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Posts posted by MeanOgreGrr

  1. It seems the keys for jump and duck on archwing missions don't use the keybinds set in the UI but always use the default keys. Other members of my team and I have custom keybinds that don't work for jump and duck, and I am unable to locate archwing specific keybinds for these in the menu.


    Please allow the keys that the user has bound to jump and duck to also control archwing, or add additional binds to these keys in the keybind menu. Thanks!

  2. The point of my post wasn't to sound as if I dislike the game. It is feedback, not hatemail. I really like Warframe, which is why I spent a lot of time typing up this feedback. My level of frustration may have influenced my words.


    As for other points:


    I listed a great many games that have client / server setups. All of those work very well. I wish Warframe could figure out how they do it and also work well.


    Requiring a full group with connection issues as they seem to be just doesn't seem good. It led to most of my frustrations.


    I'm glad some folks have no connection issues at all. However all three of the people I personally know who have tried the game do have some sort of connection issues, either being the server or connecting to servers as a client. Sure, me and three people are a small group of the total players but from my perspective that is 100% of the people I know have problems. That's a lot.


    As I said, punishment for not bringing a full team seems like poor design. Encouragement for bringing one is better. The solutions I offered are in my post above. They might not be great solutions, but they are there.


    The worst part of the experience, as seen in the feedback, is the chat and group invite system. I may have sounded overly harsh, but sorry that's how I feel. Back in the day Gamespy let me connect to more games easier than Warframe does.


    A solution to void missions you say? Include them as regular missions within the standard mission interface. You can click to join a mission or chose to use a key to begin a mission. If you used a key you will invite, on a first come first serve basis, the people who clicked the mission without using a key. No chat / invite systems needed. Matchmaking as good as the rest of the game.


    Currently the recruitment channel gets spammed and the players who spam the most, or have the simplest usernames to type /invite for, are the ones who get chosen first.

  3. The Arid Fear event really headlined a lot of problems with the matchmaking systems and interface. It also punished me for playing the game the way I want to play it. Here is my feedback on my experiences:


    Alert system pieces


    I'm actually okay with using the alert system for collecting the pieces. The alerts were long and frequent enough that it didn't really matter. Plenty of time to collect keys, and time to use them between alert pushes.


    My biggest issue with the alert system currently is that you have to back out of the solar system map in order to see the list of alerts. This is a new issue as of update 9 (I think) that I keep hoping will be repaired, but hasn't. For this event specifically that means that each time a mission has been completed you must back out and click an alert again.


    Crafting the keys


    I'm pretty sure the blueprint was added to the goals to draw players there, possibly get them to spend money. Otherwise one piece of the key could have been the blueprint and the other piece the material needed to craft it. However, it seems that the players willing to hunt down the key pieces were those already familiar with the store and this simply introduced an unnecessary dull element to reaching the goal.


    The corprus void missions


    The first time I did one of these my thought was "that's it?" The void is a place that takes work to get into and showers players with mods and rewards.  After doing two different alert missions, buying a blueprint, and crafting a key I expected more rewards from this place. Or any reward.


    I see a huge missed opportunity to have crates drop common mods in the corprus void giving players a taste of the orokin void, rewarding them for slowing down their runs and exploring, and encouraging them to stick together. Rewarding common mods would have been a great time to try out the new mod transmuter as well. Or maybe the corprus void could have contained a bunch of the rarer mats, dropped sparingly from defeating mobs. Any reward given while playing is better than some reward given in the future.


    Instead the missions were low level, dropped no mats at all, and encouraged splitting up and getting through them as fast as possible. Even most of the "locker loot rooms" were converted into escape hatches, leaving the levels with far less loot than the average corprus ship run.


    Client / Server issues


    I usually play Warframe with a single buddy. We play tons of online games together, usually small group multiplayer games where one of us hosts and the other joins. Other favorite games in recent times have been Borderlands 2, Path of Exile, Left 4 Dead, Orcs Must Die 2, Payday, Torchlight 2, and Path of Exile. I list these because neither of us have any problems at all playing any of these games, or just about any other game we have tried.


    Except Warframe gives us problems. For some reason there are people on the internet that just cannot connect to my server. Some never even see the invites, some see them but are unable to join. He is in the latter group. He has connection issues sometimes as well, and on those times we simply load up a different game and play that one instead.


    The point of all this? It is often difficult to play Warframe with other people. For two it's not that bad, for three it gets tricky and frustrating, and for four the planets and internets must align perfectly.


    So when playing this event with my buddy, my keys are useless. When trying to play this event at all, the experience is frustrating.


    Punished for smaller than max groups


    Why is there one spy spawned per player? This seems like an artificial way to force max player groups and I can't think of a logical reason for it. If the missions were too difficult for the current group to tackle, or if there was a time limit on tracking down and capturing the spies that would be cool. A group smaller than max would just need to up their game to get through it.


    It should be up to the players to max out the group. Why bring a full group to an easy mission anyways? The current event just says it doesn't matter how good a player you are, unless you brought a full team you are getting boned.


    The disconnected invite-only void


    I don't really understand why the void is some strange disconnected invite-only mission type. This goes against the entire rest of the game and how it does matchmaking. It forces the player who wants to use a key to sift through their friends list inviting folks (and hoping network issues allow the connection), or to comb through the recruitment spam channel looking for folks. Then once a group has been established it boots everyone out as soon as the mission has completed.


    There are better ways of dealing with the void, dealing with players who want a team for their key, and dealing with freeloaders who want to do a void mission. The current system is about the worst one I can imagine.


    The chat UI and invite system


    Game interfaces have come a long way since 1996. Dealing with the Warframe chat and UI interface reminds me of online gaming in 1996. I am not nostalgic for those days.


    Why can't I right click a name and send that person a whisper or an invite?


    Why aren't my squadmates automatically in the squad channel so I can chat with them?


    Why hasn't this system been upgraded to the standard of the current millennium?


    Why create an event that forces players to make use of this terrible system?


    Final Thoughts


    I have 48 points in this event. I want to give up but I will probably get two more points solo and really couldn't care at all about getting 100. After I grinded out a bunch of keys it was frustrating and took way too long to find an entire group that could even join my server. Then I had to play the game in a manner which I do not enjoy (rush like hell through a chaotic effect-filled mess) in missions that are far too easy and do not reward me for playing them.


    Worse, I did this without my buddy that I normally game with. As dedicated as we are to gaming, trying to game within Warframe is often a hassle and trying to play this event is a frustrating disaster showcasing every poor design and incomplete system that the game has to offer.




    - This event showcased all the elements of Warframe that need serious improvement. Why make an event that relies on all the incomplete systems?


    - Alert system should be visible from anywhere in the solar system, like it used to be.


    - Making keys by buying blueprints seems unnecessary.


    - Corprus void missions are a huge let-down in terms of rewards given considering the effort needed to get there.


    - Warframe has too many client / server issues. These are problems no other similar game has. What is Warframe doing differently and why can't it be fixed?


    - Punishment for bringing a group smaller than the maximum is terrible design. Encouragement for bringing more players would have been okay.


    - Why is the void off on some lonely invite-only island that forces groups to split up after each mission?


    - The chat and invite system is terrible. Games I played in 1996 were better than this.


    - As a player, I was frustrated and let down by this event. And I enjoyed all of the other events.

  4. Their explosions seem to be louder than almost any other sound effect and drown out the action going on. Individually they aren't terrible, but in big fights they explode everywhere constantly.


    Please consider reducing their volume, preferably significantly.


    Edit: I meant Osprey's, of course.

  5. It has been mentioned that raids are too similar to capture missions, so one of them doesn't make the cut. If that is the case then "capture missions" could be a generic term for any mission that involves running to a goal, clicking a thing, then escaping. So a capture mission could be a raid, capture, or any other goal type that is designed and fits within that definition.


    I like raids. I like them better than capture. Together, capture and raid missions are my favorite solo farming or weapon testing mission type. Raid is also my favorite void mission type. If I clicked on a capture mission and had a chance, either by RNG or by location, to get a raid mission then I'm okay with that.


    But I wouldn't like to see them removed entirely.

  6. We found these rooms on both tier 1 and 2 raid missions last night. The entrance looks very close to one of the other rooms but a bit darker. I can confirm Charged Chamber drops from the winner barrels.


    Also found at least one other new room with three levels of winner barrels. Haven't made it into the last part of this one yet.

  7. Hitting a button to magnetically snap yourself into and out of cover is a gameplay mechanic I hope is going away. I have been pressing my characters up against walls and crates longer than there was a button designed to do it, because that's what cover is and it makes sense. The button method works great in games designed around it, but these are very different games from Warframe. Honestly cover systems have been so overused and poorly implemented in too many games that I hope it falls out of favor.


    Tomb Raider evolved cover gameplay beyond the snap-to button, and it's brilliant. You don't need to snap into cover to see animations of Laura taking cover, she just does it when cover is nearby. I'm sure the levels and art assets used within them were painstakingly crafted in order to achieve this. In the end, it's all about seeing your character in new animations and really unnecessary to the gameplay. But it does look cool.


    In Warframe your character has cover when at least partially hidden from view from the perspective of your attacker. Because the enemy doesn't have perfect aim with head or center mass bodyshots this is true, and the further behind cover you can get the more incoming damage you will avoid. Warframe does this very well.


    If they can add in cool new animations when behind cover then I'm all for it, as long as the animations or method they implement for it don't cause a loss of control.

  8. The new enemy type is almost cool. Messing with the minimap/radar from an otherwise harmless new enemy type is interesting. The problem is that they are mostly harmless. Maybe if they did more to mess with you? Scramble your current health and shield values? Add a dozen wayponts to the screen? I'm not sure exactly. It's a welcome new addition of bringing the HUD into the gameplay but I don't think it went far enough.


    Advertising the exact number (and a small number at that) of them to kill for the common reward may have been a mistake. I have seen enough people go "got my 20" that it seems like that's a huge problem. I got over 300 and helped a friend get over 100 because I'm hoping the event would succeed. I'd like the new weapon, even if it's a blueprint that requires a bunch of mat grinding.


    Sadly, with no hard numbers telling me what my balloon grinding is contributing toward, and a percentage trend that seems to be on the losing side, I don't have a particularly strong drive to lose sleep over the event before starting a work week.


    I had fun playing, because I enjoy playing the game. Got some levels on a few frames, learned to love the Gorgon, got to take the Lex out for another spin (before discovering the Gorgon could also one-shot them), finally got Hate off the stalker. A usual weekend in the game filled with minor rewards and steps forward. I will be sad if the event fails and I don't get to try out the new gun, but it's not like the balloon grind was time completely wasted.


    For anyone still at it, give it your best! Win this thing!

  9. To reproduce:


    1) Play a boss mission with two (possibly more) players.

    2) Kill boss.

    3) There is about a 40% chance only the host will be able to see and loot the resource drop.


    I have "tested" this with a friend repeatedly, just now with Hyena. We both have Theif's Wit on our Warframes and only he (the host) is able to see and loot the resource. Once he has looted it, he confirms that the drop still appears on the radar as if I should be able to loot it as well, but running over the spot it dropped for him will not allow me to see it or pick it up. This seems to happen most often with the rare drops, but then it could be that those are just the ones that are painful to lose.


    This does not happen with any other drop in the missions, not even rare drops. It only happens with bosses. This was first noticed rarely in update 7, however since update 8 it happens regularly. I have commented on posts about this before but it's really becoming aggravating and I figured it deserved another post.


    Possibly related: On rare occasion both our thief's wit radars will show that a boss should have dropped something, but neither of us are able to see it or pick it up.


    Also possibly related: He is unable to connect to any game where I am the host. I have no problems connecting to his games. We are both able to play in other online matches separately with no problems. There just seems to be a one-way block between our connections. There are no NAT restrictions warnings, my connection doesn't restrict it, and his router has the correct ports opened.

  10. I play with friends over voice chat. We call out the rare resources and mark them to be sure we both / all get them. The resource has always, and continues to be, the same. The amount of the resource changes. Additionally, we all play with Theif's Wit equipped to see the yellow pips on the minimap.


    The way Theif's Wit works is you will see the yellow pip if a resource has dropped until all of the players have picked up that resource. Only then will the pip vanish.


    There is a definite bug where sometimes killing a boss will drop a rare resource, and that resource will only exist for one person (probably the host). That person will see the resource, be able to collect it, and will continue to see the resource pip on their minimap (as if the other players have not yet collected it). The rest of the players will not see a resource drop, and their Thief's Wit will not even show that a resource exists. This used to happen rarely, but lately happens more often than not. This needs to be looked at.

  11. I agree. The Grineer are no longer fun to fight. The rollers are annoying but with a cryo round on your weapon and your sentinel, or some aiming skill, they're doable. Sometimes even fun. But the scorpions are just an instant stun-lock loss of control frustrating beatdown. There doesn't seem to be a trick or skill in preventing their attacks. You can't dodge, roll, or react to it.


    If you aren't being frustratingly stunned by them it's because you aren't the frame in the lead. Try it sometime.

  12. This happened once on a grineer mission and we were able to "fix" it by running around the level looking for enemies and not killing them, but waiting for them to begin a lockout. After clearing the lockout we returned and the door was fixed. If this happens on an infested or exterminate mission this probably wont work.


    It was about to be a huge disappointment too as it was two objective mission on a giant ship and we were at least 25 minutes in.

  13. I have had this exact thing happen previous to the recent update. Every other crafting material in the level showed up properly but the boss drop. It looked just as you describe, with the host seeing it on loot radar and my client not seeing anything at all. After two runs of the host getting the drop I needed but me unable to get it we gave up. The next day worked as it should and have not seen it since.

  14. I just completed my rank mission from 4 to 5, was successful, and on returning to the map screen got the "data not saved" error. I've seen that before on standard missions and figured I'd try again, but the UI tells me I can't do it for another 24 hours.


    So it remembered that I tried the mission, but not that I completed it?


    If it matters: I got the hacker mission, and the time was about 10:20pm EST.


    I will try again tomorrow.

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