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Posts posted by Merkou

  1. Pm me IG:Merkou or leave a msg here looking for reasonable offers not in any rush to get it, thanks. ^^

    PS, I'm usually on around 8:00 PM est you should be able to contact me via game around then or later.

  2. Heya, thanks for stopping by! I do apologize in advance if I stray off the path a little on this topic
    I do sometimes tend to do that.

    So I was wondering about some things that weren't clearly explained on the upload page.

    Now obviously it can't be offensive or inappropriate, however what I'm curious about...
    Is are we aloud to upload an image of a character from a manga/anime.
    One that is original artwork and not pulled from the internet but made by oneself.
    Would that be considered copyright and rejected?

    Also considering this is a mature+ game I imagine some skin on a drawn character would be acceptable.
    However the limitations on how much skin one of these characters can have is questionable.
    Reason being, this statement "We will reject at our own discretion."
    It makes me feel uneasy about it and I would just feel better if I know for sure.

    If I could just have the image reviewed by the staff I wouldn't even have to be here.
    However I'm sort of worried about it not working out, so I need to ask someone. 
    It's just I'm almost certain they wouldn't do that without spending plat so there's not much I can do then ask you guys.
    So if you've had any experience with this in the past I'd really appreciate it if you'd leave some feedback about it.

    Has anyone tried to upload an original artwork of an anime character and had it rejected?
    Possibly for showing cleavage or anything like that?

    I was thinking something along the lines of a bada... Warframe chick.

    Maybe with a little cleavage showing holding a Dragon Nikana or something.

    I think that'd be sort of cool. That or cute & deadly, cute & deadly is always a good alternative hue... 
    Or maybeee, a giraffe wearing a cotton vest with a amprex & sunglasses... Hmmm considerable...

    I wouldn't want to take the time to design, pay, and wait for the next update/hotfix if it's just going to be rejected.
    I'd be putting a lot of time and effort into this so I just want to be 100% sure it's not going to end up in a disaster.
    Also so that I can plan ahead on how the designs going to be of course! XD

    If this does work out I might even upload another one in the future.
    So it'd really help to have the feedback for me and anyone else.
    I don't want to get too off track but I do think Warframes a great game.
    And I'd love another beneficial reason to continually support it.

    Thank you so much for your time, a do appreciate it, Merk ^_^

  3. Honestly, I think they should just add a new duel arena that's bigger and has the option to do that. 
    Even with the current duel arena being able to place objects is extremely nice and game changing but it's so cluttered I feel like there needs to be more space to move around.

  4. More then anything I think I would want more decorations, ones that you can interact with.

    What about another room for forging your own creations, a blank canvas room that allows you to create obstacle courses, pvp arenas etc if they added blocks, crates, pillars, walls copy & paste parts from the current tile set I could see some people coming up with some pretty amazing rooms. 

    Also a decoration customization such as being able to edit the hue of the object to a similar shade/tint. Some objects would fit in better if they were darker/lighter and it would give it more of a "unique" feel to it.

    A Display room, you could create an extra frame and display it along with other pieces. It could be like a collectors room, displaying all the weapons, frames, sentinels I'm not sure how they would do it though because each time a new items came out they'd have to modify the room & it might just end up being more work then it's worth but It's a thought.


  5. It also happens when you stand under the extractor before it drops down, if you're standing in the right spot it'll throw you under the map. However most of the time it'll just push you down about half way up to your stomach and you can get out just by moving away and jumping.

  6. I managed to get the helmet bp in the last 3 minutes & I found out why I wasn't receiving it. 

    When I selected the alert mission, for some reason it was starting the default mission not the alert.
    I didn't notice this until after the hotfix. 

    Unfortunately though my 2 friends that ran with me didn't receive the reward because they weren't on in time after the hotfix. :/


  7. I ran the mission alert for the Vespa Nyx Helmet Blueprint but didn't receive the rewards.
    tried relogging and attempted it again and still no results.
    ran them at around 5:20 PM est I think? It was in between the time the alert started and before the hotfix. 
    There was also 2 others in my party for both trips and they didn't receive the rewards either so I'm assuming this happened for everyone and not just me. 

  8. This just happened another 5 times today.

    It's still only dcing me at the end of missions right when it shows you the rewards, the login background will show up the one with the Kubrow and when I log in everything I earned is just gone like I was never there and the mission remains uncompleted. I haven't dced in the middle of a mission once. 

    This is getting really old... Y.Y


  9. Why isn't this a thing? Seriously, you get into these 30 minute survival missions and boom, the host dc's and everything you just earned over the past 30 minutes is gone. Having host migration would mean, not getting kicked from the game, not losing your rewards, and not losing the time you spent doing so.

    This is probably the most frustrating part about this game, I mean it's fun but it's kind of hard to really enjoy it when you lose your progress 1 in 3 games. 


  10. So I recently got back into Warframe since my friend started playing, I noticed over the past few days that randomly I'll crash right after a mission. Never during the mission only after the mission it's strange. I've lost some really nice mods and a lot of mats because of it so it's problematic for me.

    When I played a year ago I never had any of these problems so why is it happening now and what can I do about it also has anyone else had this issue?

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