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Posts posted by Scootles96

  1. I've also had this problem many times, it usually seems to happen from exiting operator form and going back into frame (when playing as client only).  Can't shoot, use abilities (does not make "no ability usage" sound), roll, or use operator, and also frame does not turn around unless aiming down sight.

    Dying fixes it but usually it's kind of hard to die on lower level pubs.

  2. Also having this problem.  Doing Hydron Sedna in multiplayer (not host) and they only do the initial damage on impact.  Pulled out synthesis scanner to check range and i was 20m away, plenty of distance.  90% of the time only damage numbers around 300 showed up.  Sometimes 1000ish when they actually exploded.  Works fine in simulacrum.


  3. So there were some new UI icons and bindings for swapping fishing gear and such (I rebinded them to 7, 8, and 9 as I had 1, 2, and 3 on weapon switching)

    If you equip a spear from your Gear wheel, then swap a spear with the spear swap key, and then switch back to a gun, you cannot reload with R or use any abilities until you equip the spear from the Gear wheel again and then "swap" to the one you have equipped already.

    May possibly happen with other fishing gear too, idk.

    edit: swapping to another spear also makes it not usable for catching fish (no spawns, no subdued audio, does not reel fish in)

  4. Scrambus/Comba anti-ability field hitting other enemies (e.g. by radiation, or mind control) makes those enemies invalid ability targets.

    Play a Corpus map
    Find a Scrambus/Comba
    Use a radiation damage weapon, or hit them with Oberon Smite or Mind Control
    Wait for Scrambus/Comba to flex and emit an energy wave (does not count if they were already doing a wave, as it is still a "friendly" attack)
    Try to use Smite/Mind Control on enemies hit by wave (or some other ability that needs a target to be cast)
    Ability bar says "invalid target"

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