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Grand Master
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Posts posted by Stakhanov

  1. So... the last time I did one of these was probably in 2016/17 when I decided to pick up the old camera and went AWOL from the Tenno ranks. But given we're all currently locked down, myself included, I thought, no time like the present to start re-learning what makes weapons tick, and start building my own tutorials again, so I just thought I'd share it - let me know what you think! I'll be making more if you feel it's worth a share/subscribe 🙂





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  2. Don't ask me why I want to do this - but I just love the MK1 Braton, and am going hard as I can on the kills front with it! 

    If anyone knows some ways I can really farm a hell of a lot of kills (solo possibly) - I'd love to hear about them...




    So I'm really grinding for it!

    I should totally diary this stuff 😛

  3. I appreciate this may have been asked many, many, many times, and answered many many times before, but I couldn't find a definitive answer based on my look over google and other web searches, so I thought I'd ask here to make double sure. I'd appreciate an official response on this if it's at all possible.

    I've recently acquired a pretty... well, a pretty nasty riven mod for my aklatos which gives me almost triple the fire rate overall, and I have also recently bought a new mouse potentially with the ability to rapid fire with it at the hold of a button. Would this be considered fair game or am I likely to get banned as a result? I've put thousands of hours into my account and would like to avoid losing it because I didn't ask first.


    Thanks in advance!

  4. Hey guys. It's been nearly 2 years since my last post, and indeed my last match on WarFrame. But the forums look so much different to how I remember, and I hope I am posting this in the right place.

    I've been sinking my teeth into the riven mods, and managed to unlock one which I have reason to believe makes the hind probably my new favourite, and an absolute powerhouse, and I wanted to share it with you.

    On top of that, I thought I'd share this guide to building the Hind if you haven't already done it yourself, and don't have any rivens. There's something for everyone!



    Let me know what you think. Give me some critique here! And if I am posting in the wrong section, please do let me know.

  5. Forget Metal Auger, use Shred instead. Gives more than enough Punch-Through, but also increases firing speed. Well, makes the stop between bursts shorter in this case.


    I played around with shred with it, and the firing rate makes very little difference. it shoots fairly quick as a base, and having the slightly lower rate even gives you time to snap across targets and kill two adjacent enemies with the same burst, which you don't get with the higher RoF.

  6. So the Tiberon has been out for about a week; I've been extensively playing with and decided to schedule it for the next episode of my weapon guides; so I created it and put it out for you guys. Here is what I came up with.


    With the chances of hitting crits and procs very low, raw damage seemed the best course of action, but an element of utility was necessary to make it very well worth it. If you can handle the lower clip size, try substituting Magazine Warp for Thermite rounds.


    For those of you who dont want to watch the video:



    Split Chamber

    Infected Clip

    Cryo Rounds (For Virus)


    Wildfire (Extra 6 shots)

    Metal Auger

    Magazine Warp




  7. An update on the story so far:


    Dear Consistency, 


    DE please enjoy my floccinaucinihilipilification. Goodbye shorts. Beard, please antimatter pink because fish kiss sausages. Grind on fish sticks, Tenno. However, fish got salmon flatulence tarts. Fish buff now! Glitter pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis, UI love fish. Flapjacks Raxacoricofallapatorius until Oberon fish nerfed. Dodecahedron and submitochondrialrnatranscriptase moon mammal buns. Excalibur malignant defiled fish. Redtext supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Overwhelmed erected enormous jellyfish with shorts dirty badonkadonks magnificent milked avoided sandwich rectal superlative DEMegan was hardly noticing cats senpai cheese burger rectal SomaPrimePlz wasn't necessary augustus but says Steve, pink dirtied me since last stalker and also salad fungus for kickbot sandvich. Gesundheit. However, I don't eat marmite because redtext kickflip fish rectum again. Kickbot lotus kissed a booben and rekt the Gaben tentacles of doom and peanut butter jelly time. Aliens, it's too sexy. Hi, says Vor. As bread bacon flew confeddie everywhere. Fish shorts, haha, laughed Rebecca. Currylord rectum combustion flabbergasted rotten. Noobs toenails are infested abacus. AkGalaSomaltorPrime erect DE Ste swayed his sausage threateningly towards Alad and swallowed very average milk with puked consequences. Enpuetant DENotSure because kubrow's did chew on chinchilla's cage. Suddenly Bill Cosby combusted boobs flatulence which burns like hell. Please Fix everything in butthole surfers. Fish prime. #DEKickBotforpresidentanarchy craycray. DERebecca... CurrylordRebecca is going to casablanca for playing house too. Fishtastic hail Zanuka V2. Bananas know Rule34. Fishomaoltoripetronprime, no Mirage porn. Wat. Droptables, they had been kissing kubrows, my mom lately thou. Jimmies have AIDS, contrary with pineapples juice oppression of warbros justified. Curry smells. Wat. Damn sugarmomma weenie screamed.  Oberon pimp pootis balancepvppotentialrealendgame #notreallywfispve fortheloveofLotus please save Spoodermen sandwich love HORRIBLE

  8. Needs a commentary really,


    Good start but its a bit long, speed it up too.


    The old videos used to be seven minutes long, actually - this one is revised. Used to cover all the materials and everything, kinda glad I don't do that bit anymore.


    And what do you mean needs commentary? I was talking through the whole video?

  9. So I'm back to my usual tricks. I revisited an old pistol of mine. After nearly kicking myself to realise I needed another forma, I set about building another video for it. Enjoy.


    Comments on the layout and presentation to help me will be perfect.


  10. Careful not to get lazy. I've caught myself more than once just ignoring the air and letting my team handle it because I found a good spot. That's really not sportsmanly.


    If you've got some trash talking Rank 7's with OP gear for the mission flipping around trashing everything and hogging kills it's fine, they'll pass the air all the time on their own and probably don't care about or notice what you're doing, but if you are going in with low level weapons and get grouped with a bunch of Rank 1-3's with MK1- stuff you definitely need to do your part and set an example. Use your best judgement and don't be selfish.


    Most of the time it's just me and a close friend - we find the 2 man spawn rates are perfect for both our needs - his for farming XP and mine for farming sheer kills; I've learnt over the months not to trust public groups much so I got a group of friends i almost exclusively play with.

  11. Punch-Through on an assault rifle. Enemy Radar and Enemy Sense at the same time. Start a survival mission (excavation would be better, when that goes live, because the mission doesn't care if you excavate or not) and watch your radar to see when stuff spawns on the other sides of doors, usually down hallways. Shoot the stuff through the door without opening the door and watch as more stuff spawns extremely fast.


    In the past I leveled weapons like this on Apollodorus a lot. It's harder to do now than it was before so I think the devs are fixing/adjusting the A.I. for it and it's always hard to do with PUGs because the other players will run through your door to kill one good pack of guys and then leave, which de-activates the spawns for 20sec or so and your kill rate falls off a cliff. If you try and explain it to them they call you a stupid noob and tell you you're wrong right up until the second the mission ends and you're 550 kills to their 250-350.


    Heavy Caliber spray, Shred, narrow space like a hallway with a box they all have to go to one side of... good times...


    Enemy Radar + Enemy Sense 60m radar in general is good for kills. Even if you can't set up an infinite spawn, you still always know which way to go. Play a few survivals like that with good gear and you'll see. Lots of other players running off in random directions looking for mobs while you go straight to them over and over and shoot first going through the doors/walls/whatever.


    This is perfect! I've played Apollodorus before, and since I put on Enemy Radar and Enemy Sense for the 60m range, you're right, those spawn points are like infinite! Thank you very much for this, a way to crack the spawn points. I knew the doors had something to do with the spawns, but as soon as they open, I notice the enemies all spawn an extra 20m or so away, so this is brilliant.

  12. I'm a shotgun man myself, and my tip: Seeking Force.


    Sure, hurts your theoretical DPS, but one shot into a cluster of enemies is enough to shred all of them. That's how I've been racking up kills on my weapons.



    I understand the mods needed to increase efficiency per shot and my Raw DPS is not a problem, my question referred more towards mission types, collective strategies and missions to do it maximise my kills per mission/hour, sorry if I confused you!

  13. So I'm interested to know any really good ways to get a lot of fast kills?

    The XP Is no longer a concern to me, as I have 6 formas on almost every primary and secondary weapon, so this is no longer a problem to me. What I am interested in is getting fast kills.


    This is weapon centric; I need to farm kills with particular weapons at a time. I understand its easy to go and shield polarise to glory, but what about weapons?

    I tried Survival and Defense on DS and such, and the spawn rates are very slow and limited as of solo, I have some teammates, but whats the better ways to farm kills, both weapon and warframe centric?

  14. Forma freak and proud. I have a combined total of 500 formas across my primary, secondary, melee and warframes.


    It's how I get enjoyment from the game. Even after I've forma-freaked everything, I'm STILL going to keep racking up kills with everything, and just become a kill-freak instead.

  15. So after several months, Stakhanov is back to his usual tricks; formaing the crap out of every weapon possible and talking about it. Whether or not you agree is up to you, but I feel I have nicely revamped this little series I had going and I would appreciate it if you guys took a look at this little Pilot episode and told me what you think.


    NOTE: I appreciate the information I gave here is a little vague. I have done some massive modifications to the script and still haven't adjusted. There's quite a lot of things I've changed, so try and stick to the presentation more than the script, as this is just a pilot trial before I make the series go full time.


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