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Posts posted by thegreatAce21

  1. After the Chimera update, the lures have gain this flying ability which is super annoying. Some get stuck on trees or rocks and doesn't even care to teleport to the owner. Worst part is after teleporting - it will fly away from you. Anybody found this also annoying? 

  2. Its not that hard to get, compare it to sentirum and nyth which have this share blue identifier with the other gems. Just set a path in POE that you'll always look, use nova's 3rd and your good to go.

  3. 3 hours ago, lukinu_u said:

    This technically work for invulnerability but for crit, if you can't take damage you can't stack the buff.

    Covenant's crit comes from the damaged prevented in the invul time. There's still crit, but not stacking.

  4. 7 hours ago, Fenrys_Delta said:

    Been trying to get this thing for a while now.

    I must have done the Defection mission (Caracol, Saturn) over 100 times (SOLO) now and the damn thing won´t drop.

    Does it really have a chance to drop when you save 8 squads or am I missing something?

    Wiki says there´s a 11,28% drop chance on rotation C.

    Does it even drop on this map or there´s a better chance at another one, like Yursa, Neptune?

    I´m sick of this game mode, no one does it anymore and I´d like some directions before I torture myself again running this thing.

    I have no idea why DE thought it would be a good idea to put us through such grind to get a single part for a frame.

    Do it with a squad. Go to recruiment, it will be easier and faster on rotation C, I think. 

  5. 12 minutes ago, Nepelwerfer said:

    You can't use energy pizzas in regular and elite Sanctuary Onslaught, and without Arcane Energize, players would find themselves permanently at zero energy in Infested waves.

    Zenurik's Energizing Dash also helps

  6. If you found yourself having energy drain then maybe get out of there? Go to operator mode - dash out. That's what I like and hate about the infested - they have this special type that drains your energy and consider of backing a little bit. It adds a challenge to the game rather than standing in one spot and spamming skills like at ESO. 

  7. 38 minutes ago, taiiat said:

    if you're a Void Strike carrier, then having the Grenade Launcher Scaffold (Shraksun) is important. nothing else can currently outperform it in terms of maximizing your Damage for Void Strike. (or in these silly numbers, x23)

    if you aren't a Void Strike carrier - then you can use basically anything you want/like. when the new Prism and Scaffold were added, some Stats for the existing Parts were also adjusted and everything is viable now if you aren't a Void Strike carrier.
    granted the Disc Launcher Scaffold (Phahd) has reliability concerns for Eidolons, getting it to multi-hit is somewhat complicated, but it's still decent.

    you sure you mean Shadow? Headshotting the Eidolon with that Scaffold(or Prism) would be kinda complicated with the Range limits *sweat*

    They'll proc it by dashing in the head of the eidolon. Yeah, kinda complicated and so much work.

  8. 1 minute ago, Miser_able said:

    Digital or not it still screws them out of funds they deserve. 

    Think about it like it like this, what would any corporation do if I say created a way to copy coupons and used them to buy things in bulk for cheap? Cause that's a crime. 

    Yeah, I know. Look at it this way, a player bought something twice in a free-to-play game. Isn't that nice. There's a big chance that the player won't make the 2nd purchase or even the 1st if its not discounted. Copying of coupons and having 2 legitimate coupons are different things. 

  9. 1 minute ago, NekroArts said:

    Discount coupons are there to encourage you to buy platinum that you wouldn't have otherwise bought, but in no way is it profitable to them should it happen too often.

    I think any purchase you make, to them its profit. That's why they can put it up to 75%. The contents they're selling are digital and unlimited, and almost no effort to create.

  10. 16 hours ago, ZargonKing said:

    Hey fellow Tenno, this post is mostly geared towards any Eidolon Hunter or Veterans. I would like to state, the intention of this post is to seek opinions and advice from the mentioned groups as well as any experienced player. Please excuse me if this might sound like a rant, I do not intend to be rude towards anyone and please forgive me if I may unintentionally offend anyone.

    So my question is, is there anything about us low MR players you dislike?

    The reason I'm asking this is because I just recently joined a public squad to learn and hunt a Teralyst for the first time and....well, it wasn't as friendly as I expected it to be. I followed an advice from a fellow forum Tenno to join one since I haven't done this before and...it was complicated.

    What happened was, I decided to go to PoE in a public squad. I don't ever do this since I have a really laggy laptop that does fine for Solo missions and Sorties and I've been playing all this time mostly solo without a mouse(can't afford a replacement yet). 

    So I join this public squad and I end up smack in the middle of a Teralyst fight. Excellent, I make sure to tell the squad members that I'm here to learn and hunt alongside them so I asked them to please be patient with me. I wasn't joking around, I genuinely wanted to contribute by killing either the Vomvalysts or getting the lures for the squad.

    Shortly afterwards, one MR 12 player stated he's just here to fish and for the cores, a MR 19 player stated he's here to hunt the Eidolon and a MR 25 player called the squad newbies and left after we got the shields down. This happened in less than 5 minutes. Following that, everyone disbanded and the Teralyst had it's shields back up ;-;

    Is-Is there something I missed? Was there a memo that said "No, no one will teach you scrub, get better amps and a higher MR 20+ then come here"? I just feel so bad right now after going to PoE for the first time for a Teralyst hunt ;-;

    The MR25 that called you newbies is also a newbie. If he want an organized hunt, he goes to recruit channel. Its case to case, you just ended up with an high-ego player. 

    If you hit the matchmaking for the terlyst/tridolon hunt without a team, expect to face a lot of inexperience players. 

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