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Posts posted by TASADAR101

  1. MR 8 , TASADAR101. I would like to find a clan that I get along well with. I play about 5 hours a week since my main focus is mechwarrior online. So about once or twice at the minimun per week. Sometimes ( like now ) I will opt out of MWO for about a week to play something else and cool off. The dojo I am with ATM I dont get along well with. So im going to leave it and look for a new one.

  2. In Game Name: Chrome101

    Time Zone:UTC-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)


    Im looking to join a clan with active people that can help me to find motivation to keep playing the game.. Mastery 7 ( Almost 8 ) Been playing on and off since private beta.... ( Holy crap and you're not max rank yet....? some of you may be thinking ) But like I said... Ive been playing on and off......   Little motivation to play currently and the clan im in currently is pretty in active/ dont get along well with everyone...


    Personally Ive never done a raid and would like to but the frames I own from what ive looked into are not very great for the raid...

  3. IGN: Chrome101


    Timezone: -7GMT Mountaintime ( US Canada )

    Time Played: (4D13 H ( However I have played on and off since private beta and you can check my profile on the website for that)

    Favorite Gametype: Survival

    Do you like the Fairy Tail anime?: yes

    Why do you want to join?: Looking for people to hopefully spice this game up , been playing solo on and off and its hard to find a group that I get along well with

    I certify that i have read the rules and understand that breaking them could lead to removal from the clan (Y/N): Yes

  4. Im interested in joining but first a little backround info.


    I started warframe in the private beta and shortly quit after the mod system was released , Some friends back in december finally convinced me to get back into warframe... After two weeks they quit for counter strike and I quit out of having no one to play with again.... So now im giving warframe another shot and I just left another clan due to communication and time zone issues that led to some moments of " Im sorry i cant understand what you are saying " moments... I come from the USA in -7 GMT . The only frame i have is Rhino prime ( Almost have chroma ) and I am mastery ranl 6 ( so yea i cant see the trader as of today, he's in pluto relay ;-; ) I prefer the use of voice chat in a group.

  5. I would Like to join too..


    A little Backround info about myself : I started back in Private beta ( when the legends of skill trees were true .... i miss those days ) and Ive been playing on and off since the release of mods so I have very little time invested into this game ( about 3 and a half days ) when I should probibly have about 1000+ by now due to starting so early, however I really mean on and off... But thats also due to my time on this game mainly being solo... I find it very hard to grind this game solo and so much has been added ( mission and map wise but im catching myself up on the details so no one has to explain it to me later ) that I find it even harder to solo through what feels like a whole new warframe to me.....  Thus I came here to try and find a group that can help me get back into this game I use to feel like playing all the time...

  6. Hey there, Im interested in joining your group , Im a casual that started in private beta but i play this game on and off but currently want to give this game another shot. Im mastery level 6 with Rhino Prime that im currently leveling up and I preferably use a paris Prime and scindo.

  7. well ... warframe is a very original game and stands out for its aesthetic, greatly.

    so I'd like to see you keep that streak.

    when placing an electricity MOD on swords, this generates a ray very generic way in MMOs just light and lightning in the sword.

    that ruins mi sense of realism (maybe because i know how the lightning works, they connect 2 points never goes to air)

    the think is... it doesn't look like electric sword. it seems like I could be electrocuting myself.

    thats good for games with simples graphic like WoW but Warframe... in my opinion must be better than that

    the same with Fire, the same with ice...

    the Warframe Volt. its a good example of a well done effect. its look more realistic and interesting in my opinion (the opinion of a grafic designer) its not overload of rays

    here are my suggestions:

    rays may be displayed along the blade like little thunder, not in the hilt

    fire may be a red hot blade, not in the hilt

    Ice may be a blue and cold blade, not in the hilt

    those little things make difference

    Greetings I hope I have been helpful

    i completley agree and i also wish there was some thimgs that you could use to change the suit looks more then just a helm and armor color like asy chest arms shoulders and leg options thjat players and optionally buy with platnum or find a blue print to make it.
  8. same i only heard about it becuase he found it lol but maybe we could post a thread on steam and if the devs look at this wich they probibly will becuase there awsome thx again for the darkness games.. then maybe they might try it out who knows. our real test here is time and if we dont do anything to spread the word about the game then time will end us but if we spread the word then it could be fire fall beta big all over agian i was in there private beta and after about 5 weeks we had about 400k of players and our commun got huge!!! so maybe if we spread the word through u tube if you record face book and just about when and where you can... then it could help the game to both the devs and possibly if we get in... valve and warframe devs could get THE MONEY!!!!!!!!! muhahahahaha lol.

    and also maybe ads.
  9. I wouldnt ever discover this game if TotalBiscuit didnt make a video about it

    same i only heard about it becuase he found it lol but maybe we could post a thread on steam and if the devs look at this wich they probibly will becuase there awsome thx again for the darkness games.. then maybe they might try it out who knows. our real test here is time and if we dont do anything to spread the word about the game then time will end us but if we spread the word then it could be fire fall beta big all over agian i was in there private beta and after about 5 weeks we had about 400k of players and our commun got huge!!! so maybe if we spread the word through u tube if you record face book and just about when and where you can... then it could help the game to both the devs and possibly if we get in... valve and warframe devs could get THE MONEY!!!!!!!!! muhahahahaha lol.
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