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Posts posted by thejynxed

  1. Entire pages full of fail, yet again, from the "Nerf it!" crowd.


    How about you ask for buffs to the lesser performing frames instead of always crying for nerfs to anything that is worth using to begin with.


    And for another thing, stop hanging around in low-level content (and we all know why, it's the "baddie syndrome"). Do something at the higher end for a change, and you'll see why some of these frames are the way they are.


    Keep in mind that as they add more things to the higher end, every time you whine and get something nerfed, it will just enact artificial gates to that new, higher-end content that simply shouldn't be there outside of time invested - meaning all of the whiners will never get to see it and then cry some more about those that do (and cry for more nerfs, repeating the cycle).


    Blizzard learned this lesson long ago - so they stopped paying any attention whatsoever to the whiners who constantly cried for nerfs, and instead instituted hard metric systems on the back-end so they could see exactly what was what and went from there (And we ended up with what I thought was very well-balanced gear and content at the end-game). DE should do the same.

  2. As stated above, while hosting Toxic Ancients still immediatly kill your sentinel in mere contact.

    I know it has been like this for a while.


    Yep, but, and here is the funny but: If you pull off a slide attack at the same time the Toxic hits your Sentinel, you will take the hit and your Sentinel will take no damage.

  3. Well, I suppose it isn't as bad as when you used to be sent flying off the map if you crouched on an elevator at the right time. But yeah, this is a bug and needs to be fixed.


    Oh, that bug is still around in a form - we had a Loki who was standing a bit too close to the edge between the elevator floor and the wall, and when the elevator went up about halfway, he got sucked down through the floor of the elevator and down he went to his doom.

  4. Link gives immunity (or at least normally does) to knockdown effects


    Slow right now, but when they release natural talent it will be really fast; not really a weakness anyway with the roughly 1.5-2 second cast

    A lot of abilities self root. Listing them all would be a waste of time as it would fill this page.


    Any frame can be energy drained..why is this always listed as a weakness to trinity?


    Shield and health don't matter when balancing late game as you get one shot no matter what frame you bring.


    Link always gives you a 75% damage reduction


    Modding the other way reduces blessings effectiveness down to where it should be; an instant castt heal that full heals the party and gives a little bit of a breather.


    Stamina does not matter in a world full of Zoren coptering


    Well targets die if they are level 10. It is a great single target CC but that is all. If many want this buffed it will be her only heal.


    The corpus damage is the same on any frame modified by armor


    Link doesn't give total immunity to KBs, but CAN reflect them - if they are shockwaves. You sometimes get pushed back (and when this happens, it's the same timing and animation delay as a full KB). There are other KBs that Link does not either stop nor reflect (Shield Bash from Grineer Shield Lancers comes to mind). With this in mind, you are not always running around with Link up, especially in Blessing builds. The energy management is very tight at times when it's your job to put up Blessing every X amount of seconds (28.2 at max duration) and you're the only Trin in the group or your group doesn't all run Energy Siphon. Blessing offers zero protection against KBs (or stuns or status procs) at all.


    Not everyone uses those wonky Zorens (DE has contemplated removing that effect entirely from all weapons such as Fang that can currently mimic it, more than likely in Melee 2.0).


    It's *supposed* to always give 75% reduction. Like numerous things in Warframe, this is not always 100% true. (An interesting sidenote: The wiki states that Link doesn't work on Stalker. This is also not entirely true.)


    The energy drain is listed because she's the -only- frame that can't do anything useful at zero energy. She has slow movement, low stamina, mediocre shields/health/armor. She has nothing going for her if she loses her energy pool from a drain. This is a big weakness, when even low-armor/health/shield frames like Loki still have higher stamina pools & speed going for them.


    There is two parts to her Blessing cast - the casting time (delay) 1.2s and the animation (delay) (currently unknown). It isn't *quite* as bad as before where you had to wait for BOTH of those to finish before the Blessing effect appeared, but it's still more of a delay than anything like say Rhino Stomp, Avalanche, or Molecular Prime. This ability is extremely sensitive to timing, energy management, and lag.


    I was referring to direct hits to her shields, not armor.

  5. Her main weaknesses:


    Easily knocked down (I can tell you, I've been knocked down with her many times, even using something like Handspring or Surefooted).


    Slow casting animations.


    Casting delay and effect delay on Blessing. This casting animation is a self-root, with the only other frame abilities in this game with a similar self-root are: Absorb, Crush, Radial Javelin, Overload, possibly Avalanche.


    Able to be energy drained at range from the reach of Disruptors and drain grenades.


    Not much more shielding/health/armor than a Nova or Loki, both well-known squish frames.


    Link only has a chance of reflecting up to 25% of incoming damage back to linked targets. This could mean it only reflects 1% and you die.


    Modding for duration reduces the effectiveness of Energy Vampire greatly, and by greatly, up to approximately 80% reduced effectiveness.


    Low stamina (and stamina is important for movement so you don't get knocked down so much).


    1 CC effect that even though it is a heal, might as well never be used because people just kill the particular target in 2 seconds.


    This frame seems to be particularly vulnerable to Corpus weapons. This may or may not be intentional. I've used other frames with lower shielding and her shields always seem to drop much faster from direct hits from the Corpus guns.

  6. I've tried switching my in-game icons a few times, and it never updates them for the forums. It either will show plain old Excaliber or a "broken image" box but never the icon I select.


    For instance, I have Volt selected right now and have had it for over a week - at first it just gave a "broken image" box in the forums, now it's reverted back to Excaliber in the forums.

  7. Even after the "fix" to keep Wormhole from going through terrain, it still goes through terrain, and this is bad in this way:


    Cast Wormhole to get to Extraction (especially on Grineer Asteroid maps), Wormhole takes you right through the back of the map and off you go into space and die repeatedly (preventing the mission from being completed if enough people don't listen to the Nova who went through it first and who told them NOT to follow). It can also do this in certain other maps with large windows, etc.

  8. Fun times with Warframe AI:


    Bosses that get stuck in scenery (Raptor, Vor, and Ruk, I am looking at you.)


    NPCs of any type that get stuck in doorways, because their scripts bug out and they refuse to cross the cell border.


    NPCs that run in circles.


    Infested AI causes them to sometimes attack other Infested.


    NPCs that run away, only to crouch behind an object and they never attack you again until you come right around whatever they hid behind, and sometimes not even then.


    NPCs that don't detect your stealth because you are in a crouch 10 feet away from them.


    NPCs that never detect you period, so you walk right up and shoot them in the back of the head.


    NPCs that detect your crouched stealth in a dark tileset from far across the room/cell.


    Corpus cameras that see through walls and stairs.


    Rollers that get stuck on 'bumpy' terrain.


    Stalker AI often going "dead" if you have an open elevator, and cross the cell border just to stand inside of it, allowing you to kill him.


    NPCs that will suddenly think they've turned into Volts and spam Speed while taking a pre-programmed path to reach a target (I am looking at you, Ancients).


    Sudden AI "speedups" where once in a great while, the enemy animations cut off a bit, actions such as firing rate, etc are greatly increased (most often found during Survivals) and VERY noticeable when facing Bombards or Napalms (where they can launch about 5 rockets one after another). Also noticeable on Infested missions where they just seem to start rocketing across the map and their attack speeds increase. Some people think this is lag, but I've seen it solo, and in groups by someone hosting using 100/100 MB connection - and the others in the group also mentioned it even though we had different hardware.

  9. are ether weapons powerful in pvp??? im confused...

    havent lost to ether weapon users since 2.0


    (using Dual Ichor / Scoliac myself)


    Dual Ethers still are, even after they lost their innate armor-ignore. One simply does slide spin attacks and essentially strip all shields and health in one go from your target (partly because the hitbox for this move seems to have a very large range even if you are only using daggers of some sort and the only way to avoid it is seemingly SuperJump or your own slide attack...).

  10. This may sound silly, but try checking the file/folder attributes for everything Warframe and make sure that they aren't set to Read-Only (+R). For some reason or another, some of mine got set to this during one of the patches, and removing the read-only attribute on these files fixed the issue with the Evolution Engine hanging.

  11. I was writing an intense wall of text but then my net crashed. I'll make a simplified version.


    Serration gives the biggest multiplier at x2.65 (+165/100)

    Then an element at x1.9 (+90/100)

    Then PS/VS combo at x3.25. (+(.25+.75*6.6)/(.7+.3*3))

    Then Split Chamber at x1.9 (+90/100)

    Then Heavy Caliber at x1.62 (+165/265)

    Then a 2nd element at x1.47 (+90/190)


    That's already 7 mods, stacking the highest possible damage multipliers. You've got several options:

    3rd element: x1.32 (+90/280)

    Bane: x1.3 (+30/100)

    Hammershot: x1.26 (+(.25+.75*8.4)/(.25+.75*6.6))




    Having a 3-element Soma gives the most damage per shot, hands down.


    +1, but there is a bit of math to be resolved yet: Bonus damage from weaknesses, and damage reduction from resistances. You -could- get into the effects of certain procs (such as when Viral or Corrosive proc), but that would require a bit more complicated math yet still.

  12. Ever buy a game (or download a free 2 play mmo) and sit there waiting to choose a server, hoping you choose a good one with good people that are helpful and not just jerks that flame you when u ask a question. Ever hate joining a guild that you know no one? Ever hop from guild to guild trying to find one that suits you and your play style? Have you ever quit a game that you liked but could never get help from guildies or even find a guild that you liked? Well I am here to tell you there is an answer. Grievance is an online gaming community that spans many games.

    Grievance can be found playing in the following games:

    Official Grievance Guilds
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    Grievance is a family-oriented online gaming community. We have a very rich and honorable heritage that spans many games over many years, during which Grievance has proven that one can have a very rewarding gaming experience, yet have a life as well. The concepts of family, honor, and loyalty are hallmarks of Grievance and are expected to be upheld and respected by all members.

    Grievance is an adult gaming community, 18+ only. We have many long term members. This is no start up guild. We were formed in October 15th, of the year 2000. We were not always known as Grievance, but the membership has been strong and growing! We are one of the few trademarked Guilds in all gaming communities. We are comprised of singles, married couples, retired people, military members, college students and people located through out the US.

    When you join Grievance you join a family. This family spans many games and even on opposite sides of the same game. Grievance is always a strong presence in games they are in. Grievance even has a real life get together, like a family reunion. We have this every year. We have a strong management support for each game, not same leaders in every game at one time.

    We at Grievance are always looking to expand as anyone would expect. The larger the Grievance community the better it is. Wouldn't it be nice to start a game at launch and have a lot of Grievance members log in with you on the same server and same side? Imagine the friendships you will make with such a strong gaming community.

    If Grievance seems like a place for you, please feel free to visit our forums, they are free to register and browse. Come see what games we are in and the servers we reside on. There is always an officer of a certain game or a council member willing to answer any questions. We hope you will come take a look and introduce yourself in the Forum Registration / Applications Forum. Let us know a bit about yourself and what games you are interested or currently playing in. Hope to see you there.

    Thank you for your time,
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    visit us at http://www.grievancegaming.org
  13. If it's any consolation, I failed it my first time due to flying completely through one of the solid walls. It turned me up into the vertical run, I ran halfway up the wall, all of the sudden, I am passing through the wall in a horizontal motion and my legs still kicking, off I fly into the void...


    The wall actually bisected my frame at one point so it was my frame helmet, giant white wall, then my kicking legs sticking out the other side.

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