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Posts posted by Mr_DeadEye

  1. On 2020-03-04 at 1:47 PM, (PS4)Ozymandias-13- said:

    I think Chroma should have better access to all of his elements in one build without it relying on your energy color since as is players will only ever pick the best element and nothing else (even you only addressed the heat aspect of his Elemental Ward and pretended the other elements don't even exist).

    That may be one way to think about it but having to program that might be a nightmare. What happens to buffs that are on allies when you switch? what happens to the effects? 

    The point of this is to try to fix chroma with the least amount of manpower needed. Just being able to use only assets and things that are already in game in order to cut down on development time since DE has a lot on their plate at the moment.


         3. You referenced the issue of the removal of self damage repeatedly but you didn't address with any suggested changes to Vex Armor. Lol Also, shields don't hinder Vex Armor, they're part of why it's powerful. Damage to shields is what boosts his resistance, then the damage to the health afterwards (with all of the added resistance used to survive) is what boosts the damage.

    I did adress this in the Effigy section. I dont think you need to change Vex armour in order to solve the issue, as stated here:


    If Vex Armour is active on ability activation, it will fill half of the required amount of "damage" for Vex armour. This effect can stack on recast. So, to rephrase for clarity, you can activate Vex Armour and then cast effigy, desummon it and resummon to max out your Vex armour while losing 60% of your health and shields, without the need for enemies.

    Shields can be an issue if the only thing you need is the damage buff, say in bossfights. Additionally with the changes coming to shield gating, chroma is going to have a hell of a harder time getting damage to his health through all of those shields.


    Lastly, making it affinity range would sure be helpful, but only few abilities in the game work on affinity range. This has a modifyable range to keep in line with most other warframes.


    Thank you for your feedback!

  2. Obviously there is a spike in Chroma rework posts since the removal of self damage in the devstream. This is how I feel DE can "fix" chroma while not having to make any new assets for the game and with the least amount of work involved. I will keep this breakdown of the problems Chroma faces, the changes and my reasoning in separate subsections, as well as being as brief as possible. If you want to skip to the fixes, they are labelled below.




    Chroma is very one dimensional. He is used for his 2nd and 3rd ability and that is it. While there are many other one note frames such as loki, his doesnt really add anything gameplay wise.

    Chroma's kit does not flow well. His abilities do not interact with one another in any meaningful way.

    He lacks any form of CC, and while killing enemies is the best form of CC he has one use and that is simply tankiness. If you look to other tanky frames like Inaros, Nidus and Rhino, they all have supportive complimentary abilities in the form of CC.

    Chroma's reliance on self damage limits build flexibility, since you always need to bring a self damaging weapon to get you started. Now with self damage gone, it forces Chroma to stand in front of enemies and do nothing and wait for them to shoot him to build up his buff. This not only breaks gameplay flow but also feels awful having to wait for an enemy to target you, actually deal damage and not miss while you stand still and for them to not attack a companion or sentinel instead of you. Nevermind the prospect of a squadmate coming along and nuking the enemies before they get a chance to touch you.

    Shields can be frustrating to have on chroma when all you want is the vex armour buff. If all you want at that moment is the damage buff, whether that be for killing bosses or just general gameplay, having to eat through shields to get to it first sucks, experientially. Not to mention shield gating being introduced with the next mainline. 





    Spectral Scream:

    20% Faster Cast time, no longer stops your movement on cast.

    Fires directly at the cursor like a normal weapon, able to aim like a weapon too.

    Spectral scream now places a trail of [Element] on surfaces it touches. This trail works exactly like Nehza's Fire Walker (his 1), but aimed on surfaces. Retains current damage, the radius being the same as Fire Walker and the status chance (affected by power strength). Duration of the trail is 15 second base (affected by duration) and only begins countdown when Spectral scream ends channelling. 

    Augment: Spectral Scream will no longer be a channelled ability, casting fires a fireball of [Element] at the cursor, dealing 1000 base damage (affected by strength) and leaving behind a circle area of affect of [Element] with a 4m radius (affected by range) for 15 seconds (affected by duration). Can only have 4 instances of the AOE in effect at once. Effigy will also use this as its attack instead of its normal attack with the AOE range or duration not being affected by mods, having no max cap on instances and a duration of 10 seconds.


    Elemental Ward:

    Aura radius increased to 20m.

    Heat burn radius increased to 10m.

    Heat Aura health increase buffed to 300%

    If Effigy is active, an instance of Elemental ward is centred on the effigy.

    No other changes.


    Vex Armour

    No changes.



    No longer a channelled ability, base duration 40 seconds. Hold ability key to desummon.

    No longer stationary, follows chroma closely. You can use Wukong AI if you like, but not needed. Its main focus should be near Chroma.

    No longer has health, cannot be killed.

    Reduce 50% armour penalty to being 10% health 10% armour 10% shields.

    Target Radius is now affected by range mods.

    Radial attack has 8 metre radius, both Effigy's normal and radial attacks scale with enemy level, similar to Vauban's Minelayer.

    Tap ability key while active to make the Effigy teleport to you and use its howl CC ability, reduce the CC duration to 20 seconds with a cooldown of 10 seconds. Pressing again while in cooldown will still teleport effigy to you.

    Upon ability activation, Chroma takes 30% of his max health and shields in damage.

    If Vex Armour is active on ability activation, it will fill half of the required amount of "damage" for Vex armour. This effect can stack on recast. So, to rephrase for clarity, you can activate Vex Armour and then cast effigy, desummon it and resummon to max out your Vex armour while losing 60% of your health and shields, without the need for enemies.

    Upon ability deactivation, grants 100 health and shields, with an extra 50 for every 4 seconds the Effigy was active. Can grant overshields.

    Augment: When ability key is tapped and effigy is within 3m of you, Effigy will become stationary. To reposition, simply tap, instead of tap and hold. Holding the ability key while Effigy is stationary will return it to following you. Holding the ability key while it follows will desummon it as normal. When moving, leaves a Fire Walker trail in its wake in your element, in addition to its normal affect. This trail has the same properties as Spectral scream and lasts for 40 seconds (not affected by duration). Uses a radial scream before it begins moving and when it reaches its destination. No animation on the 1st scream. Increases the range of effigy's attacks by 50%.





    Spectral scream: Chroma has no need for a direct channelled damaging tool, so instead this redesign helps it become a utility, by being able to throw flames on a choke point or point of interest and then swap back to your regular gunplay it can help aid in CC and dealing passive damage when you use your weapons.

    The augment is designed to change this from an accurate channelled ability where you can make a line exactly how you want to shape it, into a burst option, quicker, less precise but can cover a doorway or small area quickly. In addition, it turns effigy's constant DPS into burst DPS which leaves small pockets of its AOE effect, albeit at a smaller effect and duration.

    Elemental Ward: The range increase is simply to allow allies to have more free movement and still be able to make use of his buff. A quality of life change. Additionally, heat is incredibly underpowered compared to its compatriots, especially when you consider frames like wisp can add a whole lot more health to her and her team at base, with additional healing per second. The range change is to bring its burn effect back in line with the other 3 elements, since they all have 12 or 10 meter radius. Lastly, having an elemental ward on Effigy not only increases its range and DPS, but also adds some versatility to the augment, allowing chroma to be able to buff his teammates from two places at once, covering more area.

    Vex armour: Vex armour is what Chroma is used for first and foremost. Its fine the way it is, personally it may be interesting to see if a shield regen speed increase along with the armour would be benefital for electric Chroma and to help frames who do not rely on armour to get some benefit out of it, but the changes to shielding isn't out yet at the time of writing and that may be just a whole nother can of worms to get into. An idea I've seen bouncing around is making vex armour slowly drain over time, but I don't think that change would really add all that much gameplay wise and might make it more frustrating for boss hunting.

    Effigy: This is where most of the change happens, so we will have a lot to talk about. A stationary ability in a mobile game like warframe does not typically mesh well, not to mention it competes with other stationary abilities like Khora's strangledome and frost's bubbles. Many people want this thing mobile, its a good idea however I don't think when people compare it to the Wukong clone its not a correct comparison. The Wukong AI seeks out enemies and tries to find a balance between being aggressive in finding and fighting enemies while keeping a maximum distance from the player. I don't think this suits Effigy, because unlike the twin, Effigy does not use weapons. Instead, its better suited to companion behaviour. 

    Removing health from the effigy is important, because at higher levels it would simply not survive, basically invalidating this ability from use in higher levels. Next, the armour reduction. Many people say to get rid of the penalty outright, because being penalised for using an ability feels simply awful experientially. However, I think if that debuff you receive is slight, I don't think players will mind that much. I feel that the tradeoff is needed for the amount of CC and passive DPS the effigy can provide, as well as keeping with the themeing of shedding armour. Speaking of DPS, the range on Effigy's attacks is pitiful. Allowing them to be modded by gives players an incentive to mod for it, helping build diversity. Buffing the radial attack will also help beef up its CC capabilities, even though this may not be modded for by abilities. Lastly, giving the Effigy scaling damage will help it keep competitive in much higher levels, combined with its invulnerable status it gives players the option to use it in those situations.

    The radial howl effigy has is useful, however relying on the AI to decide when to use it doesn't help you plan out your attacks and is very inconsistent. Having it on demand but a cooldown allows for smarter play and more control over how it is used. The duration was reduced because obviously a 30 second stun duration on demand would most likely be too powerful. The teleporting feature is mainly a debug tool, making sure that if effigy gets stuck or too far away from you that you can reposition it easily without having to resummon it.

    The self damage is a risk reward system, yes you can quickly and instantly max out your vex armour but you now have just below half of your health left which you must regain. Its also reminiscent of the position you would put yourself in by using self damage. Why not do it in a single cast? Because self damage with glaives, exodia contagion or concealed explosives took around 2 or 3 seconds, of which the cast time for Effigy is much faster, so in order to keep a similar time frame a recast can help. Also,   The heal on recall is another added functionality of effigy that serves two purposes. One, it helps reward you for that initial health deposit on cast and two encourages you to have the effigy out incase you need to have a quick burst of health on demand, so even for players who don't care about effigy's damage or CC potential, there is still a use for them to cast the ability. The shields is also there for Electric Chroma users, who would see minimal benefit in having health regen.

    Lastly, the augment allows the augment to be used more like a sentry with the increased range as intended, however the trail left behind adds some additional use of it dividing up the space. Additionally, this augment also helps players have a passive elemental fire walker trail made by their Effigy if they don't want to use it like a stationary sentry. The lack of an animation on initial movement is due to allowing the Effigy to move where the player wants them to go without having to wait for the animation to play out before it moves every time they reposition it. The controls sound a little funky but the idea is to be able to swap between Effigy being stationary and mobile without sacraficing the ability to teleport it back to you or desummon it. The only other control method I could think of is making the Effigy interactable like spectres, however I assume that might cause alot of coding issues so that is why I'm avoiding it in this approach. If you have a better idea, please let me know.



    And that's it! Thank you for reading. I hope I made it clear and didn't ramble too much. If you have any thoughts, criticisms or feedback, or you simply didn't understand something please let me know! Id love to respond as soon as I can. 


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  3. Hi, clickbaity title aside, I have a conumdrum that only you lovely tenno can solve!

    So, Im decorating my orbiter and I want to be able to try and cobble together something that I could call a bed for my precious tenno but Im honestly at a loss as what decor I could use.


    If you have any ideas, seen one in a dojo, or made one yourself Id love to hear! 


    Screenshots would be helpful if you have them, so we could follow suit and create beds for every tenno in the system!

    • Like 1
  4. With a ton of the Prisma and prime variants of cosmetics and weapons they mention "Orokin era artisans" and similar things.

    I think itd be really cool if somehow we could get to learn more about one of these artisans.

    What were they like? How did they make things? What kind of things did they sell and how did they sell? Were there different tiers of artisans and the differences ect ect.

    I think itd be a cool thing to have maybe a written story describing some of these things as some extra content this year.

    What do you think?

    • Like 2
  5. Hey you, do you want to hit one grineer with another grineer? Do you want to make your fashionframe a weapon? Do you like comboing abilities together?

    Then you may like this frame idea! This frame is themed around throwing things, perhaps like an Olympian, but thats up to you. 

    The thing to note about the physical design is that it will have no neck, its head will float above its neck-hole with an energy suspending it. You will find out why later! ^^


    Enough waffle, lets get into the abilities!


    Ability 1: Toss

    Jump to a nearby enemy*, lift them over your Warframe's head and upon releasing the ability key (or the lifting animation has finished), throw the enemy at your reticules position. 

    Any enemy hit (including the thrown target) will be ragdolled, suffer minor impact damage and gives your Warframe increased weapon damage additively for X seconds.

    If toss is cast while the Toss buff is active, refreshes the duration of the buff. Any buff percentage gained from this use will be added on top of the old buff instead of replacing it.

    Footnote: Warframe gains invincibility during the grabbing and throwing animations, however not while holding the enemy. Player unable to jump while holding an enemy, but can move at 50% speed and roll. *Range affected by mods


    Ability 2: Shot-put 

    Throw a shot-put of energy at reticule. After hitting the floor, drags all enemies above it within Xm for X seconds, CCing them. Pressing ability key while it is active teleports you to the shotput, performs a fancy forward spin animation and slams all CCed enemies down onto the ground, ending the ability early but giving you X% damage reduction additively for each enemy hit.

    If shot-put is cast while the damage reduction is active, refreshes the duration of the buff. Any buff percentage gained from this use will be added on top of the old buff instead of replacing it.

    Footnote: Imagine it to work like Niduses 2 or Vabuans 4 in terms of dragging enemies in. If it hits a wall, will disappear and the ability will fail. If holding the ability key, you can hold the shot put and move slowly while aiming (see: Mesa's Waltz movement)


    Ability 3: Discus (Idea 1)

    Remove your head, spin and throw it like a discus. The head will fly in the direction of the reticule (when the ability key was pressed). Head will fly for Xm, then return to its owner like a boomerang. While flying the head leaves a trail of energy that strips the armor of any enemy that touches it by 30% and will give the frame X health regeneration per second for X seconds. 

    The Warframe will be able to fight and move as normal, albeit headless, after throwing its head.

    Gaining additional Discus health regeneration buffs refreshes its duration.

    Footnote: Armor strip lasts 15 seconds, the strip percent and duration are not modifiable. Hp regeneration may be low. Multiple trails may be active at the same time. An enemy unit can not trigger the buff/strip on itself more than once. 


    Ability 3: Discus (Idea 2)

    Remove head, spin and throw it like a discus, your body fading away as you take control of your flying head. Head can either not move at all or move in a straight line. Right click to stop, left click to fly. Can only turn camera when stopped. On ability end (via duration or recasting to end early), your body rejoins you at the heads location, releasing a pulse that strips enemy armor by 30% and gives you X health regeneration per second for X seconds.

    Gaining additional Discus health regeneration buffs refreshes its duration.

    Footnote: Armor strip lasts 10 seconds, the strip percent and duration are not modifiable. Perhaps the movement speed of the head is modified by power strength?


    Ability 4: (You decide the name!)

    Enter an adrenaline fueled state of vigor. Gain +30% movement and casting speed and all buffs from your 1 2 and 3's duration are now tied to this abilities duration. These buffs also gain an increase multiplier by X%, for X seconds. However, the Warframe's abilities can not increase its buffs while the 4 is active, essentially locking them at that increased value until the abilities end.

    Upon ability ending, the three buffs will return to half of their pre-boosted values and their durations will be refreshed.

    This ability can be ended prematurely with a recast. 

    Footnote: Movement speed is not modifiable.

    Passive: Power Position

    Gain +100 armor per thrown weapon equipped. Thrown weapons have increased critical and status chance.


    Thats the frame!

    I think itd be a fun active frame to play whos abilities will combo into eachother nicely, as the focus of their gameplay would be comboing your 1, 2 and 3 together in any way you like until you have built them high enough that you are happy to activate your 4 and just go mental on your enemies with the boost to your power and tankiness temporarily.

    Also im not sure which of the two variants of the 3rd ability should I choose. I feel like the second variant is stepping too much on Ivara's territory but I think it would be really nice to give this frame a movement option. Especially since it could be used to jump from group of enemies to group very quickly (not to mention plains/vallis travel). But I wouldnt want to overstuff the ability with too many things, so I turn to you guys. 😄

    Oh! Also feel free to leave suggestions for its name in the replies! I have no idea for one, currently.


    So, please tell me your thoughts, suggestions, critiques and general feedback in the replies and thanks for reading! 

  6. Hey so I know many players are wondering if they should wait for fortuna to come out on consoles (including the switch) before migrating their account. We know DE said theyd liek to get the console version of fortuna out before christmas, but from what I can find I cant see anyone saying when the migration period ends, other than people stating the PS4/XBONE ones were 2 weeks long. 

    But with fortuna would this be the same case?

    If we could get some information thatd be great as its the only thing missing from the well explained process of account migration.

  7. My own ideas:

    1: A warframe based on metamorphasis, or changing form. Similar to equinox but not based on duality more so...different forms that can be swapped between. Keeping a similar theme of each form changes how the abilities behave slightly. All I know gameplay wise is their 1 will be the ability they use to change, most likely working similar to how Vabuans mines or Ivaras quiver works, tapping 1 to swap selection and holding to transform.

    Perhaps maybe each form has a faction theme, like the forms could be: Grineer, Corpus, Infested, Orokin. Something of the sort. Maybe Sentient themed? Or perhaps 


    based off of Sentient Mimics, like Revenant is with the Eidolons.

    Not much else other than that as far as ideas go.


    2: Meatshield.

    Talk of Garuda on devstreams before we saw gameplay talked about her one producing a meatshield. Now, while we did... technically get a meat shield, we didnt get a meat shield. Get what im saying? I mean a warframe with the ability to pick up enemies and hold them ragdolled infront of us to take damage. One idea I had was maybe it picks up a group of enemies and floats the enemies around you in a ring, forming a tight circular shield of enemies around you to block incoming damage. Then maybe being able to shoot the enemies out like projectiles at other enemies.

    How badass does that sound? Picking up an enemy (via telekinisis or with your damn bare hands ), making them soak up damage then punting them back at the attackers. 


    3: Aggro sponge.

    Perhaps the above ability may belong to this warframe, maybe not. But a warframe based on gaining the attention of enemies, for buffs to the team or themselves. Like say, they get damage reduction based on how many enemies are targeting them as their passive? No idea for abilities but something to draw aggro would be a cool idea I think. Maybe paladin esque?


    4: Giant warframe

    This sounds kind of reminiscent of idea one, but maybe more of a focus on this one special thing. Imagine if there was a warframe based around Atlases conclave rumbler ability.

    Like, become this larger warframe that cant do parkour but can run really fast, deal massive damage with large armounts of range via sweeping attacks, bashes enemies out of the way while running normally...Like almost a reverse chroma. Like, instead of shedding the skin, you gain the skin and your abilities get enhanced.


    Thats all I got. Ill keep tabs on this to talk to any of you about your ideas if you want ^^

  8. So with the recent posting of my own warframe fan-concept Aleya (Psst go read) I realised I had several half baked, not properly thought out extremely rough early warframe concepts!

    Surely you have some too! And if you do, post them below or discuss and help others flesh out their ideas!

    Anything from a theme for a warframe to an ability to something more or anything in between, its all welcome here.


    It would be cool to see a frame idea go from bare bones to fully fleshed out in concept from this thread!

    Have fun!


    • Like 2
  9. 2 hours ago, Thaylien said:

    I got my opinions in, and I'm glad you like some of them, if I've managed to explain myself a little better with this comment and you like the ideas a little more, then all to the good.


    Thank you for explaining, by the way. I understand what you said a great deal more now. ^^

  10. 2 hours ago, Thaylien said:

    And I think this may be where we have a slight creative difference of opinions.

    Yeah, I think we do since while I love the micromanagement of frames like nidus and harrow, I get frustrated at using abilities like oberons where I feel locked in to be around my team to give them buffs, or that I would place down say an EV as trinity but because allies arent in range they get no energy from the pulses. I think Nezhas safeguard being just a line of sight ability helps make it fun imo, simplifies things. But your ideas have helped me alot in this, like with the fact the wisps will now passively path to Aleya, creating that "walking octavia 2" effect with the 1 like you mentioned. And, about the proc immunity I have a little idea  😉

  11. 5 hours ago, Thaylien said:

    1. Wisp Light. Targets a single enemy, distracting them with an orb of floating light that leads them astray, causing them to take additional damage and be unaware of their surroundings for the duration. Killing an enemy affected by a Wisp Light immediately creates two new Wisps that seek the nearest two targets for as long as the Duration continues. If only one target is in range, only one Wisp is created.

    Theory; it’s a spreading debuff. You don’t need a slow on a permanently distracted enemy, but the damage buff was a great idea. It also point-CC’s single targets and relies on you actually killing a target to spread the effect, so the CC effect can be this strong. 

    Usually in warframe distraction tech is not nearly as good as fuil stuns or such. I can definitely also see it frustrating for players (even including the Aleya) that enemies wont face them for easy headshots. Plus, I do want to avoid just copying Titania's lantern, even if the fact that it spreads, almost like saryn spores is a cool idea. I honestly preferred slow just due to the utility of it, making headshots easier for you and your teamates while not completely freezing the enemies, but if distraction seems better then perhaps.


    5 hours ago, Thaylien said:

    Unfortunately I do believe you’re trying to do too much with the first ability and not enough with the others, so I’ve moved a couple of the ideas around.

    Thats what people have been saying so far, so I agree. 


    5 hours ago, Thaylien said:

    2. Winged Curse. Quickly dash in the form of a winged spirit to a target location in range, on arrival Aleya creates a Wisp that emits a radius of light that hinders her foes. Enemies entering the area are Slowed and marked for life steal when taking damage. The more enemies within the radius, the more effective the Slow becomes. Hold the ability button down for a short time while casting to cause Aleya to return to her original location after her dash. There can be up to four Curses active at any time, and the oldest will be removed when casting a new one.

    Theory; Dashing to a location is always good mobility especially if that ‘location’ isn’t limited to somewhere on the ground, people like dashes when they’re easy and quick to use. I particularly like your idea of heading back if you need to as that’s useful too, definitely keeping that, but not making it the main feature because that could be annoying.

    While I dont think I like the idea of dashing through enemies to give them buffs as not only is that revenants thing but I find it (personally) to be kind of awkward to use, the idea of it creating an AOE affect is a good idea. I dont like the "more enemies affected the more slow" because that encourages you to not kill enemies to get a higher buff, imo which doesnt suit warframe. I do like the idea of having enemies marked for life steal, however I worry that having each ability interact differently for slowed enemies might become too confusing or convoluted. I think


    it just so it only "doubles the effect" for everything that interacts with it, simplifies it. Also, perhaps allies that enter the area gain the health regen buff that lasts for a short while after they leave (Similar to Oberons Hallowed ground, but for health)


    6 hours ago, Thaylien said:

    3. Blessed Aura. Aleya glows with an aura of strength, replenishing her allies over time. Outgoing damage is increased for all allies, while granting bursts of Energy every few seconds. Damage dealt by players affected by the buff increases the effects of Blessed Light, returning more and more bonus damage for damage dealt, resetting when the ability ends.

    I like this variation. But perhaps to make it more consistent it would be that every time the buff increases damage it gives a small burst of energy, in order to keep the two things at the same time. Also to me, this feels like an ability that works better with allies in affinity range since its a team wide effect.

    My only gripe is that it leaves out the whole aspect of having to manage your teamates and keep the buffs up on them, which I adore, but the ability does still sound very good overall.

    6 hours ago, Thaylien said:

    4. Dark Flame. Aleya erupts in Spirit Fire for a duration, drawing enemies towards her over other targets and then engulfing them in her flames. Enemies affected by the spirit fire are immediately ‘panicked’ (the flailing-stun that Heat procs create) dealt low level damage over time for the entire duration. Allies in range are granted damage and status reduction equal to Aleya’s current Passive while Aleya’s Passive becomes twice as effective for herself.

    This...I do have a bit of a gripe with. First off, even though in mythology wisps are sometimes portrayed as flames its often the case they are the result of bio-luminescence caused by chemical reactions and decay, or insects. So the whole "Fire" aspect doesnt work, additionally with fire only really being super useful against the infested, the flame damage would probably not scale very well with armor and the like, not to mention flailing enemies make it harder to land headshots. Also, the 4th ability isnt a constant drain on energy, its just channeled while you sacrifice wisps.

    I do like the idea of giving a lesser version of your passive to allies and was something I debated for the ability itself I actually decided against it since I really do think the concept of trading something you can get more of your abilities is really engaging, for example Inaros and his health, Nidus and his stacks. I think being able to have wisps as a resource similar to stacks and then being able to sacrifice them with the ultimate for some kind of reward is a very engaging loop for alot of frames and its why, rightly so, people called out the fact that having the 4 give more survivability for sacrificing survivability is kind of silly.

    6 hours ago, Thaylien said:

    Passive, Aleya becomes more wisp-like the more her abilities are active

    This is a cool idea but I think its something for any artists to decide if they want to do, so I dont think its relevant right now. (Still would love to see it, though.)

    6 hours ago, Thaylien said:

    gaining up to X% (working values are tricky) damage reduction from all sources and reducing the chances of receiving, and the duration of, Status effects. Effect decays over time.

    This is pretty much the same as what I had before, I think with the status chance/duration thing which I think is a tad TOO powerful but the idea of lessening proc chance is a really good one and think could work well as a buff for one of Aleya's other abilities.

  12. 4 hours ago, Naneel said:

    Stay with the part i quoted and make it cost less Energy to cast onto slowed targets. Radius should be something around 5m and Duration about 16s (both in reference to Titanias 1st Ability). This should make a solid and not overstuffed 1st Ability.

    Alright, that sounds reasonable.


    4 hours ago, Naneel said:

    If you want stackable buffs don't make it single target, but instead perform a dash forward and count everyone you hit (like Revenants 3rd Ability). Personally I would find max. Shield more fitting but Health is okay, and probably better.

    Well, the idea is that I wanted the gameplay to include juggling the buffs on your allies to increase your own buffs. As a Safeguard nezha I enjoy having to keep an eye on my allies halos and try to refresh them as soon as I can and I often find it difficult giving my teammates mesmer skin with revenants dash, so maybe an alternative is an AOE effect at cursor position?


    4 hours ago, Naneel said:

    if you go with this your 3rd skill should buff crit chance. Then she would make a good offensive support. 

    I would be afraid of it being a copy of harrows 4 at that point. Perhaps it just gives bursts of health or overshields for the damage everyone does? Or perhaps maybe just giving energy to only Aleya.

    Maybe I should scrap everything but the "create a bunch of wisps on cast" part and redesign it. (Fun fact, early in brainstorming this was Aleyas 4, so that may explain why Ive designed it too strong.) 

    5 hours ago, Naneel said:

    The passive is okay, but Armor and damage reduction does not really fit her. Maybe give her more shield/overshield per wisp. Alternatively they could functions like Titanias Razorflies (pulling aggro from enemies), but this can be ineffective if you need them for your 4th Ability.

    Well, the idea of the 4th ability is about managing the wisps you have and risking some survivability for a reward, and the passive is supposed to work with that. I dont really want Aleya to be focused too much on overshields since theres many warframes that give that as a teambuff already. Also while the idea of the ghostlights distracting enemies is a nice idea, I think that should be just a bonus property of ghostlights themselves since they arent intended to move or follow Aleya like razorflies do.


    5 hours ago, Naneel said:

    This sounds like a channeled Ability, can you perform anything while channeling ? If this summons the wisps you created, your 3rd Ability should spawn some, as with only your 1st Ability you won't reach a high threshold. I like the idea of Variant 2 better, as buffing is always nice, but it needs a bit more clarification on how it should work.

    Well, the process of turning wisps into vengeful spirits is channeled. Think of it like inaroses 4 (But taking energy not health). After letting go you can resume normal actions with the buff on, but it will decay. The 3rd ability does spawn some, the whole "cloud of wisps" was meant to symbolise this but perhaps my word choice was confusing, so yes the 3 does release a bunch of wisps to use with your passive. Also I believe there are quite a few ways the 1 can be built for to increase the wisps it spawns, eg Efficiency makes the wisps spawn faster, strength spawns more and duration gives you a higher max total of wisp spawns, if you choose to keep them alive.


    One thing I am thinking of changing with the 1 is making it so when the stunned target dies, it may give out all its remaining wisps at once, similar to how Trinities EV ability works,but Im mot really sure about that.

  13. 30 minutes ago, InDueTime-EN- said:

    First of all... Choose one : Spirit, Ghost Light, or Wisp.


    1st - sounds tooooooooo convoluted, but what I'm getting is Mesa's Shooting Gallery + Spore + Molecular Prime. Too powerful.

    2nd -  This is fine, except that it is single target. The buff on allies is fine, but trying to use this on enemies and trying to stack it is not gonna be possible.

    3rd - Too powerful, it's Equinox's Mend + Harrow's Covenant. Both of which are ultimate abilities.

    4th idea 1 - all that comes to mind is a Spirit Bomb. I mean, why not. 

    4th idea 2- sounds good but how do you reach the milestone(How do you gain stacks)? Also, do you summon the wisps while you channel or do you turn wisps to vengeful wisps? (both?)

    Passive - both are essentially the same, but they seem counter intuitive to her third and forth ability. Why would you need damage reduction if your ult gives evasion. 


    You have some unique ideas here, but you have to think about balance. Two of your abilities (base one what you wrote) are too powerful and has too many effects. Most of it is good, so maybe just do some tweaking. 

    Its been kind of hard to theorycraft with no one to bounce ideas off of. Also, Ghostlights were commonly thought to BE spirits, sometimes benevolent or vengeful depending on whether or not the traveller offended them. I keep saying wisps out of habit, I suppose. 

    The 4th ability is taking the wisps that are already on the map and exchanging them for some reward. 

    Perhaps removing the extra crit chance on the 3rd ability? I still do think the idea of being able to give you and the team energy would be a good supportive move. One Idea i had was that the energy would be percentage of each individual persons max energy. So say, if you earned "30%" energy, you had max 100 energy and i had 400, you would gain 30 and i would gain 120. (Unless my maths are wrong).Perhaps the cap can be just quite low?

    Also, the 1st ability is more so like Mini molecular prime with a set non-expanding range with garudas blood altar. Theres alot of technical stuff there but on the warframe abiltiy screen it wouldnt go into detail about all the wisp spawning stuff. I tried to make it so you had an ability to either let the stunned targets be and spawn more wisps, OR kill them for the instant extra damage. 

    One thing ive tried to do with this warframe is create synergy between the abilities, like how some warframes all of their abilities sort of build off eachother and work with eachother, eg mag.

    What bits would you throw out exactly to simplify it, if there is a way to simplify it without throwing out the whole synergy? 

  14. Hey everyone. I have been stewing on a Warframe idea for about a month now and think I have a very workable idea for a frame, so please read and provide criticisms below!

    Aleya is a support and team-buffing Warframe with a theming of Ghost lights from mythology.

    Core Gameplay: Aleya uses Ghost Lights/Wisps as a resource mechanic, similar to Nidus. Creating wisps with their abilities in order to spend them for some sort of benefit with their 4 (or 3), using abilities to gain protection for yourself meanwhile dealing buffs and debuffs to enemies and allies.

    I would love your feedback! I am currently stuck between two different ideas for the 4th ability and would love to hear your thoughts, improvements and ideas to replace or add to any ability slot!

    The following list of abilities are my favourites from the different variations. Variations are further below.

    (Note the following terms are synonymous for the sake of this post: Ghost light, Wisp, Spirit.)

    Without further ado, I shall explain the abilities and passives.


    Firstly: WISPS.

    When I mention that these abilities produce wisps, this simply means it will create a floating glowing particle that hangs around the area it was spawned, that despawns after a set, unmoddable duration. These wisps will slowly path to Aleya's position at all times.



    Send a Ghost light to a targeted enemy, leading them astray as they aggro to it. Enemies will follow the light blindly. Those lead astray will produce an extra Ghost light on death and both lights seek new targets within range. If no target is found, they resume normal idle function. (May need an indicator above those led astray to show their individual remaining durations)

    Footnotes: On death of one led astray, the original wisps duration will be reset to 75% of its max lifespan.



    Burst forward for a duration as a ghastly spirit, on exit release an AOE pulse that gives allies the "Guided Soul" buff and enemies the "Nettled Soul" debuff. Recast during the pulse to return from whence you came. 

    Guided Soul: Blesses you and the ally with passive health regen and reload speed increases.

    Nettled Soul: Slows enemies by 50% and gives +X Max health to Aleya additively for each enemy hit. Enemies led astray give double the health.

    Footnotes: Press ability key during the burst to end the burst early and Pulse, similar to Revenant's 3. All of Nettled Souls additional max health is lost upon the buffs expiration. Hitting an ally or enemy refreshes the respective buff. Aleya invulnerable during the pulse animation.



    Release many wisps into the air and give you and your allies in affinity range increased critical chance/damage* for the duration. Dealing X amount of damage rewards the team with a small bursts of energy that increase in amount with each threshold. Led astray enemies that you or your team kills counts as double the damage in the counter.

    Footnotes: Wisps produced on cast affected by ability strength. Freezes Warframe in place while casting animation takes place. *One or the other, depending on what the commenters/DE/whomever decides to have in the final version of the ability.


    Channel your energy as you bring wisps from around the map and sacrificing them into vengeful spirits to encircle you, one by one. On ability key release, this gives you increased Proc resistance and damage increase.

    Allies that come within 8m take a vengeful spirit from you and share your buff. Vengeful spirits decay over time, faster than normal wisps. Allies with less than 3s left on their wisp may take another to refresh their buff.

    Footnotes: .Can still parkour while channeling ability. Ability channeling/energy drain stops after ability key is released and buff is activated. Allies taking a new spirit to refresh their buff have their old spirit replaced. Damage increase has no cap, but a natural cap is placed by the point at which spirits are dying just as fast as you sacrifice them. Ability strength increases buff +% per wisp sacrificed and duration increases lifespan.



    Depending on how many Wisps are active, gains armor additively. (without a cap?)


    Here are some ability variations that you may prefer!

    1ST ABILITY (Alt 1)

    Send multiple Ghost light spirits to a targeted enemy, stunning them in place as it encircles the target repeatedly over a duration. (How many lights circle a target indicates remaining duration.)

    Affected targets create a radius around them in which other enemies entering will be unable to fire their weapons and will be slowed by 50% while within the radius and for a short duration (Base 1 second) after leaving. 

    Can have multiple instances (up to a cap) of stunned targets at the same time.

    Footnotes: Slow amount not affected by mods. Slow after-duration is affected by ability duration. 


    2ND ABILITY (Alt 1)

    Summon a vengeful spirit in your palm, aim and throw at a desired location. Upon hitting any surface, explodes with an AOE pulse.

    On ally hit: Blesses you and them with passive health regen and reload speed increase.

    On enemy target: Curses them with increased damage intake and gives you additional max health. (If affected by Aleya's slow/led astray, double effectiveness)

    Buffs and debuffs on allies and enemies stack independently of eachother. The more enemies affected, the higher the debuff and the higher percentage of your team currently holding the buff increases its effectiveness.*

    Can be buffed by your own pulse.

    Footnotes: *So for example if 2 people of a 3 man team has the buff, it works 66.6% effectiveness, 2 people of a 4 man team is 50% while all 4 of 4 is 100%. Casting on yourself in a solo mission gives you the full 100% benefit. Vengeful spirits do not count towards Aleya's passive.


    3RD ABILITY (Alt 1)

    Sacrifice a portion of your health and release wisps into the air. Enemies led astray/slowed within line of sight have a 60% chance to produce an additional wisp each.

    Footnotes: Stops frame in place while casting animation. Efficiency reduces health loss, strength increases wisp gain.


    3RD ABILITY (Alt 2)

    Sacrifice a portion of your health and release wisps into the air. Allies within X meters of any wisp have any buffs provided by Aleya refreshed indefinitely until out of range, as well as a movement speed increase.

    Footnotes: Stops frame in place while casting animation. Efficiency reduces health loss, strength increases wisp gain.


    3RD ABILITY (Alt 3)

    Absorb wisps from around the map one by one into your body as long as you hold down the ability key. Enhances critical chance and additional armor for each wisp absorbed.

    Footnotes: Stops frame in place while casting animation. Efficiency reduces health loss, strength increases wisp gain.


    4TH ABILITY (Alt 1)

    Channel your energy as you summon wisps from over the map one by one, turning them into vengeful spirits, which are deadly projectiles that are stored above the Warframe's head and fired like a Cathrine Wheel upon release, with a spherical radius that floats through the air at a moderate speed, piercing all walls (like exalted blade), dealing percentile true damage to enemies it hits and giving damage reduction to allies it hits. Sphere strength, duration and radius increases with more charges channeled. Aleyas 2 (idea 2) can be thrown in to add to its effect.*

    Enemies affected by Aleya's slow/led astray produce 2 additional wisps and take double damage.

    Footnotes: Two handed action, but can still perform parkour. Vengeful spirits do not count towards Aleya's passive. *To increase its strength, range and duration.


    4TH ABILITY (Alt 2)

    Gathers 75% of all wisps on the map to circle around Aleya, then sacrifices them into vengeful wisps, firing them outwards seeking all enemies within a very large radius. Every enemy hit gives X damage reduction for (base) X seconds up to a cap of 90%. Any enemies hit after the cap is reached simply add +2 seconds to the ability duration. Allies gain half of this buffs effect, for the full duration as long as they stay within that large radius.

    Footnotes: Enemies Led Astray/Slowed produce an extra wisp to be used, instead of donating their own (effectively leaving you with more wisps for your passive after cast)


    So thats it! Thank you for reading. Do give me any suggestions in the comments below. 

    So, I believe this Warframe will bring some nice alternate ways to support your allies, as well as some interesting and new mechanics.

    -Mr Deadeye


  15. 40 minutes ago, SpicyDinosaur said:

    cryotic and oxium aren't tied to bounties unless I am confused. Furthermore, usually by the time you'd be ready for Fortuna (I am assuming) they aren't a problem anymore.


    It's when you are making everything to get to a decent MR that these things are weighty, afterwards they are trivial. But also bounties are a terrible way to farm them.

    I am MR 22 and farming cryotic especially is a bore. Cetus bounties before revenant had cryotic and oxium as rewards and I assumed fortuna would probably follow the same suit. Even so, having a way to farm it without the single repetitive mission type would be good for both old and new players in my opinion.

  16. Hi all, Oxium and Cryotic are the most difficult and frustrating resources to farm, which are often needed en mass.

    It would be really cool to get a way to earn these two which arent tied to the randomness of bounties.

    The easiest and most warframe-esque way to implement this is to add a mineral that can be mined and farmed to craft into oxium or cryotic via a blueprint

    A less easy but more simpler for the player suggestion would be to tie it to mining, have a white/Green ore vein be able to spawn uncommonly (Same spawn rate as blue perhaps) which rewards resources such as cryotic, Ferrite and Gallium.

    Hopefully you take this idea on board since having a mining-tied way to farm it in addition to bounties will give us many different avenues to use, plus creates a positive synergy with other minerals like Pyrotic Alloy or Auroxium.


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