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Posts posted by Deathwalker1

  1. No most of you are assuming you know how rng works . I tend to lean more towards the OP's side when i'm seeing the same EXACT mod drop over and over out of a multiple drop pool thats not rng a coin flip is 2 choices their pool is larger so not the same ball of wax . We won't mention the times when the acolyte bugs and falls through the map and you get squat and its just try again buddy. If it was true RNG the drops would be spread more in the drop pool of the 3 with a mix of the 4th rare not all day running and seeing 1 damn mod 95% of the day. Gamers are told it's just RNG and buy into there is no system or pattern to it EVERYTHING has a pattern someway somehow in the programing.

  2. So me and a friend decide to try and farm the elusive T3 MD key so we do some research and find out you can get them from europa,pluto. Anyway long story short we do the run which is excavation after a node or two we see we got what we were after but keep going since its early in the hopes of getting another. Well guess what another key does "supposedly"

    get rewarded so we are like ok now we have 4 keys to get what we are after lets bail.


    Guess what we get out of the run in our lisets check the rewards and guess what we DIDN'T get we had no T3 MD keys NONE. So how is it that the system is telling us the key is being rewarded but it isn't . we both saw the reward show on screen so it was not just one of us wishful thinking or seeing things .


    If the players do the work in the bad enough RNG system you have where we are farming to even get access to farm an item please have the system reporting the correct drops it's already annoying enough as is.  

  3. Indeed, it's random.


    The reason I tested it, is because someone on the Warframe Wikia claimed that you could decide which traits you'd want your breed to inherit by placing the prints in the correct slots.

    Something like slot one decides the build, type and slot two is for pattern, gender, etc...

    But that wasn't the case when I gave it a shot.

    Couple of things i'm wondering about your post is what breeds were the templates and did the resulting pups retain the lotus mark you just state general build type and them being ugly if i'm not mistaken giving me the impression you didn't get what you wanted so you concluded it was a failure which may or may not be true from the information you give . I say this cause from what i've seen certain breeds will usually overide others cause its a dominant gene type so we would need to know what breeds you were working with and what the results were more then they were just ugly .

  4. How about the ever elusive chat box fix that keeps getting swept under the rug is it really that hard for you guys to address an issue that many have brought up and either through arrogance or ignorance its goes unfixed. Either move the chat box or make it lockable so it can be moved once to your desired location . 

  5. So because the issue has been brought up many times he's wrong for saying it again . Until its fixed I don't care if its posted a 1000 more times cause it seems like a pretty simple fix to me to make a movable chat box lockable at a desired spot that should not be where it is in the 1st place. Having to move the chat box every damn mission while you zone in and your squad sprints off without you is beyond pathetic.


    Instead of slapping someone who is trying to address an issue that many seem to want fixed place the blame where it should go on the Dev's who have not addressed it then the post would stop problem solved.

  6. Kick options on the internet where people hide behind a keyboard and say and do things they cant or wont do in person NEVER work as intended if your game is laggy beyond payable just leave and get another group. Soon there will be the gearscore and dsp meter crybabies.

    I've started to see bads afking in defense missions the system should address this not the players due to what always happens ABUSE. The system needs an idle check for the defense mode play that looks at botters and it needs to be better then Blizztard did for pvp. If your to lazy to change your game to private or contribute to the team then don't play a multiplayer game . The try hard corner campers and run to the boss solo while in a group who cheat players out of there XP are just as bad but that's a whole topic in itself .

  7. Can you tag boss loot drops . Don't know how many times I've joined a group and had them kill the boss solo and you not even know if the boss dropped anything or where it dropped . I'd suggest doing the same thing that was done with the O2 tanks that were dropped in for the special weekend with a special loot tag on boss drops. When the boss dies the loot is auto system tagged I do understand the players can tag the loot which rarely happens in most cases I've seen.

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