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Posts posted by Th3SteAk

  1. So recently i had a small conflict with our clan chat due to spoiling sacrifice quest

    Even though personally i dont think ive done something wrong because i was talking about a dismiss able minor detail of the quest

    however, i came up with a decent conclusion that can potentially solve the spoiler problem in clan chat

    Why not allow Clan owners to create different tabs for different purposes within the clan

    This game have grown a lot since launch and many clan had turn into a community within warframe

    So why not allow clan owners to create tabs for trade, recruit for fights, sacrifice spoiler free tab... etc.

    This can be easily implemented and will solve some problem thats within clans 


    PS: sorry my English isn't very good 😛

  2.  i was able to recreate this camera bug multiple time while leveling up my umbra in Hydron

    When this bug happens the camera stays at where it was while the warframe continue to move forward

    How to create the bug:
    quckly switch into operator with excal umbra and switch back

    nvm, you dont even have to do it quickly, you just have to switch back to umbra when he is a spectre

    I think this happens because umbra turns into spector while you summon the operator, but if you do it too fast it contradict with the command of moving it around

  3. So i was able to use excal umbra before even finishing the sacrifice quest
    What i did was created a new loadout slot for umbra straight after creating him

    After he escapes, i was able to switch my mesa warframe into umbra by switching loadout right after

  4. 8 minutes ago, (XB1)Danowat32 said:

    Maybe it's just that the game isn't really for you?

    You say you enjoyed the story missions, but don't like the end game, maybe you're just more into narrative based games, and not that engaged with power based game systems?

    I am a noob too, and I couldn't really care less about the story or narrative missions, I only unlock the ones I need to get parts and stuff, I still have a lot of them left too do, I am 300hrs in, and still have a shed load I want to do.

    I prefer the meta game, grinding for lens, getting focus, getting rivens, rare mods, prime parts, arcanes, amps, zaws etc.

    There is tons to keep you engaged, if you're that kind of player, if you aren't, accept the time you've played and move on, the game owes you nothing.

    Yo man, I don’t really care about the lore beside when I’m studying for University finals and use the videos as background study music. I enjoy challenges, pushing for leaderboards. Working with teammates, socializing. I’m just questioning is there any content where I can use gear for the sake of challenging myself beside leveling up all my stuff, forma them, rinse and repeat. I love maxing out gears. However, when everything was one shot by your gear (even assasination missions) I started to wonder is there anything challenging in this game beside getting DE to drop you the prime part you want.

  5. 1 hour ago, CaptainMinty said:


    To be blunt, not everyone has the same experience. Most people tend to run into players willing to toss a hand out to help someone in Warframe. That doesn't mean it happens 100% of the time. RNGesus seems to have handed you the short end of the stick. But don't let that stop you from enjoying the game itself. Warframe is fully capable of being played solo. Don't let a few sour apples ruin the whole batch for you.


    Locking a vast majority of players out of something simply because they don't like the meta is immediately going to rile up the community. In fact, the only people who won't be upset is those who have those spots. Warframe is very casual. What would our leaderboards be? Time spent in a survival? Number of relics opened at once in a mission? Waves completed in Sanctuary Onslaught? Thing is, not a lot of people want to spend 8 plus hours in a survival, or open sixty something relics in one mission. Some of us don't have that kind of time to just burn. And as another issue, there's so many different missions, it's, ridiculous actually how much we have available to us in Warframe if you step back and look at it. And because there is so much, there would need to be a leaderboard for each thing. There'd be too many in Warframe. It's just not worth it. Leaderboards in Warframe would only amplify the meta into a bigger monster. It would generate toxicity towards nonmeta weapons and frames. I would go as far as the lack of significance in leaderboards and top player rewards allows players to stay more open-minded and be more relaxed when facing nonmeta situations.

    To clearify the leaderboard point, I was looking for infinite level of SO. The mob scales up each level. The level will be time limited and if the player finish it in the set amount of time they get rewarded. The leaderboard will be made by how high and how fast you finish your levels. This is how D3 did it and putting a DE twist on it will be great. 

    Which gets me excited from how the meta could be developed and how some neglected frames can be brought back for the sake of teamworks.

  6. 35 minutes ago, Teloch said:

    What seems as an improvement in your eyes is but absurd in the eyes of others. What everyone tries to tell you is that WF does not fit your expectations because it was built that way. The core formula that includes the limited number of players on a tile and general accent on PVE, and the general goal to "hoard it all" is unchangeable in any way for as long as the game shows life signs in form of revenues.

    What others are trying to say is that WF will stay as it is and you would be better off playing pubg or fortnite. 

    Please explain to me how my suggestion is absurd when I’m suggesting a system that will improve the end game while still keeping the hoard it all nature or potentially makes it more fun and meaningful? Why will I move on to another game when I like the game?

    im fine with limited player slots in most part of the game just not open world. Open world design is for socializing or story telling. The plain fail on achieving both of these. The open world was no difference from the rest of the game, now you tell me why open world shall exist when the game and warframes are designed around narrow hallways besides for the sake of shock value? Don’t even mention it’s annoying from time to time to walk from where you finish bounty to cetus.

    P.S. This could be a noob problem but it always take me an extra 3 minutes to walk from where I am to the entrance. Apparently following the Cetus tower never lead you to the entrance. When you think you’re there you are actually miles away

  7. 5 minutes ago, ReddBeard said:

    There is already onslaught specific loot available. Khora, Peculiar Mods, Instant Radiant Relics. Personally I don't think cosmetics are not significant enough. There are many many people in Warframe, myself included, that absolutely love the cosmetic side of the game. I'm sure you have heard the term "Fashion Frame" while playing - This is nothing BUT cosmetics. Additionally, the leader board is about bragging rights imo. I could be wrong, but that's how I view it. The feeling of seeing your name up there and knowing that all other players can see it there is great. 

    It's about a sense of community. Heck, I am a clan leader and we have leader board competitions in place for the new obstacle courses. Why? Because it's fun to compete for best scores. 

    Well its really nice to know this part of community exist because I love getting on leaderboards and brag about it. I'm just surprise people in my clan or general chat isn't talking about leaderboards at all. My region and clan could've skewed my opinion, or you could belong to minority and your opinion is skewed. I dont really know, but glad to know people are actually actively pushing for the leaderboard.

  8. 12 minutes ago, Orgoon said:

    I almost forgot how to shoot when I played with mine after some time. After some time it gets boring to chase the ball.

    I still havent learn how to shoot, and I've bought octavia since started to play the game. I agree the ball is an A******.

  9. 1 hour ago, Ouinpis said:

    well on the other side I help soo many peoples.And they don't care after the quest is Done or have the prime they wanted ,was test and they all failed,for free

    I don't put everybody in same basket,But others do,I don't

    Well, you are a saint and I applaud you for what you have done for the community 🙂

  10. 3 minutes ago, ReddBeard said:

    This is the reason I hate COD. The better you are doing, the better "powers" (for lack of a better word) you are rewarded with. Attack dogs for example. Rewards should not be something that make you better equipped than other players. If you're among the top tier of players, this means you are already better equipped than other players so it doesn't make sense to make the gap even bigger than it already is. 

    Hey man, if there are no meaningful rewards why will people care about the leaderboard than. It's just a way for people to aim for something. Cosmetic have proven to be not significant enough for people to be invested in it, or the activity itself have proven to be not hard enough for people who completed to get praise.

  11. 2 minutes ago, CaptainMinty said:

    The issue with a leaderboard in a game like Warframe is that it will never show off a unique build. It will always show the most efficient build. The top 100 squads would all look virtually the same. There'd be no sense of personal accomplishment in creating your own build that suits your style of play and defines how you play. Find the reward in playing the game and enjoy how you play. Warframe is FILLED with mods and unique ways to use weapons. Rivens help with that. 

    Showing off your build to others? I know for a fact I have several people in Warframe who love to discuss builds and encourage doing something different. I still confuse one of them whenever I drag my Glaxion into the Sorties with a Gas build. Clans exist for a reason. Every Clan I have been in have been incredible social and enjoyed talking builds. Try and see if you can find a Clan like that, there's so many out there.

    And if you're looking for a reward for putting those hours in, don't you already have it? A frame and set of guns you love to use in combination with each other, all with a build you are satisfied with? I mean, there's always more frames to try, and hundreds of weapons in this game. I just discovered the Kohm. I'm mastery 21, and just found the Kohm and started using it. I've been in Warframe for years. 

    You're sitting in your Orbiter waiting for that new alert to pop up, yet you mentioned the community wasn't social enough...sounds like you aren't looking for the community mate.

    I really dont know if its just me or what. Everyone have been praising how friendly the community was but so far most people I met are ignoring me. I will join a match and strike up a conversation or greets, but no one replies. Same thing happens in my clan, I'll ask something and fully ignored until someone is annoyed from how many times I've asked it. The guy who introduce me to this game wouldn't even play with me. So far the community makes me a little disappointed from all the high praise you guys got. 

  12. 5 minutes ago, (PS4)SCP-100912 said:

    Therein lies the problem though, if it's good then they're locking millions of players out of something they may never have even a chance at even at end game levels. But if it's not good enough then vets will whine about it not being enough for them. And right now as it stands, new and casual players take priority cause majority rule. This is a ftp loot centered game, having any loot that's unobtainable except to the people who can't get a perfect group and everything together is bad and alienates the community. This is why wraith and vandal variants are so easy to get now, they used to be awarded for doing well in events, but they started allowing them to be gotten other ways because people were getting mad that there were weapons they couldn't get. I've still got my og gorgon wraith from one of the first ps4 events, as well as my wraith twin vipers and a ton more, they used to be badges of honor for those who kicked ass in those events, but now are just dished out to whoever is patient enough to grind for them in invasions.

    So as much as you think it's a good idea, it's never gonna happen, it's been tried and it's failed horribly.

    Well, than this is truely unfortunate. Cuz I think DE did a good job at making noob like me extremely invested into the game. However, I just feel blueballed that after making a pretty decent character with extremely nice mods on it. I have no where to use it or showcase it (on the leaderboard or sth). I want to feel rewarded by investing 150 hours in 2 weeks you know? Instead of sitting in orbit waiting for the new alert to pop up.

  13. 4 minutes ago, (PS4)SCP-100912 said:

    It still is a bad idea, there's already a huge gap between the vets and the casual/new players, this would just further it and make most of the players who can't get there upset. The only thing that would be acceptable is a badge for their shoulder because anything else would cause the community would burn. Just ask anyone about the Excalibur prime/founders fiasco, or you actually can't because it's such a volatile subject that it guarantees a thread gets locked.

    Also, onslaught is about killing things as fast as possible, that much coordination doesn't belong in that kind of mode. This is what the raids/trials were for and they were widely regarded as not worth it.

    Well, making it worth it will be DE's job isnt it? This is what the definition of end game is. Something thats worthwhile for players that have fully experience the game excited to do. 

  14. 15 minutes ago, (PS4)SCP-100912 said:

    The sanctuary ideas are ok, except awarding top players with exclusive gear, all this will do is turn every group into a meta nightmare as every group fights to cheese as hard as humanly possible to get that stuff.

    For pains as much as I understand your sentiment, it'll never happen for a few reasons. First, when you've reached end game the eidolons are such a joke you can kill all 3 of them multiple times a night cycle. Second, frame rates suffer horribly as it is with all those effects going on with just 4 players, and more would possibly just crash peoples games. Third, having an end game group just flying through killing everything in the plains would leave a lot of players upset and understandably frustrated that they don't get to do anything.

    I think the sanctuary idea needs more clearify. making it hard to cheese shouldn't be too hard for the DE devs to do. Moreover, require actual teamwork like healing and shielding timing and debuff timing will allow only the most skillful player to gain those exclusive gears. I feel like teamwork isn't really fully explored in this game. There is so many magical team work moment that can potentially happen in this game that wasn't required (one man army) therefore if wouldn't happen in a million years.

    An idea just come into my mind while typing this reply, how about making it not tradeable and could only be upgraded by passing certain level of onslaught?

  15. 1 minute ago, (PS4)Taishin_Ishu said:

    You already -can- join in a public squad.... >.>  I've joined many Eidolon hunts where the team was already fighting when I loaded in.

    That being said, having 3 squads, as per your example, would just trivialize combat entirely.

    I just think its different, the choice of helping people and being force by the system is extremely different. In my situation, you chose to be a hero and help people. In the current situation: you got paired with a noob that has no idea whats going on.

  16. 2 hours ago, -SDM-NerevarCM said:

    Looks like no one here saw any "improvement" in your ideas. All your suggestions was "copy other games I like".

    They can look like a improvement to you. Not for me.

    I respect the devs because they listen to community and understand that to sustain a MMORPG you need constant update to the game. Since I know the devs are always listening, I posted my first forum post in any video games. If the devs are all like you and tell people who compare their game to other similar game in the genre to leave, DE will just straight up turn into Bungie rn.

    Moreover, all the new ideas are built on the previous ideas. Are you gonna accuse every single si-fi shooter game post doom copying Doom? Are you gonna accuse every single MOBA games for copying DOTA 2 and League of legends? I can't believe any human being unable to understand this basic concept of building on top of what people have previously achieved.

    I defended Overwatch before and I’m gonna do it again here. Theres nothing wrong at borrowibg somthing and than improve it. Apple did it with IBM products back in the day. PUBG did it with the Battle Royale (they copy an idea from a book). Every car company did it with their own cars. Heck, Disney doesnt own snow white, cinderella, and other classic cartoon movies.

  17. 10 minutes ago, Caobie said:

    pretty much this, but also all your suggestions are just 'take this thing from this other game and put it in warframe' which is not the way to go about it. youve certainly hit a good few points that most of the community agrees with but i dont think taking ideas straight from another game and putting it to warframe is the way to go. an idea inspired by another games mechanics sure, theres something DE has in the works that is like that already but not ripped straight from the game and slapped into warframe

    try sorties, or other high level content, such as kuva floods. gather new mods to try out, test new weapons for the sake of doing it, level your mastery to max. go for long endurance runs in survival....theres alot to do, while yes there is no true 'endgame' in warframe theres still plenty to be done, this coming from a player of 5 years....and i still play daily depending on work and life and such

    I did tried most of the things you suggested here besides raids. Cuz raids lol. I pretty much just login daily and do sorties and get daily reward. I do understand that taking aspect from other games isnt a solution. However, seeing so much potential gone into waste just makes me low-key sad.

  18. 4 minutes ago, -SDM-NerevarCM said:

    You know why other people didn't want PoE like this? Because the veterans know the limitations of the engine and the identity of the game.

    This is a game that work with Peer to Peer conection. Open World with multiple players will never exist without dedicated servers.

    Its a game about squads, not about free open world areas with dozens of players.


    Then play The Division. Warframe is a CooP game. There's a reason why Conclave is played by only 1% of the playerbase.


    Then leave. Clearly this game is not for you and the experience you want is killing other players and showing your leaderboard position to the others. Something you will not find here.

    Want to kill other players in a open world with dozens of players? The Division

    Want leaderboards to climb? Any other e-sports game out there

    Super OP specific item to "improve your experience? Destiny 2


    Warframe is about killing enemies in spetacular ways in a CooP PvE enviroment with a squad for fun. if you don' like it, don't try to change the game in a copy of another game.

    LMFAO, here i am trying to give out suggestion to improve the game and you just straight up tell me to leave. XD

  19. 6 minutes ago, (PS4)Taishin_Ishu said:

    Let's revisit these points after you get some more playtime under your belt.  There is alot left for you to experience in-game, I assure you.

    I love how you low-key ignore what im trying to say cuz im a noob. I feel extremely lost after gathering all the weapon and warframe im interested in. There are also no reason for me to get out of my comfort zone to try out other stuff becuz there is legit no reason to. No meaningful leaderboard to climb, no specific item i need that will greatly improve my warframe experience. Just nothingness and fishing and Fashionframe.

    When i first unlock sanctuary onslaught, i was like oh oh, this is over. How can any MMORPG shooter compete with end game as strong as D3's greater rift. Than I realise... no one is even talking about it.

  20. First off, I'm a new player that just started playing 2 weeks ago and after 150 hours I'm surprise by how empty the end-game feels. 9 frames, 18 weapons, and all the story mission finished later I found no aim and nothing to do besides being a treasure goblin that have collect addiction. I've seen some missopportunity on end game content that could and should be improve upon, and i would like to shed some light on it.

    P.S. Feel free to correct my mistake, since im only 150 hours in I think I could possibly miss something.
    P.P.s English isn't my native language, so the wording could be a little wanky
    P.P.P.S. Edited my final thought cuz i think this is more appropriate
    P.P.P.P.S. I do realize this game have very little hand holding and i love that. I still remember the first time I discover bullet jump on my own and how happy I was.

    P.P.P.P.P.S. After seeing all the reply, all i can say is this is truely unfortunate. Cuz I think DE did a good job at making noob like me extremely invested into the game. However, I just feel blueballed that after making a pretty decent character with extremely nice mods on it. I have no where to use it or showcase it (on the leaderboard or sth). I want to feel rewarded by investing 150 hours in 2 weeks instead of sitting in orbit waiting for the new alert to pop up. Seems like most of the thing i suggested is either impossible or was done and failed. 


    Sanctuary onslaught

    A huge miss opportunity. This mode is basically a glorify elimination at this point. This mode reminds me of diablo 3's greater rift but a dumb down and less rewarding version.

    - increase how many levels of onslaught we can pick (make it unlimited will be cool). 

    -Increase the difficulty from the start (level 30 is way too easy and slashing through under power enemies could also be really boring.). 7~8 rounds and end with a hard boss fight lot more fun and challenging. It also added an element of RNG (good bosses or bad bosses). Which could make players get extremely excited when they get the right boss, and break the record. 

    -Sanctuary specific mods (or other sanctuary specific upgrade) that can only be acquire from the mode. And it also supports the unlimited levels of sanctuary onslaught.

    -Reward top 100 groups with exclusive gears.

    Some may notice that I'm just suggesting the devs to add Greater rift from D3 to warframe. Funny enough, I am. Greater rift system is one of the greatest grinding system that's supporting the whole D3 game till this day. There are reasons why D3 veterans still occasionally return the game for the sole purpose of dominating the leaderboard again. It's not hard for people who reaches end game to gear up to a specific character to a specific build. However, when you added upgrades thats only specific to that game mode (For example: greater rift stones from D3)? It gives the grind a purpose.

    Edit 1: I think the sanctuary idea needs more clearify. making it hard to cheese shouldn't be too hard for the DE devs to do. Moreover, require actual teamwork like healing and shielding timing and debuff timing will allow only the most skillful player to gain those exclusive gears. I feel like teamwork isn't really fully explored in this game. There is so many magical team work moment that can potentially happen in this game that wasn't required (one man army) therefore if wouldn't happen in a million years.

    Edit 2: I do realize it may be extremely hard for people to understand what i'm trying to suggest when people never played diablo 3 as competitively as i did and fully understand how the system works. Diablo 3 have gems call Greater Rift stone that could only be upgraded by pushing up the Greater Rift level. For example: you can only upgrade your stone to level 80 when you reach level 80. If you go pass that the possibility to upgrade will be 1%. These stones give purpose to character, it can make a character either a tank/buff dude, tank/healer, dps. These stones serve as ways to make every single build viable on the ladder ( I once use a troll build to climb to top 1000). This is pretty much Riven mod but better since you dont need a godroll for the sake of improving your current weapon. I think implementing a new upgrade system for sanctuary onslaught similar to this system will give purpose for people to grind the level out and try to reach the top level. I'm low-key feeling like one punch man right now. I just walk through the level with shocking speed volt like its nothing, probably died 2 times cuz i forgot to press 4 or out of mana and thats it. There is no intense moment that i was looking for that could sabotage the whole run. 

    Edit 3:  I think people are confused by why i said it was cap at 16 rounds. Here is what i found on Warframe wiki.:

    Efficiency: the means to maintain a Conduit. Once efficiency reaches zero, the run will be over. The deeper the player progresses into the Sanctuary the faster their efficiency drops, capping at Zone 16.

    • Efficiency Stimulus: Pick-ups, which increase the player's efficiency by 10%. The number of Efficiency Stimuli that appears starts at 4, which gradually decreases the deeper the player progresses into the Sanctuary, up until after Zone 15 after which they will stop appearing.

    Edit 4: 

    I defended Overwatch before and I’m gonna do it again here. Theres nothing wrong at borrowing somthing and than improve it. Apple did it with IBM products back in the day. PUBG did it with the Battle Royale (they copy the idea from a book). Every car company did it with their own cars. Heck, Disney doesnt own snow white, cinderella, and other classic cartoon movies.


    Plains of Eidolon

    Another miss-opportunity

    Should've made the plain an open world where people can encounter other people. The fact that while I'm fighting this giant monster at night while there's only 3 squad member low-key kill the immersion. It is also the random encounters that make open world MMORPG great. After playing MMORPG for a long time. What i appreciate the most is when random people try to help out, or the other way around.

    It just makes me sad that following encounters will never happen in plains of Eidolon.

    -when you struggling with a hard bounty, a random guy decide to join and clear everything for you. Despite the fact he wont be awarded with any of your loots. You later DM that guy and you guys become friends.

    -when you and your squad members are slowly withering down the sentient, more and more squad joins the fight. The tables turned and the boss was beaten down by 3 different squads that have never met. 

    -After encountering this same guy in Eidolon while fighting the sentient for many times. You guys started to talk and become friends.


    Final thought: i think making the open world or the upcoming Venus open world more socialize will be great. I also agree on what the post “The Biggest Rework” saids. I’m looking for more challenges, not to become a demi god. If I want that, I won’t invest money in this game. I’ll just go to Dark Souls 3, turn on cheat engine and invade unfortunate kids that have online play on.

    Link to the post: 


    These are just my noob thoughts, plz dont nail me on the cross and burn me. Thank you for reading 😉

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