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Posts posted by Loopgru

  1. As discussed on Reddit, I like some of the core ideas here, I would just like to see more depth to the kit- this runs pretty close to the issue that Chroma has where his entire kit can be effectively played by a metronome.

    So, I'd suggest the following:

    • Move your revised #1 to his passive. Maybe add the ability to shatter frozen enemies into a conal AoE of shards that inflict bleeds.
    • For his 1, take the existing Ice Wave and give it the ability to freeze enemies after hitting twice. Casting this scales up his passive armor / aura.
    • 2 stays Snow Globe
    • 3 stays Avalanche, scales his armor/aura passive
    • 4 stays your Ice Axe, which also scales his armor/aura passive

    In short, the idea here is to make this more a Gauss-style kit rather than a Chroma-style kit. Both of those frames have hugely powerful cast-on-cooldown abilities (Vex Armor, Redline), but Gauss is really engaging to play because the rest of his kit synergizes with that passive (via the heat gauge and secondary effects).

    • Like 2
  2. I stand corrected. That said, RMB doesn't take you out of melee anymore, otherwise you'd be unable to do those combos. The only edge case I see would be something like Phantasma where you'd either need to hit LMB to go back to your primary before launching a ball, or go into melee mode to access heavy attack. I think the former makes more sense- using the alt fire of the currently active weapon.

    That said, even a forward heavy attack would address what I'd want here- some way to heavy attack without utterly annihilating your mobility.

  3. 5 hours ago, NinjaZeku said:

    That kinda doesn't work though unless you're in full Melee / Sword Alone mode.

    Heavy attacks require you to be in melee-only mode to begin with... So that should be a non-issue.

    As for aerial slams, yes, they add mobility, but they're slow due to the set up time.

  4. Title basically says it all. I love heavy attack weapons, but having them completely root you in place is a real buzz kill. I work around it with Gauss, but it could still be a lot better.

    Giving heavy attacks the same flexibility as combo attacks would be awesome.

    Standing heavy as is. Forward heavy might slow you a bit but still keep moving forward. Tactical for a slam, forward tactical for a big wind up ninja gaiden style slash dash.

    • Like 1
  5. To clarify:

    Thrown melee weapons- including glaves and the Wolf Sledge- were nerfed to obsolescence in U26. DE "fixed" an unintended behavior that allowed throws to scale with the combo counter like heavy attacks, but not to consume combo counter in the process- you'd throw your weapon, gain combo count, and never use any in the process. It was unintended, but given how slow these attacks were and how fiddly the aiming was, I don't think it was even close to as strong as a standard heavy attack spam or even combo attack build- just fun.

    Anyway, instead of the sensible "just make throws consume combo counter," DE's "fix" was to completely separate them from the combo counter / heavy attack system. So to begin with, this makes them slow attacks with fiddly aiming that do inconsequential damage. To add insult to injury, none of the mods that affect heavy attacks- life strike, true/sacrificial steel, killing blow, dispatch overdrive, etc- work with throws anymore. I've also heard some reports that the throw explosions behave strangely- can't crit or something- but I haven't personally confirmed.

  6. Agreed- Pustrels really should have been added to mining yields as an extra drop, not something that replaced the original mining yield. As it is, farming up zaws is utterly miserable. I'm not a fan of forced space peasantry in the best of circumstances, but this is painful enough that I'm genuinely considering just buying whatever terrible Today's Specials come up for the MR and saying the hell with hours of mining, fishing, and Heiracon.

  7. Throws on Wolf Sledge and Glaives are not being treated as heavy attacks- they do not gain damage from (or expend) combo count, do not trigger Life Strike or similar, and do not gain increased crit chance. The same weapon will do all of these things on a heavy aerial slam, though. People have been reporting issues for a month now, but Steve apparently noticed someone commenting on it during the last devstream, so hopefully it's at least on the radar now.

  8. More generally, the sledge (and glaives in general) are not benefitting from the combo counter on thrown attacks, they are not benefitting from heavy attack mods (including Life Strike) on throws, and the explosions are not benefitting from crit damage multipliers.

  9. What's lost in this discussion is the effective attack speed and general ease-of-use of these weapons. Yes, glaive throws and wolf sledge throws could make some real crowd pleaser numbers, but they are also fiddly, slow projectiles with finicky hit detection and no aoe except when detonated. This is the same reason that no one runs around screaming that sniper rifles are OP despite the incredible damage numbers- they're inherently balanced by the way they operate. 

    TL;DR please un-nerf my fun, it was fine as it was.


    19 hours ago, Sporeking said:

    Is there something I missed? What did they change?

    The change to glaive throws also hit Wolf Sledge, so the damage on the throw dropped by ~95% on both the impacts and the explosion. There's zero reason now to ever run it over Arca Titron (if you want a hammer) or Redeemer Prime (if you want a ranged melee).

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