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Posts posted by Nyotengu

  1. I had a question about Warframe's art team.


    When I look at the older warframes, Mag and Nyx for example, and then compare them to more recent ones like Saryn and Nova, there seems to have been a shift or evolution in the art design, not only a, I think, higher standard of quality but also a veer towards a more "fantasy" approach to the "Space Ninjas" theme.


    For example! The shapes of Saryn and Nova are MUCH more feminine than those of Mag and Nyx, and they include things like some sort of "diseased smoke skirt" on Saryn and her (awesome) tigh-high "boots", Nova having some similar "shoes" and a, ahem, very womanly lower back.


    Even the males and the guns are following this trend, with Nekros being, even in his abilities, much less about dull, grey space suits and more about, well, art. The guns, too, are getting more and more about shapes, forms and colours than some sort of "must look like a gun" (Braton versus Soma anyone?) theme.


    So, with all that said, my question is: does this trend of "more fantasy, less dullness" comes from the art team or is it a directive they have? Do they like these bolder designs or do they prefer the simpler, somewhat minimalist ones? In short, are the art people at DE all about making Somas, Nekrosies/ox/sisesiesgargl (Pardon?) or more about Excaliburs and Skanas?


    Or is there some money problem behind it? Did they, at first, had less time and money to work on that?


    In short, I'd really like to know how much passion goes in the art of Warframe compared to how much work goes into it, because it is something I am getting more and more passionate about myself :)

  2. Personally, I really like Nova and Saryn's designs, they look quite feminine, especially compared to the "older girls" from the roster and, like the more recent males, their designs are less dull and grey, much more "artsy" (I hate that word but whatever), it's more on the fantasy side of the "Space Ninja" concept.


    It really is an interesting trend in this game's art design, it happens to guns too, the new ones from U10 are much more creative (Soma, anyone?).

  3. Yes, it does mean a lot, it's like sticking an easter egg on the wrong item.


    Wait, isn't that just what this is?


    So, yes, naming a bladed weapon "Dakka" feels like naming a gun... I don't even know! It's so...


    Dakka is for guns, that's it!


    It's like calling Pikachu "Squirtle" and/or vice-versa, you get all like... NOOO! WRONG! DOES NOT COMPUTE!


    At least put some sort of stylised trollface on the Dakka if it keeps the name. Or just give us an explaination if it's inspired by/named after something.

  4. I spent alsmot a week farming for Trinity, on and off.


    I had the RHINO helmet in my inventory for a while, Hek, I think I might have gotten that helmet blueprint the first time I downed the Jackal!


    Today, I felt like finishing Rhino.


    Well, there it is, not even five runs I think and I got the chassis and systems.


    So, yeah, RNG, just keep at it.

  5. Hello! As the title says, I'm looking, with more and more desperation, for at least one "Hornet Strike" mod, having not seen a single one since I started playing and now feeling like I really need it to even be able to use my sidearms for something else than tickling Grineers and opening boxes.


    So, tell me, please, is there any place, any enemy that drops it... or even just tell me where it does NOT drop, that would be helpful too.


    All I seem to get are "Quickdraw", "Fast Hands" and "Ammo Drum" mods, and the odd semi-useful/interesting Warframe ability or better.


    Oh yeah, and lots of "Reach" and "Pressure Point"...

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