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Posts posted by (NSW)bachobeqauri

  1. On 2020-06-05 at 4:42 PM, (NSW)TwilightLotus said:

    The Display section of the Options menu allows you to toggle a lot of graphical features and processes as well as limiting ability effects. I haven't thoroughly tested all of the options in there, but that would be a good place to start. Some of the stuff in there we're not going to notice anyway due to the rapid speed of the game and turning those off should help performance, even if it's only a little.

    Everything is either off or on low settings.still having fps issues 

  2. I’m experiencing massive frame rate drops.

    sedna-hydron(and similar types of defense missions) and free roams are fps killers

    i am really trying not to talk about this topic because warframe is a huge game and performance isn’t the sweetest spot for switch but it came to the point where aiming became hard af and now i’m just blindly spamming abilities to clear out enemies.I usually play with squads and you prolly guessed what i’m going to say...

    so like 80% of the time they always have explosive or high fire rate weapons while maining warframes that literally kill everything in one second for example mirage 4th ability or wukongs 4th ability
    and now imagine everything literally merged in one map/mission.

    huge amount of enemies 

    “shiny” waframes

    explosive/high fire rate weapons

    map rendering

    all I’m trying to say is that de should create a performance mode which deactivates certain parts that take gpu power in order to increase fps or just make it stable

    I love this game and i play it everyday

    so please make performance mode...

    thanks for reading 


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  3. On 2020-05-13 at 11:38 AM, (PS4)Viveeeh said:

    I don't know about the Switch controls, but on PS4, while hovering the cursor over a focus school, you press X to see the ability tree of that school, and triangle to make it your active school. Judging by how the buttons are placed on a joycon, you probably need to push B for the ability tree and X to choose a focus school.

    Ohhh thank you so much 

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  4. Ok so i just started farming in hydron and i gotta say it was hellish and unplayable ok yeah its a miracle that DE managed to make a switch port but maybe lower the graphic quality? I’m pretty sure every switch player is willing to sacrifice some details just for stable fps Like add performance mode (-graphics +performance) ok back to hydron experience...10fps thats it

    Plains? Maybe even 5 (definitely not stable)

    please fix this issue 

  5. boss battle in sedna is difficult i’m talking about hitting those green circles while standing on yellow platform,Switch has prolly the S#&$tiest #*!%ing controllers,it drifts every time which makes aiming Awful,i tried motion controls but still,it got even worse fps drops are crazy as well it dropped to 5fps every airstrike.No i’m not blaming you @playwarframe i’m amazed that y’all managed to make a switch port..but idk its just not enjoyable playing like this...5 fps,crappy joy cons



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