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Posts posted by (PSN)Kazu_da_Stealth

  1. It only became more obvious to me this week after Wukong released and I brought it up to a few friends and they noticed it too. I can understand that you may not have seen it depending on how often you run relics and whether or not you run relics publicly. It's probably only a problem when new frames release and the rush to get them. I also had another friend chime in during our discussion and said he's been doing that for a quite some time. His rationale was "why should he farm the game for relics when he could farm other people for the same reward?". The conversation didn't go anywhere but it did help me to realize how easily exploitable the system can be without penalties in place. It reminds me of the time before they implemented the afk timers. Players would just sit at spawn and reap full rewards for other players efforts. I get its one of the risk when running public matches, but it gets annoying. 

  2. So this is probably going to be a pretty polarizing argument, but I feel there needs to be a major change in the matchmaking system. I started to noticed this more heavily with Wukong prime's release. Players are joining random public relic runs and are instantly leaving if there isn't a relic available that they want. Wukong and his new primes are highly sought after and people are desperate for the new frame and weapons, but don't want to put the effort in farming and instead would like to take a chance on a random player's relics. So what ends up happening is you end up in a lobby where people are continually leaving the mission because you are not running the relic they are looking for and have to hope that you are host (getting 3 host migrations in a row was infuriating) and that the matchmaking system will continue to look for new players. Keep in mind this is a PUBLIC lobby, so yeah there are going to be issues, but this is something next level. I would like Warframe to insert a deserters penalty for leaving too many matches in quick succession. You know, one two or three matches, no biggie, people have connection issues. However, if you consistently continue to leave matches early on (before 5 minutes) you deserve to be put in time out.

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  3. Exactly as the title says. Nowhere in the entirety of the game do I experience issues to the extent that I do when fighting the profit taker. Being able to equip my archgun is a literal coin flip. If you can't equip your archgun the first time, well you can be sure as S#&$ you won't able to equip it for the remainder of the mission. Guess what that means? You're worthless. You're essentially handicapping the run because the number of dps has been reduced by one. Swapping into your operator too is a coin flip and if you can there is an ungoldly delay which leaves you completely vulnerable. Its kind of ironic too that we complain there are not enough enemy spawns in all of Orb Valus, but its the complete opposite when are fighting the profit taker. These trash mobs come after you wave after wave after wave regardless of the alert level. Taking them out is no problem, one or two slashes of a decent melee weapon or just avoid them (which is what I generally do), however, the larger problem at hand is the performance. My frame rate starts taking massive hits. I'm pretty certain that the mission would run a hell of a lot smoother if you were to tone the enemy spawns down by at minimum half of what they currently spawn in at. This is the one mission I am most reluctant to do because I know without fail something is going to go wrong and it is completely out of our hands as end users to fix it. 

  4. First bug: Not enough enemies spawning in exterminate missions

    I encounter this bug maybe 50% of the time when I run an exterminate mission. I will go through the mission and kill all of the available enemies and end up at extraction missing a number of kills required to extract. The temporary solution I have found to the problem is to have everybody wait at extraction till the enemy marker appears then have one person run out there quickly kill them and come back because we have to do this some 10 plus times usually. 

    Second bug: fog walls are appearing more and more lately

    Every few missions I will encounter doorways that are completely black. You can go through them sometimes, others you are completely blocked from progression. Using "/unstuck" does nothing to remedy the issue. There is no specific mission this is tied to, just any mission in which there are doorways. 

    Third bug: The entirety of the Orb Vallis

    The problems in the Orb Vallis are large and comprehensive and to be honest I really don't understand many of the issues, but here are the many that I have encountered.

    Bounties: Exterminate/credit bounties don't spawn enough enemies at times to earn the bonus even when grouped up. Hacking and defending the drone may never start the time and thus soft lock you out of the mission. Capturing the canisters may not show mission progress leaving the player completely in the dark. Sometimes the bounty mission will not actually appear on the screen for certain players and will require that player to either ask the party or just not participate at all. 

    Fishing: Bait and luminous dye will not attract fish in a hotspot regardless of how long you wait unless you unequip your fishing rod and re-equip it. This goes for both the Orb and Plains.

    The Orbs: This goes back to the fog walls. There are too many of them in the fight and too many intermittent loading screens. On several occasions, either I, friends, or randoms will be hit with a wall and not be able to progress. This also prevents the team from being able to progress. The temporary solution is to shut down the application and start it back up and rejoin the squad. Profit taker experiences these issues too. During the profit taker, there will be times where you are unable to swap between your weapons. This usually happens after you swap back and forth with your archgun. There have been times where my teammates and I have been unable to swap the right to the right weapon, as a result, end up prolonging the fight further than necessary. 

    **Edit: Just thought of another one for the Orbs. When a group of friends and I killed the exploiter orb last night both of them got randomly kicked from the mission and lost all of their mission rewards after the fact. 

    Fourth bug: The current sortie's assassination Saxis (Eris) Phorid: The player cannot move

    This happened to me a little bit ago and it happened to someone else in the run following this. I joined the sortie exterminate and when I spawned I was unable to move and the "/unstuck" function would not work. Players could revive me, but I couldn't revive myself. Even coming back from death wouldn't enable me to move. The only solution was to have your team quickly complete the mission for you so you got credit or leave and roll the dice that you didn't encounter the same issue twice. 

    Fifth bug: General warframe/operator issue during the Eidolon/Orb fights

    I already addressed the weapon swapping issue in the Orbs section, however, there is another issue that I have encountered equally in both fights - being unable to swap between my operator and warframe. This bug will either prevent me from swapping to my operator or back to my warframe. There is also the possibility that I will be unable to dodge roll as a result too. The temporary solution is to die and maybe it will be fixed. This issue is rarer against the eidolons, but I do see it happening fairly frequently against the orbs. 

    I started keeping track this week and these are all of the issues I have encountered since last Sunday. There are many more I have experienced previously, but I am just going to assume those have been fixed. Also, many of these issues became more of a nuisance in the last 24-48 hours. Hope this helps and sorry for creating more work!

    For reference: I generally run as host and mostly only with my friends to ensure that I am the host connection. I have 100 Mbps down and 25 Mbps up so these issues shouldn't be solely connection related. Their internet connections are of similar quality, high-speed cable or fiber optics. 


  5. I'll be honest, I'm still fuming from Mesa being the target of yet another "fix". However, if the intentions were that no exalted weapons should benefit from acolyte mods, why are Titania's Dex Pixia's able to proc both Sharpened Bullets and Hydrolic Crosshairs from my secondary slot? On that topic both frames are still able to equip Embedded Catalyzed and Targeting Subsystem. Shouldn't that too not be allowed?

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