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Posts posted by Boness

  1. 1.--IMHO... no... to clarify HELL NO dont get me wrong I dont usually post on threads i dont like but you have so much going on here i felt i had to. 


    2. I dont know if you got that memo or ... watch the dev streams ( you should cause DE is one of the few developers who do this and its free) All event mods will be released later on in the game. It gives incentive for people to do DE's great event's they do ( it lasts a week i have to assume you're a child and cant find the time or really work alot NO OFFENSE)


    3. Yes agree (ember yes) NO specific warframes  mentioned (augment mods should not make the warframe viable DE, BUFF rework first)

    banshee... Haven't played her that much. Obereon would be a nice idea to have a augment that speed up the healing balls if you fell below a certain point or could auto revive you. Excal... I dont understand what you are saying... isnt he immune to damage when he dash's doesn't he hit the enemies in a line on either side of him???? no comprende


    4. LOL ahahahaha Your'e a funny man but if you're not joking you have to understand the planets are not aligned in chronological order... hell if you want to talk about it VORS PRIZE seems to be the first chapter he gets demoted. After that then somewhere between he teams with  lesh krill on phobos since its captain vor by then... that fails of course.Finally THE VERY FIRST BEGINNER intro we see a defeated Vor disgraced and angry cut down by a newly thawed excal and then THE resurrection. That's just my take on the Vor story arc


    5.Machete's will come back ... all i have to say sorry i have several bp already and dont really care on the issue


    6. hmmm you do know boss fights in warframe are called assassinate missions?  or that DE tend to make you grind for alot of things you want in the game and im pretty sure they'll want you to grind for the mythical T5. Plus leaving T5 only as assassinate missions misses out on T5 defense, survival ,capture and such and such for future drop tables. On stalker idea.. stop scaring me.. YOU DO UNDERSTAND THE STALKER IS A UNIQUE ENEMY AND SHOULD NOT JUST SHOW UP CAUSE YOU COLLECTED A BUNCH OF S#&$. he shows up when he feels like it whether its 1 day after you killed some dude or 7 months right when your leveling a 0 frame ( $&*#^% I HATE YOU STUPID STLAKER) But really you seem to want things easier ... i dont think this is sthe game for you.


    7. transmutation - i stay the F*** away from it unless i know a guy that got rare UNRELEASED mods then i spend like a mad man.


    8.Conclave ... i like conclave... not for these ideas but i like it you're gonna have to man up and solo if you dont want us go fast guys to speed in and hammer fist baddies. or go in recruitment channel and ask or use your clan or get a friend. Mini bosses i like them ... but what i dont like are them dropping parts (what are these parts BTW i hope they arnt what i think they are).  (Cause) Its Another clue that you want it easy in this game.


    9. oh man  oh man you are something else  The very first trailer is excal looking all badass and i wouldnt want that changed... Now the PR people at DE might have just made that space ninja thing cause it sounds cool but we dont need the motif of a ninja frame to be a ninja. Stupid idea IMO would wish you never bring it up again buts that's you.


    10. Finally i agree with you greatly on this... like the mod idea i would say put it as a hidden reward for some nightmare mode's ( if you want better mods that change) But if you want that the game will have to be harder and punish you more. I would say doing stealth in missions you give you a percent chance of giving your squad these mods... with % more added for no alarms , only melee, no enemy spotting you or only stealth finshers in a mission. Also agree with more enemies being able to detect stealth frames.  CAMERAS should be unqiue and marked for easy spotting and certain enemies should be able to detect you if you get to close to them. NICE idea on this one


    11. More skins are coming if you havnt been paying attention but synicate should have their own skin's ( sydana's or hopefully coming soon)

    But it seems they like to make  existing weapons stronger with new skins 


    Awesome! Changing the post and removing some of the ideas flat out.

    Remember, I know you acted kinda negatively here, but that is what I wanted. I'm just throwing ideas out there and I want to only be left with the ones that the community actually wants rather then the ones I want. So thanks ;) Also made the post a little neater.

    I'm not sure I understand as to whether or not you think the conclave bit is a good idea, could you elaborate further?

    On the second point you said that you have to assume i'm a child, why?

    That one I took offense too because it was totally uncalled for, I don't even know what  you meant there because your english is bad. :P


    And finally, you think I want it easy in this game? I have almost 700 hours and am mastery rank 11. Not that it matters, but this game is already very easy. I'm actually saying that bosses should be HARDER, and for people new to the game, there should be minibosses that are the current difficulty of the bosses and have a much lower chance to drop the warframe parts. (25% chance each kill) Thats insane and incredibly grindy to get a warframe, unless you group up and fight the actual boss.

  2. 1. (Removed.)


    2. (Removed.)


    3. Warframes that feel neglected according to players.

    A few Frames have been nerfed quite a bit (Ember) and players no longer feel motivated to play said frame because of its lack of power and utility (Ember), not mentioning any names (Ember).

    So heres a list of Warframes (Ember) who to popular opinion deserve a minor buff.

     - Rhino: This is a personal opinion. Rhinos Roar should have a similar effect to Djinn's Fatal Attraction, gaining Aggro from enemies.

     - Banshee: Banshee is great and doesn't really need much of a buff. The only thing that needs a tiny little addition is her silence ability, especially because not alot of people stealth in this game. Silence should additionally add a 15% impact damage increase to all allies by 15%, and decrease the damage (Or firerate) of enemies affected by 10%. Making this ability more useful in stealthy and offensive situations.

     - Oberon: Oberon does not need a buff, however his smite ability could use a little change. Instead of the little homing balls doing damage and seeking out enemies, it should prioritise heading to players with less than 50% health, healing them 5% for each ball thingy. This would both nerf and buff smite as it wouldn't do as much overall damage, and can help players.

     - Nekros: Nekros dies alot, and a reason for this is he has low health, and even with proffessional builds where Desecrate is spammed, he will generally be the first to go down. So I propose changing Soul Punch a bit, making it send enemies further and for each enemy hit by the soul punch projectile (Not the soul punch itself) Nekros is healed by 5%.

    4. The second encounter of Vor makes no sense.

    Considering that you cut Vor in half in the beginning of the game, encountering him again on Phobos only to cut him in half AGAIN doesn't make much sense. So, Vor should get a visual redesign on the Phobos boss fight of the game connecting him together with Grineer machinery, also after death, he should get cut in half and all, but his two parts should also teleport away, suggesting he got teleported to the void. With this, a mechanic change to Vor would also be implemented, allowing him to duel wield Seers and rarely drop the Oracle blueprint, which is just akimbo Seers. And last but not least, considering he lost the Cronus int he first part of the game, he should wield a thinner machete with the color scheme of Cronus, called the Augur. This weapon would have similar stats to the Machete but with a higher damage and critical chance.

    Aso give him a mechanical-ish voice. Like a static overlay to him talking to you.

    (TO CLARIFY! You first encounter Vor in the first part of the game, then you cut him in half. He then gets ressurected by his Janus key, and appears in the void. However before that you find a perfectly fine Vor with LT Lech Kril, didn't I cut you in half?)


    5. Machetes didn't HAVE to go. (Any better ways to obtain Machetes? Post opinions below!)

    A good way to reimplement Machetes would be to make their blueprint very rarely dropped by Scorpians. Except for one thing. The machete should have higher stats then the Skana in every way except for attack speed. (Even if it's a minute difference, such as 5 points higher).


    6. T5 keys, Not what you think. (Also other keys) (PLEASE Tell me ideas on how to improve this, I think it would be pretty awesome personally ;))

    All keys are pretty much the same in the enemies encountered etc, so what if there was a mysterious T5 key obtained via Syndicate key bundles, there are 3 types of T5 keys. Derelict, Incursion, and Orokin. Each opening of a key bundle has a 3% chance to be a Derelict, a 6% chance to be an Incursion, and a 9% chance to be a Orokin. These keys are HUGE bossfights. Essentially, using a T5 key will send you to a lobby and a que where a minimum of 10 people will be sent (And a maxmimum of 20, the boss will scale depending on the amount of players) When 10 people is reached, at least 3 people need to start the timer to go in with just 10 people, otherwise you can wait for more people to join. As soon as 20 people join, it will start. Killing the raid boss can yeild EPIC rewards.

    Derelict HAS to be J3 golem ;)

    (TO CLARIFY! T5 keys would only be Assisinates to actually define a segment of endgame, because if T5 keys had all the same functions as regular T4 keys except they were more difficult, then why would you get them? To grind more? The point of these keys was to give the grinding a more clear endgame objective to build towards)


    7. BETTER TRANSMUTATION (WIP, post ideas on how to improve this)

    Transmuting mods is really expensive and is NEVER worth it. So heres what I propose:

    Whenever transmuting, it gives you a Time-frozen mod, and costs ALOT less.

    A time-frozen mod can be thawed with a blueprint purchased for 5000 credits. The blueprint consumes the time frozen mod, 5 morphics, 5 control modules, 10,000 alloy plates. This takes a minute to complete and gives you a random mod with a MUCH higher success rate then previously. (Essentially this will encourage people to use transmutation, would add the excitement element, and would use up those materials that aren't used for much).

    Also add a bunch of mods that can only be obtained this way to encourage players further. Transmutation is awful and very rarely have I seen anyone get anything good from it, so hopefully this changes that.


    8. MAXIMUM CONCLAVE FOR BOSSES!! Also mini bosses. (WIP idea, post ideas on how to improve)

    This is really a big one for me personally, because fighting Vor with people who can 3 shot him annoyed me when I was lower level. So, what I suggest, is implement a maximum conclave of 500 for Vor, and 700 for Alad V, etc etc to encourage players to group up, and discourage players to speed run potentially epic bosses.

    But, what if noone is available for a boss run? What if you want to solo a boss for the parts it drops? Well, I have a solution for that. On each planet there will be a boss, and a mini boss. (For those planets that don't have a boss on them, slap a mini boss on them anyway) This would give DE a great opportunity to expand on Lore as well as an alternative to the Conclave thingy. So what do Mini bosses offer? Well, parts! Except not how you would imagine. Mini bosses drop them only with a 25% chance to get a part. Seem underpowered or annoying? Well Minibosses don't have a conclave requirement, and could probably be one hit during a speed run if your gear is decent enough. (I got inspiration for a mini boss off Nef Anyo, who doesn't have an entrance animation and just sorta dies REALLY easily with barely any mechanics). As well as this, there needs to be a better reward for killing bosses then minibosses, so how about a Time frozen mod, from my idea above? Giving each successful run a 80% chance for a time frozen mod, as well as the 100% chance for a part.

    This idea is a WIP and might not appeal to everyone. Please tell me ways I can improve it.


    9. Replace Excalibur with Ash as a starter Warframe.

    Ash is more balanced overall and can offer a headstart into stealthy gameplay as well as being an actual Ninja.

    Furthermore, although Excalibur is an iconic character in Warframe, it doesn't mean you have to start with him. Excalibur was the first Warframe, and lorewise it does make sense to start with him considering all the trailers, but gameplay-wise it makes more sense to replace him with ash. This will also make Excalibur a little more unique to be using. 

    OR. You could replace Volt with Ash alternatively, which will give the same effect considering Volt is actually harder to obtain, needing a Dojo.

    (TO CLARIFY: I've already gotten a very negative comment about this, and because of that I removed this idea. A friend of mine reminded me that that was 1 person, and I should put it back up for further analysis.)


    10. More rewards for stealth. (WIP Idea, post ideas on improving this)

    Completing a mission without the alarm not even being sounded ONCE should reward you with a mod, SPECIAL mods that can only be obtained via stealthing a mission (And time frozen mods ;) See above), which should encourage players to stealth missions more. Not only this, but it's hard to farm a stealth mission, as you can't exactly speedrun it.

    Except this idea has a flaw, Invisibility is the bane of stealthing because it's something you can fall back on so easily, or in Lokis case, just stay invisible for ever. So, cameras should see invisible characters, and force them out of the invisibility for corpus. For grineer, sensor bars should be enough.

    No i'm not talking STEALTH mods as in mods that make it easier to stealth, (While they should be in there aswell) i'm talking awesome mods that can change builds.



    This, quite simply, will add skins for each weapon that there is a mod for. For example, a skin for the Hek and the Burston prime. The reason? Some weapons like the Jaw sword are visually unnatractive and adding syndicate skins will encourage more players to use these weapons.

    (TO CLARIFY! I'm not talking about new weapons like the Vaykor marelock, i'm talking about an actual skin for the Jaw sword and duel cleavers etc, to encourage player to use them. A purely visual skin)


    12. First person (Hear me out)

    Warframe is not a First Person game and I know that. However, there is a glitch where the camera will get stuck inside the Warframes face. I took a screenshot of what it's like and will display it below.

    (Gyazo is a screenshot program, don't worry it's a safe link, i'll see if I can post it as a full image here when i'm told how :P)


    The reason this is an idea, and I know alot of people will meet this idea as negative, Warframe is set up in a way that's VERY easy to actually make a first person mode, simply remove the head and a bit of the neck and replace it with a camera on clientside so noone online can see your missing head. Move the camera forward a bit and then smooth it out, then as long as it tracks perfectly, you've got first person. 

    Again, Warframe is not a first person game, but it would be awesome to see this atleast tried out.


    13. Control modules < Orokin cells

    Sargus ruk, the robot dude, drops Orokin cells. The Orokin void drops a control module, which seems to be important in operating somewhat robotic devices. Why is this a thing.

    So, I suggest making Ruk and Saturn drop control modules instead of cells, and you get cells from the void instead of control modules. Keep the droprate of Modules when moving them to saturn, and make cells rarer when moving them to the void.

    This NEEDS to happen. Tethys once got turned into Phorrid and I farmed him 45 times in a row to get the Orokin cells I needed. No i have none again and I need to repeat the cycle. The first time I did it, I was SO BORED, that I stopped playing warframe from all the farming, and came back 2 days later.


    14. Ankyros/Ankyros prime is ugly.

    Using Ankyros with any weapon at all is strange. It makes you look like you're wearing gloves, big clumsy gloves. So, what I suggest, is when not using the Ankyros, you just have the middle bit without the side purple bits, the blades or the hurty part of the weapon I guess, and when you use it, these purple bits spring out of the middle bit and you're ready for action. Theres already an animation in place after using the Ankyros where you hold them in the air and kinda, retract them? Although it doesn't do anything, this animation could be used to retract the Ankyros. Or better yet, the Ankyros is invisible on your hands and springs out of your hands when used, making this weapon aesthetically pleasing if you don't want to have a Melee weapon equipped. This idea was probably hard to understand because to get my point across I needed to use alot of words that don't have particular meaning such as 'The hurty bits.' Let me know if you don't understand.


    More to come. By all means please yell at me and tell me i'm wrong, I want to know how the community feels here.


    Edit: Changed a few things to work with the newest update.

  3. I personally think you should be focusing more on bugs and endgame, the modding system is actually something I have a great deal of fun with, if you want to make it less grindy to get some mods Heavycalheavycalheavycalheavycalheavycal, then just give a large abundance of them to the market or Baro kiteer for cheap credits so players can just buy the mods they need and go headfirst into the game.

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