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Posts posted by (PSN)Qeythos

  1. 35 minutes ago, Omega-Shadowblade said:

    Every so often they do an unvaulting to put old prime relics back in. Currently I haven't heard of one anytime in the near future. 

    Hard to say when they will unvault Mag Prime again. She's been unvaulted twice that i know of. Last summer and about a year before then so its possible they may unvault her again this summer although they might very well pick a different frame this time.


    We're now on day 3 of this atrocity infecting the game. Even with the hotfixes the menus are horrible to navigate. It takes 10x longer to do anything and it's VERY frustrating when you end up doing something different then intended because that awful cursor isn't located EXACTLY where it needs to be. Navigating with the D-pad is also a pain because the cursor does NOT snap to the top of the menus, it snaps to what the hell ever is the closest in the direction i press. It should start at the top of the menu like it did before and nothing else. We shouldn't have to guess where the cursor will end up based on what menu we're in. There's no consistency to how this thing behaves between different menus. I am frustrated enough to uninstall the game and never touch it again. DE, seriously. For the love of Warframe, REVERT THE CHANGES NOW!!! You can either believe that your community does NOT want a virtual cursor and remove it ASAP (should've been done already with the feedback you've had), or you're going to lose a good chunk of your player base. I personally plan to uninstall the game from my system should that virtual cursor still exist on day 7.

  3. Saw there was a new patch for Warframe. Was hoping this would remove the virtual cursor but no, the accursed thing is still there. Sorry DE, but there's no fixing this mistake other then removing it completely. Do not try to mend it, do not try to adjust it. Just simply forget the entire idea about a virtual cursor before you lose half your player base over this one issue alone. Once that happens it'll be too late to fix it as the damage has already been done.

    DE might be wanting a unified UI to streamline the updates between the three platforms but honestly, you're going to have to make differences between the platforms due to the difference in control types. I suggest taking pointers from Final Fantasy XIV. They run cross-platform between PC and PS4, update both platforms at the exact same time, use the same UI for KB/M and controller with some small differences in how it looks. When you have the game configured to KB/M you use the mouse cursor and keyboard shortcuts to navigate. When you have it in controller mode you press the touch pad to swap focus between windows and the other buttons to interact with them. They even let you control the mouse cursor with the touch pad if you want and if you absolutely must use it, there's even the option to enable a virtual cursor. Keyword being option, not default.

    • Like 2
  4. 2 hours ago, [DE]Danielle said:

    It’s been over 24 hours since we launched the UI and virtual cursor changes in Update 22.20.6 on PS4 and Xbox One, and we’ve been closely reading your feedback (Forums, Twitter, in-game chat, etc.) and furiously taking notes as it continues to roll in in droves. Coinciding feedback points from our PC Controller users have also been included in our readings, as the goal of unifying controls across all Platforms was our intention from the start within the future greater UI overhaul scheme.  

    But we do feel we missed the mark on this first attempt. So, while we are keeping to our original goal, we understand that in order to fully meet it improvements are needed. 

    That said, the following is a list of priority changes (based largely on your feedback) that we’ve started working on implementing:  

    • Restoring button shortcuts in the Arsenal. 
    • Adding content preview on hover in Relic selection screens (choosing a Relic is done by selecting it). 
    • Changing “preview” and “select” to be independent of one another in the Arsenal item selection (separate bindings displayed in bottom right of screen in Arsenal).
    • Right Trigger will rotate your Warframe in the Arsenal while browsing item grid. 
    • Removing the need to hold down X (PS4) / A (XB1) + drag in order to select a Mod in the Modding UI. Instead, selecting a Mod will make it stick to your cursor like it used to, allowing you to move it with cursor control or D-Pad. Additionally, hitting “back” will deselect the Mod from your cursor without exiting the screen. 
    • Fixing D-Pad landing on invisible items on the bottom of grids (long term goal as requires a lot of testing for a global change).

    This is just the start of what you can expect in terms of changes. We’ve been hard at work to get these launched on console as soon as possible (in a hotfix tonight!), while some changes may come in later hotfixes/updates as they require more time to implement and test. PC Tenno, you can expect these changes in a future update (along with the D-Pad support originally announced in the dedicated Dev Workshop). We will be watching for your feedback on the above changes as well.

    We do also want to thank you tremendously for your patience as we continue to work on changes. There’s no denying this was a rocky start with the original launch, but we’re hopeful that with some time and care, we can get it to a much better place for all of you.

    5:22 PM ET Edit: Hotfixes have been deployed on PS4 and XB1!

    The whole idea of introducing a cursor to the console UI is a really, really, bad idea overall. Just makes navigation feel clunky and slow. DE should take some pointers from Final Fantasy XIV. They run cross-platform between PC and PS4 (on the same servers even) and utilize the exact same UI between their KB/M and their controller setups. You use a cursor with your mouse when you have the game configured for KB/M and regular button navigation when you set it to controller mode. Their game updates for both platforms at the same time. If you must unify the UIs between the two versions then make one that does NOT rely on a screen cursor for controllers. Just no, no, no to that idea.



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  5. 1 minute ago, (PS4)Informality1993 said:

     Do you all realize that asking them to have two fully functional UIs and movement systems that can cross one another because so many refuse to be constructive and work to adjust to the future of the game is extremely insane? That is a ridiculous amount of work. 

    In that case there's only one plausible solution; remove the new UI completely and revert to the old. This is major step backwards.

    • Like 2
  6. No matter what changes you plan on making to this "new", highly un-innovative console UI at the very least give us the option to use the old UI instead. Better yet, make the new UI just an option for those that want it as quite a few console players arelikely to be scared away from the game with how complicated you have made the navigation. It was working fine. There really was no need to fix it 'til it broke.

    • Like 4
  7. ...but guess what, it's a PC UI introduced on a console. Result? Simple. It Does NOT work. Please reverse this atrocity ASAP as this "new" highly un-innovative method of navigating the games menus and features have made the task an outright chore. What used to take single digit seconds to do (swap a warframe from Config A to Config B for example) used to be very simple; press Triangle to open Upgrades menu, press R1 or L1 to select the right Config and press Circle to back out. Honestly there are more problems with this then i care to list here. In my opinion the solution is simple; either 1) reverse the UI changes completely, or 2) give us the option to use the old UI over the new. Better yet. Make the old UI the default again but leave the new UI as an option for those who really want it. The current system is more likely to scare away console players then attract them.

    Other then that my only concern about the development of the game would be the lack of cinematic story quests after The War Within. You give us an epic story line quest with great visual cutscenes in The War Within, then we get the Plains of Eidolon and suddently we have no story quests and the only scinematic cutscene i can remember would be when we land in Cetus. Is the trailers for the prime warframes really consuming that much of the animation departments time that they can't follow up with more cutscenes like in The War Within? Hoping to see more story (and cutscene) driven quests in the future! Other then that you're doing a great job DE! Keep it up! 


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