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Posts posted by Melancholia101

  1. Another +1 from me.

    • Rarity bars would be ok but the rare / uncommon look like they apply to items from the row above not below.
    • Not having amount owned displayed on reward screen is a pain. Having to mouse over each one and then make a decision takes too long with the time allowed.
    • Why put unowned relics in the refinement / selection screens. In either case you don't need to know what you haven't got and it just clutters the whole thing up. If you want to know what relics you need use the codex.
    • Putting a vaulted indicator on the content list display rather than having to tab would take away the fear of using a vaulted relic you have been saving to refine by accident. Especially in endless missions where you are picking in a rush. An indicator for vaulted items in the rewards screen would be nice as well.

    Overall I like the new look and file, just a few QoL features have been lost along the way.


  2. Whilst I'm not a fan of locking certain gear behind game modes having clan or PVP only rewards does not have to be game breaking provided the items are tradeable. If you don't like multi-player earn your solo rewards and trade. There are currently over 300 Ignis Wraith BPs listed on Warframe Market for 5 plat or less. That's one piece of relic junk.

    At the moment clans are kind of pointless. Once you have all the BPs they are really just a fancy friend list. If the BPs were moved to the market there would be little point in clans at all. Having something to do either for or with a clan would give them more purpose whilst providing more engagement for those who like to play as a group. If handled correctly it doesn't have to ruin the solo experience but could add another option to the way the game is enjoyed.

    Just because the previous clan system didn't work doesn't mean another one couldn't. 

    • Like 1
  3. I think most people join clans to get access to research BPs and a trading post. If all the research and building has been done there is little incentive to play any kind of active role.

    As members are all at different levels with different goals and with limited playing time playing together doesn't always make sense. Having Clan missions would make being in a Clan feel more like being a member of a group.

    Just having Clan Alerts/Invasions/Sorties would be a start. Rewards don't have to be exclusive just from a different pool. The same with events when they occur. All these can be done with Clan members at the moment but there's little reason to.

    Even better would be specific Clan missions that require co-operative play rather than four players just being in the same place at the same time. Again, rewards don't have to be exclusive just something to encourage playing as a Clan.

    I think one of Warframe's biggest problems is trying to make everything be available to everyone at all times. Making all content suitable for new and solo player lessens the experience for veteran and multi-player. There should be something for everyone.


  4. Whatever your opinion on the size of DE as a company dedicated servers would be an expense that comes of their bottom line. To keep investors and stockholders happy this would need making up for somehow.

    That could come from new players but I find it hard to imagine DE announcing a move to dedicated servers would bring in a massive influx of new players. It may help retain some players but I don't think that would balance the books.

    That takes us to subscription, micro-transactions or more exclusive paid only content. All of which I believe would drive more players away than attract new ones or improve retention. Many f2p games also have a subscription which normally involves a 2-tier experience. Ten frame slots on the free account, unlimited if you subscribe for example. If not then there is normally a premium currency which cannot be earned in game.

    One of the reasons I play Warframe is that I can spend money on it at a rate that suits me without affecting my experience.

    That said this is clearly an issue that affects many people and does need improving. At the very least making sure loot and rewards are not lost on a dropped connection / failed migration along with an improvement in how hosts are evaluated and selected. I wouldn't mind longer wait times to enter a mission if it meant a better fit of connections.

    This really only applies to the game as is though. If it is going to, hopefully, continue getting larger and more complex dedicated servers may become a necessity regardless of cost.

    • Like 2
  5. 14 hours ago, DishSoap said:

    I feel like Baro shouldn't be this crazy time gate to stuff like Primed mods and Prisma weapons. I mean yes you can buy them from other people with Platinum but I really don't like bring Platinum up when it comes to game balance and design.

    I didn't really pay much attention to Baro when I first started and deeply regret it now. Waiting for Primed mods is so frustrating and using platinum to buy them from other players cashing in, when I have no other way to obtain them, rubs me the wrong way. Waiting for Prime frames and weapons is one thing but without certain Primed mods most builds feel like a temporary fix until you can get them

  6. On 2018-11-30 at 10:01 AM, Eisdschungel said:

    My pc is fine but internet in my Area is so Bad, that i had some1 telling me to kill myself 10 times in an Alert coz they didnt like their ping.  Id Really appreciate having the Option to not be host or at the very least be able to force a Migration to some1 else

    Your sludgy internet was certainly not the biggest problem in this mission.

    In these circumstances even if I could have forced migration I wouldn't have

  7. 8 hours ago, --Laughing-Soul-- said:

    yes yes taking something to the extreme sure does make it seam unrealistic doesn't it? except this topic isn't going to the extreme, you are. EsO is an endgame mode and as a result players have an expectation that others in the game mod will at least contribute in some meaningful way.

    Maybe a little extreme, but not the most ridiculous suggestion I have read for gating content.

    When I play public I don't have any expectations as to how other players will want to play. I gave up on that when I first started after getting bored playing follow the leader to extraction as quickly as possible on every low-level mission. If anything that taught me that my contribution to a mission was pretty much meaningless, so once I happen upon ESO should I now think differently?

    As it happens I do, I would much prefer to contribute rather than leach, but through the early ranks, the game encourages leaching if you play public. In fact most of the time there isn't any other way to play.

    Maybe ESO should have been kept until later in the game. I know I had access well before I'd unlocked Hydron so I did use it for levelling gear.

  8. Clearly what this game needs are more rules to ensure that people only play each of its modes in one specific way. There is far too much freedom to enjoy the game any way you want at the expense of the expectations of other random people. Above max rank requirements, modes should have limits on which frames and weapons are allowed with additional limits on mod builds to ensure everybody is playing the game correctly. We would no longer have to rely on recruitment chat, clans of friends to find other players who want to do exactly the same thing as us because we would all be the same.

    Or we could just play the game and accept that different players have different goals that don't always match ours.

  9. 1 hour ago, (PS4)Tradesman2 said:

    Similar issue for me, I did get a few drops but alot of hours watched gave none at all.  Wondering if each streamer can only give 1 drop?  I can go 11-12 hours on a stream and get 1 drop from all that time.  Or its a chance at a a drop each hour.

    You can definitely get more than 1 per streamer. I've received around 40 across 3 or 4 streamers. Woke up to 7 in my inbox just leaving it on while I slept.

    It's just a feeling but I don't think you get anything watching a hosted stream because I don't think I've got them when streamers have gone off air and hosted.

    Admittedly of those 40ish all are credits or fireworks apart from a relic, a noggle and a couple of display glyphs.

  10. Sorry if I came across snidey, not my intention. Of course, everybody is free to use their data and time how they see fit. OP was referring to the quality of the rewards, not the system itself, and what I was trying to say is that watching a stream to win these random rewards may not be the most efficient use of data/time, especially when you have a cap, but if you choose to do so maybe don't be surprised you didn't win a week long lottery in the first few hours.

    On the other hand, if you are not getting the drops that is a whole different issue and the cause of the problem needs resolving because it does seem to happen each time. That said everybody I know who plays the game has received the drops as intended, so the problem may not be that widespread. Doesn't help if you're affected of course.

  11. I can't really comment on this as every drop event has worked perfectly for me, except the ones that were universally broken (Ash Prime). I only ever watch in browser on PC and have wondered if the console/mobile apps could be the problem some people experience.

    As for real-world repercussions. It's free stuff on top of a free update that also had some free promo codes. It's not an entitlement and maybe instead of watching a stream for 20 hours play the game for 20 hours and get your stuff that way. It could be more fun.

  12. There are going to be 6-7 days of Twitch drops altogether. A minimum 144 drops if you keep a stream open all day, every day I would imagine this is set up so the more dedicated viewers end up with a frame and a riven so the drop rates are going to be low.7

    Plus, if they want to keep Warframe near the top on Twitch, they're going to want to keep viewer numbers up across the week so giving all the good stuff away at the beginning is unlikely.

    Maybe a little patience is required and unfortunately if you have a data cap that sucks.

  13. I really can't get on with Limbo. I know I'm probably playing him wrong but can't seem to find a way I'm comfortable with, plus always having that nagging feeling that your annoying somebody else.

    I really want to like Hydroid and he's OK, there just always seems to be a better option.

  14. I managed to get quite a few doing the Sands of Inaros quest. Although I don't think it's repeatable if you've already done it.

    Running Derelict exterminate and survival got me lots of scans but very few Genetic Codes, certainly didn't feel like a 15% chance, but I suppose that's the nature of RNG.

    Consider using the Codex Scanner with the upgrades for extra and faster scans. Helped me get the last few I needed, until I build Khora that is.

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