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Posts posted by InDang3r

  1. Hey, just saying here I'm a bit dissapointed in some things I was expecting from the rework and did not happen :

    1. Kubrow still keeps runing forward to mob, backward to me, again forward to mob. Most often I kill the mob so he just runs back and forward for no reason. It should have like a way to change his stance like Defensive/Aggresive/Hold position. In the defensive he basically follows you each step and attacks what is in X meters of you. In aggresive it should non stop go from one mob to another, only gets teleported to you when you get XX meters away from him, in hold position you basicaly tell him to guard that objective, let's say he attacks mobs in X meters from that point.

    2. Moa uses sentinels weapons, ok so far. Difference is Moa stays where he wants, while Sentinel was always on your shoulder. I could understand the sentinel beam, bullet etc hiting a pillar, since that piller was between YOU and the mob, so sentinel could not move to avoid the pillar, only you could do that. But the MOA stays like stupid and hits the ceiling, the pillers etc, instead of doing the obvious to move a few steps so it could hit the mob. Also, same as above would like the defensive/aggresive/hold stances.

  2. First, after taking a bounty and geting message Enter the Plains , the outer door simply does not want to open. Some of us outside, some of us stuck inside. Also on the upper left corner showing as if only I was the one that was "Ready"

    Second, after somehow bypassing the door by equiping the k1 drive, after completing all the bounty stages, cant open the damn door to get back in. Eventually I had to abort. This happened more than once today, it is not one isolated incident. Gonma stop doing bounties for now.

    Cetus door of Hell

  3. What I don't understand is how is the removal of sentinel weapons  viable thing. I mean, if there are let's say 1000 rivens that exist in the game and there are 3 thousand players + more every day, that want sentinels on their MOA/Sentinels because they see others have, how can they get them ? Or the idea is that older players should have ingame advantage over new players, by having items that can no longer be obtained.

  4. 3 things I noticed :

    1. while invisible on ivara prowl or cloaked arrow, only part of the moa is invisible, mainle the legs.

    2. while selecting "Invincibility" at simulacrum, the MOA does not get it and gets creamed

    3. annoying pickup sound non stop while using MOA in mission.

    4. the MOA did not count for mastery rank in Profile>equipment > Companions/Robotic

    5. I bought moa from Today's Special. Same as a friend. We both named it. However, in a mission I see his moa named MOA and he sees mine named MOA, even if mine is called ROBO RaptoR and his is called Dizzy

  5. Hey, 10 min after the update I reached to the Configure MOA npc "Legs\Thursby". The final stats of the MOA are not impresive compared to a kubrow. I opted for utility head and as much health as possible where I could. What do you guys think would be the most effective spec ?

  6. On 2018-11-01 at 6:43 AM, Ada_Wong_SG said:


    The current one is basically Hasso no kamae.

    There is waki gamae.




    Jodan is basically a raised hasso, which is rather exposed and have lots of opening to a thrust, chudan might look too meh
    and gedan looks kind of strange to be running around.

    Those Kamae stances are interesting, however I doubt they should apply to a 20 kg long metal sword which is not as light as a katana or japanese sword. Being so long, there can't be any balance between the blade and the handle. So to hold it while idle, hanging down on the side, instead of on your shoulder is irrealistic. Same goes for holding it straight up while running. Trying to keep that weight balanced would put unecessary strain on ur hands and arms, while u could easily have it on ur shoulder and run. Just saying, you compared to real life insipiration for the game concept, so pointing out that in real life nobody would hold  something so heavy and long like that.

  7. Hello ! I want to ask first if there is a way to change how you hold the heavy blade, because if there is this post might be not needed.

    I tried different warframes, seems they all hold it like this, this is how it is NOW:


    In other games the way that I personaly prefer a Badass to hold his giant 2 handed sword, Heavy Blade, Greatsword etc, is like this:



    So, if there is a way for me to change the way it holds the Heavy Blade, tell me (I only saw changes to back position, holster etc) If not, please add this cosmetic feature for free or for plat.

  8. 17 minutes ago, krc473 said:

    Have you tried the middle mouse button? I believe it should do most (if not all) of what you want.

    Hey, we have all these captura scenes. Surely it would not be that difficult to allow those to be used.

    Ty, I did not know I could use the middle button to select a full stack. It is not quite what I said, but it does help a lot the process of selling duplicates.

    I don't understand the captura scenes reply. You mean for DE to use them for simulacrum ? As a player I see captura scenes relevant only for taking a screenshot. As long as I can't spawn mobs in them and use them as an active environment, they are useless, I got bored of them 5 minutes after I got them.

  9. Hello warframe players and DE. I'm a new player here, still haven't reached max rank or even half the items around. A few things that "bug" me are :

    - while trying to sell duplicate mods, you have to select mod, select max (for example 12pieces of Vitality) then go to the next stack, select it, select max (for example 10 pieces of Redirection) and so on until you go through all duplicate mods from left to right and finaly sell them for endo. Wouldn't it be easy for a little button "Sell all" ? Perhaps acording to filter selling all duplicates or no filter sell all mods, or if you select Primary sell all mods for primary etc. But the most useful would be for me at least, to sell all duplicates in 1 click

    - Simulacrum - I think it's been around for years. I've seen similar thing in other games, a place you can train or test things, won't give names, not trying to advertise another game. But why just one type of room ? Why a room where u fall off the map, or mobs fall off the map ? I would like a console on that platform to select diffrent types of rooms, it is a "simulacrum" so I should be able to "simulate" different evironments, for example a room with no pillars or other obstacles, a room with solid floor, a room surrounded by water or whatever. Also, don't like the fact that the lvl of the mobs you can summon is related to the player rank. I can be rank 10 and want to "test my mettle", maybe I can handle mobs lvl 150, why not let me ?

    - I know warframe.market is not owned by DE, but can't we work something out to find a solution so we can sell unveiled rivens on that site ? I know of riven market, but it seems pretty bad and not nearly as many players use that.

    - feels weird that no matter what ship you choose, whenever you get back from your mission the interior is the same for all of them... from what I understood what is "below deck" is the orbiter and "above deck" is the landing craft, so at least that part should be different if you change ships.

    - in the companion vs sentinel  choice I see most people use sentinels, for the vacum and other suport mods. I know we can't give vacum to pets, but pets could at least have the comand to guard an area. Leting your fully moded Kubrow guard the objective while you can drink your coffee or go take the drops or go to another objective could tip the balance and make more people use companions, without taking anything away from sentinels, such as vacum.

    - every time I start a mission, alert, go to a relay etc I have to tap space space etc to skip cinematic. If there is a way to deactivate cinematics permanently, I don't know it. If there isn't, I think that should be added. It is ok to see it once, like first time you do that mission, go to that planet etc, but sooner or later all of us just want to do that mission and all of us will skip skip cinematics.

    If more suggestions, you guys are welcome to share them here, maybe at least some of these get implemented.

  10. Rather than a clem warframe I would like some new life into the clem world. For example there could be some quest (at Darvo or somewhere else) for... a female Clem (Clema?). I'd say a female gunner that sort of lays on the ground to fire a big ass machinegun with supports ( sort of like this m249-short-saw.gif


    Clem and Clema were never separated again and Clem was never lonely again :) I'd also like to see them resurrect each other if one dies.

  11. I understood after rework that Gara wall from Mass Vitrify is more fragile. However 2 things seem wrong:

    1. any mobs that stay near the wall stick their guns through it and shoot me like there's no wall. Grineer do it pretty easy on Hydron.

    2. Plenty of mobs pass right through the wall like it's not even there, not breaking it, just passin through it. Also noticed on a mobile defense, made the wall on an elevated platform, infested were coming and jumping from the ground to the platform, all mobs were passing through the shield. The shield was right to the edge of the platform, but apparently can't stop any mob from landing inside, even if the shield is 20 meters high 😕

    Now if this wall is easy to break, doesn't stop enemies from going through it or shoot through it, doesn't slow/cc  like limbo or frost, isn't it a bit too much nerf ?

  12. - Used mirage prime on Lith survival V Prime on Venus.

    - at some point, with clones on, noticed staticor stoped firing projectiles and instead detonated instantly as if I had something in melee range. I was in the square room with big exlplosive barrels that detonate the glass walls.

    - Ran around, tried firing at enemies, no projectiles were fired, enemies stayed alive and well, my projectiles kept detonating instantly, with clones on or off, with eclipse on or off.

    I hope you can recreate the bug and fix it, tnx.

  13. On 2018-08-02 at 12:56 PM, Almighty_Jado said:

    To clarify the whole Orbiter/Landing craft thing: everything above the moving ramp is the landing craft. Everything on the same level as your arsenal, foundry and mod station and below are part of the Orbiter.

    Well, even so, if everything above the moving ramp is the landing craft. My point of nothing changing whenever you change the type of landing craft is still valid.

  14. Defense is now the American spelling, it is not American in origin. The OED and Google Books reveal examples of the spelling from as long ago as the 1300s, many centuries before the United States existed

    Personaly, being from Romania so not native english speaker, I always used 'defense' 'defensive' same as 'ofense' 'ofensive', simply because with 'fence' having the meaning it has, it didn't sound right. 'defence' a fence + de in front didn't sound right, I dunnno. :)

  15. 13 hours ago, HugintheCrow said:

    Landing craft you use is NOT the Orbiter. Those are 2 different ships. The Landing craft docks into the much larger Orbiter.

    Well I will disagree on that and will say why :

    1. After you finish a squad and  are back on your ship, you can watch through the glass and see their ships, not orbiters, as I am sure they see your ship.

    2. If you click navigation and look at a planet, you will see your ship circling around that planet, not some orbiter.

    The fact that the game says you can invite someone to your "orbiter" is just an expression, game can not say invite to Mantis, then after u change ship "invite to Scimitar etc, so it made it more general "invite to Orbiter" I see the warframe docking into the ship after an archwing mission for example, I have not seen my ship docking into some orbiter, but if you have tell me when so I can check it.

  16. A few things I would like to see changed:

    - archwing mod is not mandatory, many people don't invest in it because they hardly have to use it. I would like to see it more often in Sorties and less spy etc., archwing mission in good reward alerts and syndicate missions.

    - I want a Hold position/guard position added to the pets (kubrow/kavat) and I would like the hold position of warframe specters checked. Mine holds position for a while, then decides to run somewhere, then holds position there etc

    - buying new landing craft/ship only changes the exterior. That makes no sense, how can 2 totaly different ships in shape and size have the exact space and design inside ?

    - survival fissures, can they come as often as the other types ? very often i see rescue, capture, defense... but if I want a neo or lith survival fissure I can wait for that days

    - every now and then Sortie has one of the missions Sniper only, Shotgun only etc. It is not ok for people to dodge it by using valkyre hysteria ability or Excalibur Umbra exalted blade etc so basicaly play melee.

  17. Hello, I crafted 2 new sentinels in foundry. Upon trying to claim them it said not enough slots, would you like to purchase 2 new sentinel slots for 12 plat. I purchased, claimed one sentinel, but when I tried to claime the second it said again "not enough slots, would you like to purchase 2 new sentinel slots for 12 plat". Have I purchased just 1 slot for 12 plat ? Should I buy again ?

  18. Hello, I'm new in warframe, a couple of weeks here, this is my first post. so I am sorry if I break any rules. I am curious if a negative mod capacity is normal, for example if instead of 0/70 you go -1/70. Since I am a new player I haven't experienced many things here, currently made my first 2 warframes. I was under the impresion that when I upgraded a mod and the warframe or weapon did not have enough capacity, the mod was unequiped if when prompted that it exceeds the capacity I still followed through with the upgrade. But apparently I upgraded something and it went negative, should I keep upgrading ? Mods on and effective, so if this keeps going then I guess no need for forma? If this is a bug it should be fixed, I did not try any hack or exploit and this just happened so I posted here to ask about it. Tnx for any info.

    Negative Mod Capacity

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