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Posts posted by Midguardian

  1. Some ideas to help make Ivara more fun without too much effort:

    1. Increase the maximum amount of dashwires that can be placed at the same time

    This would make so that she could play around just moving on dashwires. It gets annoying to only have 4 max especially when you try to build some sort of a spiderweb on any stationary mission like defense and interception and could make a playstyle more fun

    2.  Artemis bow buffs

    I won't go in specifics on how to buff the bow but its getting easily outclassed by multiple regular weapons even on a single target. For an exalted weapon with a mana cost per shot it doesn't have the oomph that it deserves.

    3.  Navigator maneuverability

    Navigator can get very confusing to use, the constant forward motion makes it very difficult to hit targets reliably especially if you miss and have to circle back around. A simple way to improve this would be to let the player halt the projectile to a complete stop instead of just slowing the projectile down a little. This would make it easier to navigate and hit targets more reliably.

    This one isn't necessary but would make ivara more playable in the regular run and gun missions like exterminate rescue and capture. Letting ivara sprint and parkour while in prowl would let her catch up with the other teammates while keeping her natural survivability through the invisibility. 

    Thank you for reading

    An Ivara enjoyer

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