!
    Nearly every time I switch to my Operator and back to my Warframe, I keep my Operator's powers. (Although I'm back in my frame!)
    To fix it I need to switch to my Operator AGAIN and then back to my Warframe. 

    As I said this happens nearly every time, and is very frustrating since I loose all of my Warframe's abilities like bullet jump, 1-4 abilities etc.

    XB360 controller

  6. As already said above: We don't want a mouse emulation with a stupid cursor. We want a fully supported controller interface.

    Also I noticed that, when in the upgrade/modding screen, when pressing [LB] / [RB], the game doesn't recognize if I want to switch my loadout or want to sort my mods. It's randomly doing the opposite of what I want. 

    And CHANGE BACK the X / A swap. I just lost a gold reward from an Axi relic because of this stupidness.

  7. It's horrible. I don't want a cursor at all when using a controller.

    It makes navigating the menus 10 times slower than before. I want my old hotbuttons back (for example press Y in arsenal to access the upgrade menu, X to access the optical customization etc)

    When pressing X to type something in chat, I can't just press Enter/Return anymore to send messages. Instead, I have either to use my mouse and press "OK" or switch back to my controller and press X. That is freakin' stupid.


    Please let the players choose if they want to use this new "optimization" or not. Because as it is now, it sucks big time.

  8. Bugs I encountered:

    Bug 1)

    When host is extracting, game is stuck on host migration screen. Timer will run out -> extraction without rewards.


    Bug 2)3F1EC6C3D9DA00A7EFB38281A1759CC1CDD079D0
    After extracting, stuck on saving screen ("Updating account information. Please wait...")

    My connection is fine and I wasn't disconnected at any point.
    I can read and write in the chat, I can open the menu, but nothing else. Can't access any menu point, can't move my character, nothing.

    And if you force-close the game, you lose all your stuff.
    This bug was encountered quite a few times by me and my friends. 
    I will not play this gamemode again until this is fixed.

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