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Posts posted by Salamore0

  1. On 2023-06-21 at 12:58 PM, NoobNoobNoobilla said:

    Launcher broke after installing the update

    On 2023-06-21 at 6:38 PM, Risky_Flamingo said:

    My launcher is also broke. I tried reinstalling the game and everything.

    On 2023-06-22 at 10:15 AM, Risky_Flamingo said:

    My launcher is still broken.

    On 2023-06-22 at 10:49 AM, MentalPup said:

    Yo, I can't even launch the damn game on my PC. I have tried a fresh install but it keeps crashing after I pressed play in the Launcher. What a waste of time.

    I encountered a problem with my launcher as well. My download kept giving me 3.2MB chunks, and I thought it was all the hotfixes that were not pushed out until Kullervo, but I dug into the issue a little. I went into my game's directory and saw that the launcher.exe was the most recently downloaded item. I make it a habit to back up my game's files into another folder now and again, so I replaced the launcher.exe with an older version, then ran through steam. The launcher gave me a 3.6MB update, and then a 30MB one, and proceeded as normal.

    I know that this information is not going to help very many people, but it seemed worth putting out in some capacity. I suppose the advice I can give is, once your warframe is working, create a backup of the entire game elsewhere on your PC so you can perform surgery if a file corrupts. Usually you would have to redownload an entire file if it corrupts, but pulling an older version of that file can save some time. I see that some of you have tried reinstalling to no avail though, so I assume either bad luck with the update, or a different cause, which would mean my story isn't applicable.

    Best of luck folks!

    Also PSA, don't ever use steam to verify your files. It will brick your game.

  2. Originally I thought this was an exploit so I had to double check:

    When failing the Emissary Derelict Assassinate mission, your mission rewards says you earned 1,500 Emissary Standing.

    I noticed I still had my emissary derelict key so I checked my current standing, went and intentionally failed to see if it indeed did award you standing anyways. Turns out it does not still award you standing, but it says it does. "Last Mission Results" does not show it though.


    Funny as it would have been I'm glad it's not an exploit and it's just a UI bug.

    Edit: by the way hi, first post

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