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Posts posted by W0lf4268

  1. I was in a solo survival mission with a few of my specters. My main goal was to complete the elite weakly "kill shot". Closely keeping an eye on the kill count I noticed it did not line up with what nightwave was telling me. If there is an explanation for this i would love to hear it.


  2. The wolf is way too tanky for it being level 70. I’m very upset that what should take 5 minutes or a couple of seconds, turns into 20 minutes. A lot of people don’t want to even deal with the wolf because it takes too long, they end up abandoning the mission and leaving everyone else to dealing with it. This is very upsetting that people don’t want to even take the risk to stay in and help out. Some suggestions would be to increase the Wolf’s damage output, but decrease the armor he has. (I know this has been stated before but I find the wolf to have increased armor to the point where it is significantly harder to kill him before the update.) 


    Mining UI looks washed out (the gems and metals dont look at colorful as the did when fortuna first launched). the previous UI for mining makes it much easier to read what gems/metals were obtained. i do run the game in 1280x720


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