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Posts posted by FonFabre

  1. I get that DE wants to sell weapon slots and such, but adding guns like these to the Tenno arsenal just takes makes warframe everything but ninja.

    I see a lot of people using these, spamming them through entire missions. Turns warframe into nukeframe and that's a sad thing to see imho ...

    Well it's because those weapons are based on the ones the enemies used, which in my opinion is pretty cool :P, besides I don't think ninjas would use heavy machine guns like the gorgon.

  2. Um.. are you stupid? I can get 450 Conclave on my Excal Prime with a 3x Forma'd Flux Rifle, the Conclave really adds up only depending on the mods you put on the Frame, idiots like you acting like it actually think Conclave = Skill of the Player/Power of the Player is the main reason Conclave needs to go, it literally put a block for the people who have low Conclaves that want to join those games but the host or people in that group are ignorant as to how Conclave even works. Lemme just put this out there, my Nova is 500 of my 1.1k Conclave when I actually bother using a all out set up on her. Now think about those who don't mod there Frames to hell but instead there Guns, the guns only account for 100-200 Conclave at most. So honestly, it's a bad system that promotes bad selection that Warframe really doesn't need.

    You make a good point but conclave still gives us an idea of who's joining the match.

  3. Personally i'd like to be able to set conclave restrictions on norm mission so when i do normal survival i don't have some random just passing through planets in online to end it at 5 min because they're to weak to keep going. And i'm all for helping lower lv players, but it should be a gesture, not a punishment to put up with them.

    +1, Oh and I think pvp is fun when you mess around with friends haha

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