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Posts posted by N1NJ4GR1M

  1. it could be a different bug, but have you tried replicating it without running any specters?, as pinpointing the issue will be helpful if the issue ever gets looked into by the devs, also ammo mods like vigilante supplies (which i originally thought was the culprit until i tested it).

    as far as my bug is concerned, it was happening long before the ammo change, but specters still used ammo afaik, they just regenerated it over time. the only difference is that before the change i could switch to operator and back and it would fix the issue temporarily, it doesnt now.

    i can easily replicate the issue (incase any devs are interested i can supply a vid), and i can fix it by supplying ammo to the specters, reloading all of my weapons or resummoning my specters. the issue happens most commonly when i am using a weapon that does not use ammo like the cycron or melee.


  2. if its the same as mine, its when your specter needs ammo but you dont have space to hold more, so the vacuum or fetch tries to pick it up endlessly. it has been a problem for a very long time and if you like using specters in tough missions, it is game breaking.

    it should be an easy fix by the devs, but i think most people play easy missions (or ones they are over powered for) and dont need specters. so it is not a wide spread issue.

    until it is fixed you can get around it by supplying specters with ammo, or if you are in steel path you can resummon specters every minute or so. if there are not many pickups you can just fire and reload both weapons.

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