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Posts posted by RhazeR

  1. I could see this being an end-game sort of thing, maybe not an event but a specialty mission, and seeing how far you could go. Infact, it could not even have an end to it and it can have a leaderboard to it.

     I think that would be a cool idea, IMAGINE

  2. I don't see any mention of changes done to the Crush ability, My question remains: Is the crush ability's range 12 even when the mod is unranked (and the whoel way through)?

    Before: Pull, Shield Polarize, Bullet Attractor, Crush.



  3. I have been in a party with both myself as a mag (crush), banshee (soundwave), and excalibur (radial javelin) all seem to affect the scouts, every 3/4 runs one scout will glitch... Im not sure if this is meant to happen on purpose but it is damn annoying.

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