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Posts posted by NoOneEverSaid

  1. On 2018-09-19 at 9:37 PM, DNSchnitzel said:

    Likely he goes inactive so his clan kicks him for inactivity, then he joins back when an event happens, then goes back to inactive when the event is over

    also to thread poster: The cost isn't that bad if you just play the game to passively farm the materials. 

    The cost of clan keys makes no difference to the resources I farmed, its super cheap, but still super annoying to craft again and again.

  2. The title speaks for itself. If required to elaborate I'd recommend adding a small icon, like the TennoGen/Bundle icon, the one in trade chat's label would make it quite conspicuous.

    I many a time spot fellow tenno asking if something can be traded or contemplate trading for something that we can't at present trade for. I believe this would require minimal effort and nip in the bud the inquiries of legions of untrained or returning tenno, and assist them to comfortably become involved with trading.

  3. Vortex + Bows > Launchers now I guess.


    As a solo player I don't see myself using snipers, the can be very fast paced and most tiles are too small to really take advantage of these, It's just not efficient for me.


    Maybe for Dark Sector Conflicts, but I wouldn't grind a weapon through forma and use a potato on it just to play in conflict.



    These "nerfs" don't mean much to launchers,maybe a big nerf for Angstrung, I don't think anyone shoots 20 times between waves. I didn't play much with Agnstrung yet but I guess it is kind of a concern there?

  4. I wish I knew about this before crafting a cosmic... Now I know I wont be using it, even if its made cheaper.. I already spent 100k thinking it was permanent. I'll just get the 100 points for this event and say good bye to rescue missions again.

  5. I doubt the auction house would be credits only. I don't want credits, I have plenty. I want plat to buy more warframe/weapon/sentinel slots, color palettes, potatoes or forma.


    I have no need for an Auction House if its credits only. I'll never sell my stuff for credits, gtfo.

  6. Well, I don't start a game alone unless I don't mind to solo it. That's what clans and friend list are for right?
    The moment you don't use the Private or Invite Only options you are exposing yourself to these kind of situations.

    Even then most of Warframe's community members are decent enough to try.

  7. I think they made it TOO EASY.

    * J2000 golem assessination mission is a guaranted blueprint, unlike any other boss.
    * You get 3 to 5 navs average per mission, golem ones or not. 4 to 7 with Master Thief.

    * You can also get golem navs in the assessination mission.

    * The price of the keys blueprints are a joke, and the construction cost too.

    * It takes only 3 hours to build an assessination mission key. 

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