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Posts posted by Etherealjh

  1. Hello all


    Again, my game is turning worse than before.
    My foundry is not working, i have a forma, a reactor and a kohm are being created since 6 days ago and i just cant claim them, the counter is not working and the time is not running.
    Plus, the game send me a message "a updated version of warframe is available, please exit and run the launcher".... so, when this message appear, i can't play another mission, i have to restart the game an that sucks..... 
    The double credit weekend does not work for me, i am getting 21k credits in t4 mobile defense missions....
    i cleaned cache, reinstall the game, even i reinstall windows to mi pc, but nothing works.
    I dont know what to do
    some ideas please.... (i have a request in support, but  there are no answers yet)
  2. Hello


    a few days ago i posted a topic in this forum about a strange bug with my foundry, this is my post: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/403397-something-is-wrong-with-my-foundry/#entry4449917
    Well, the problem still there, i have been waiting for these items like 5 days and nothing, i posted a request (in spanish) to warframe support 3 days ago, and nothing, then I went back to send the request (in english) 2 days ago and still no answer.
    Yesterday there was actualization, well, the game was updated correctly, but since yesterday, the game send me a message "an updated version of warframe is aviable, please exit and run the launcher", i cant understand why....
    i dont know what to do, i know that the support operators have a lot of work, but my game is going from bad to worse
    Thank you and sorry for my english


    PD: for some reason when i take a pic using "impr pant", the image is black.... and using F6 with steam,generates no image.
    i posted something on facebook, these are the only images that i have :/







  3. There is definitely a problem there.

    No clue how to fix it, its actually the first time I heard that happen.


    Do you think they may be finished but the timer is stuck? Have you tried rushing them?

    If yes, does it give you the plat message?

    when i try to rush, the plat message appear   i cant claim them

  4. Hello.


    2 days ago i started to build 2 objects, a Forma and a Orokin reactor,well... today at the morning i went to reclaim the objects and the build timer shows 2 hours and 40 minutes to finish these objects... At night checking back and the build timer shows the same time, 2 hours and 40 minutes.
    The same thing is happening with Kohm, but it shows all time (11 hours 59 minutes)
    What can i do?
    Thanks and sorry for my English
  5. Well again me with this annoying topic...


    I dont know why i still losing my void keys when the game crashes in middle of a mission (thats more common that i'd like), before, in the forum, i saw a lot of posts about that.. so... when do you DE will fix this problem?.


    Im not asking for the mission rewards that i have lost, i just want my keys back, i have spent my time doing interception missions, looking for those keys ..................

    Before, if the mission crashes, well at least i could repeat the mission, but now i'm losing all my effort.....



    Again, when do you DE will fix this problem?...... this situation is unfair.... :/

  6. i think there is a difference between abort and crash, on abort u get exp, money(the one u picked up) on crash u lost everything i think they may did a difference there


    and now you lost the key!!!..... T4 key


    when you abort the mission, the game can save all changes, however, when tour game crash, the game cant do anything to rescue the info.... so, losing all items when your game crashes, make sense....


    DE have to rethink this situation..... the game have to remove the host key, when the mission is over, or if he has canceled the mission in middle of the battle.... in both situations, the game has time to save all changes.
    i think that the game (now), remove the key when te objective is "already done", but in survival, that means 5 mins, in defense 5 waves..... in that kind of missions, the objective should be when the players decide to leave, not before (if i leave at wave 15, then the objective is done in the wave 15)
  7. Please check your support ticket again as one of our Staff Members has replied. 



    Creating a Support is your best option. Please indicate what item(s) specifically that you lost, the date & time that you finished the mission, what mission is was that you played, and who you played with so we can cross reference.




    i have a ticket "solved" about this, but there are info that i don't know and i don't know how to get it... i my case, i normally play in solo, but sometimes i invite random people from recruiting channel.... people that i dont know and I probably never see again... so im #*($%%@ XD....
    Well, thats not the problem (well yes, thats the problem, but not in this quote).... the question is, What are you doing to fix that?
    the actualization says:
    "to prevent exploits with all void keys, if you are hosting and abort an endless mission after the objective has been completed, you will lose your key"
    Good, but the game have to identify when a mission is aborted, or when the player lost the connection with the game...... i think that is unfair lose the keys because your game crashes in middle of the battle, or because your internet fell off...... (like in my case)
    please do something, i want mi loki prime :C
  8. the last update they make that if you abort u will lose the key anyways

    But they don't realize that if the mission is canceled, it's not necessarily because the player aborts......
    The game crashes a lot and the keys still disappearing.... this is really annoying, if i play 10 t4 survivals, the game crashes at least 7 times..... that means 7 lost keys (im not joking, its my real case).
    They have to solve this quickly, Im losing the time that I invert getting the keys, and the time that I invert in the survivals
  9. Oddly enough I actually prefer the blades side by side and would be sad to see it fixed.


    it would be good if the blades are together in all the way, but at medium-long ranges the blades are too separated so only one blade hit the target, and sometimes none..in the image you can see that, an enemy can stay between the blades and not taking damage . 
    that's the problem, split chamber is not working well and i dont need an extra blade per shot if this blade will miss
  10. Hello

    I have already created a post about this, but i didn't receive an answer..... Well, after my miter had perfect accuracy even with split chamber (without Heavy Caliber)...... but since few weeks ago, my Miter presents this problem; Look at this: 




    As you can see, the two blades are dispersed in a not too far distance.... The weapon is supposed to have 100% accuracy... this is annoying, and makes this a bad weapon despite the recent "Buff"....



    You guys.... have you had a problem like this in your Miter?, please let me know if you have the same problem 

  11. Hello


    Well, since long time ago i have seen weapons like  Miter and Stinger with accuracy issues (without heavy caliber), i mean, each time that my sentinel shoots its weapon (with multishot mod), despite the 100% of weapon accuracy, the ptrojectiles are dispersed in a not too far distance (sometimes only 1 projectile maintains the precision) .

    The same situation with the Miter that supposed to has 100% accuracy.


    is that a bug or something?




    look where the projectiles have hit

  12. I don't think weapons like Orthos should have the same speed as daggers.

    weapons like orthos can be fast as hell, but i agree,  the daggers should have another way to work, i mean, daggers are accurate and fast, they should have high critical chance and critical damage


    a lot of melee weapons need a rethink

  13. Hello

    i came here to talk about some weapons that need changes, at least in my understanding.


    let's start with the heavy weapons, the heavy weapons in the game are too slow, well thats how its supposed to be.... but a heavy weapon has to do a very high damage in compensation.... the Fragor, the Scindo and the Galatine are very slow and weak weapons (the galatine without stance)..... A perfect example for a heavy weapon is the Jat Kittag, that weapon is slow but not that much and has the perfect damage in compensation


    The next weapon is the Mitter, the last bug was a really bad joke, the Mitter is a funny weapon but has too many problems, the projectile low speed, the low fire rate, low charge speed and very low ammo efficiency etc.... these are problems that we need to fix with mods, but that mods expends slots and we need that mod slots to improve the damage........

    the bug gave hope to Mitter users, but when DE fixed it... the weapon turned back to be a "Bad" weapon


    there are a lot of weapon that need fixes, a lot.......


    What do you think about that??.. 

  14. Hello

    lately i have held a bug with some warframe missions.

    i don't know what's happening with my game, but in some missions, the game simply stops and then closes.

    now i cant play void missions, bosses missions, and ceres survival. 

    this didnt happen before, but with each update, a new kind of mission crashes..... now its insupportable


    Does anyone know whats wrong with my game?

  15. Hi!

    Well, i came here just to talk about the game difficulty... i can't avoid to think that the game still being too easy.

    I know, the De team has worked hard to fix that, but they havent changed anything significantly... at least thats that i think. 

    maybe new players have a lot of fun with the game, but when you have played warframe during long time you realize, the game is easy and as you progress is even easier.


    Well, despite what I said i came here to congratulate DE team.... The last hotfix, the hotfix that has brought fun to my and my friends..... the new difficulty of interception missions, the grineers acts aggressively and efficiently..... now i can see a challenge in that kind of missions.


    the last time, we won, but the greneer team reached a 80% mastery.....  finally I am proud to successfully win a mission, after using 2 of my relive on that.


    If you DE team... if you can find the way to adapt the missions difficulty to the players team, and create more challenges like this, you will extend the lifetime of this game a lot..... 


    I know it's a tough job, but I wanted to give you something that you has achieved very well as reference.


    congrats and thank you DE :)


    postscript: sorry if I'm wrong in a sentence, i am learning english yet :P

  16. armor = puncture weakness


    brakk = impact but has decent puncture

    not sure about the synapse

    soma = is slash with average puncture


    obviously the higher the level the more armor so your bullets do less on bodyshots. headshots with the soma are still good on my behalf.


    look at this man....
    Strun wraith total damage: 4486 per shot....... 841= pucture damage
    4486/22(pellets)= 204 damage per pellet.... 38 puncture per pellet
    if the armor of the enemies reduces 100% of  damage, at least the strun deals 38 damage per pellet........... sometimes i see less damage 
    thats the point man, same with brak and soma
    the synapse hasnt puncture damage, but corrosibe dmg supposedly is the elemental anti-armor damage.....
  17. greetings

    well, lately i have some issues with my weapons damage in armored enemies, i don't know what happen, my strun wraith deals high damage sometimes (220 per pellet) but the most of the time deals extremely low damage (20 or 30 per pellet)............. the same thing with the brakk, synapse and sometimes soma (but not much)...... 


    obvoiusly, all weapons are full moded and at least 3 forma each one,  the damage used vs armored enemies is corrosive.......


    Can someone explain me what happen?, is it a bug? 

  18. Pues como el titulo lo dice, alguno sabe como puedo conseguir platino en Colombia???


    No tengo ni idea de como cargar la cuenta de steam, y a demás según veo todo necesita tarjeta de crédito........ Hay alguna manera de comprar platino sin tarjeta de crédito???


    Agradecería que me ayudaran con esto por favor

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