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Posts posted by un4given

  1. it's a bug that happen to me too i had all my abilities in like 20 points where in use but only had like 13 at max.

    comes from the game not always saving the changes mad to the mods page corectly and when edits are made it sometimes saves both on top of eachother (my own speculations)

  2. I'm having the same issue. I removed a Hell's Chamber mod from my HEK to level it up, but it disappeared from the mod list, and the points are still taken away from the mod count.

    The easiest way i found to fix this is to remove all the mods from the weapon/warframe then click accept go back into the weapon/warframe and the missing mod should be there

  3. i have a couple of things i just want to get to the forum some ideas.

    The first idea i had, is that there should be some sort of personal loot ore need\pass system in the game. For i don't think chasing the health and energy orb before you teammates is the correct game spirit

    and secondly is there any way to get in leaning? Like you are next to a door, and want to lean to the left/right to kill some guards, and still be safe behind cower.

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