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Posts posted by Ziym

  1. Same exact thing. I have no idea whats causing this but considering I want to MAKE credits and not be a glass cannon, at best, I'd love to see this fixed. The only thing I can add is it so far, for me, only happens when I have a free daily login credit booster. However, to be fair I only do index with the credit booster for the most part.

  2. Dear DE,

    I'm going to make it short and sweet and try to not rant.

    First lets talk about Twitch. Its very nice of DE to have teamed up with Twitch to offer in-game rewards if we sub to Twitch Prime. I mean if we were already subbed to Twitch Prime this is nothing but a win for us, right? This is great for those individuals or for those who will subscribe in the future.

    Next, lets talk about the in-game mails. These, as many know, typically contain a quest, in-game information, or a item, possibly from a Twitch drop. Mails are forced upon the player at the first opportunity so they don't miss important info or that they've received some item. What this means is that most people will see a in-game mail before other sources of information such as the News console.

    Lastly and my issue, Darvo's in-game mail simply says that you just got some free stuff you just need to collect but doesn't say that to collect you need to be actively paying, or in a trial, with Twitch Prime so very much not a free item. So Darvo sent an ad, an unskippable misleading ad, to everyone in the game likely before they see the News that vastly better explained the deal. I do not approve. Please tell me about great deals you may be having through the News Console but not through in-game unskippable misleading ad mail. Can we please keep the in-game mail for things that are solely in-game related?


    A lone Tenno

    • Like 3
  3. When I walk into my orbiter the first thing I notice is the scratches. They gave the slider to adjust this. It goes from neglected to completely trashed. It'd make sense if we were day 1 Tenno just taking the over the orbiter for the very first time for a few missions until we could afford to get some paint. Afterwards it makes no sense.

    Second things I noticed are the fuse/data/expansion cards box like things.They're hanging from every major terminal minus the relic station. Couple issues with them. Why are they all filled with 2 of 3 of whatever they're supposed to be? Why are they all open? It looks like they're intended to slide up the rails and into the thing they're hanging down from and THAT part then slides into the stations themselves. Yet the handles on the fuse/data/expansion cards would prevent this from happening at all. Plus the rails themselves don't look like they've got any wires/circuits in them so whatever these boxes are supposed to do they aren't currently doing. So these boxes are more proof that we're incompetent at maintaining this orbiter. Whats WORSE about these though is that when they redesigned the pet station the closing doors clips THROUGH this thing. The pet station has all of ONE animation and nobody thought to prevent clipping?

    Lastly, why is it so dark? Are we supposed to be trying to hide the neglect?

  4. It's admittedly been awhile but doing some stealth missions. Walking up to a completely unaware nullifier, either from being actually stealthy, invisible, or through putting it to sleep, has it launch it's drone during the stealth kill animation. This obviously makes it pointless for anyone to try stealth killing them who has any active ability up such as Loki, Ivara, Rhino, Chroma, so on.


    Also... Corpus crew members oddly have their torsos stretch during the stealth kill if done from behind.

    Also 2... In general one shotting any mob that isn't a sleep kill and isn't press x to assassinate doesn't get a stealth bonus kill anymore and in most cased, if not all, resets the stealth kill counter.


    Frame Used: Ivara

    Melee Weapon Used: Masseter


    If this is intended please forgive me.

  5. When doing conservation missions every so often the tracks vanish under the terrain when I get closer. I can understand some areas having soft surfaces, such as the red fungus areas, but they're visible, I get closer, and they vanish. This is making tracking a royal pain. I've fiddled with graphics settings but I'm not seeing whats causing this. This primarily happens on slopes.


  6. Getting the error

    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN"><html><head><title>400 Bad Request</title></head><body><h1>Bad Request</h1><p>Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand.<br /></p></body></html>

    When trying to decline all friend requests. Removing them one by one works.

    Location: Dojo

    Not sure if anyone else has this issue.

  7. If you go into your global inventory and hover over any of your reusable blueprints, such as Cutthol Bait, the icon indicating it can be reused is missing and instead has text just to the side of the blueprint that reads [HC] REUSABLE_BLUEPRINT. It only shows up in your global inventory as it works correctly in vendors, foundry, and market.

  8. Finding an item isn't hard. It'd be nice to have an option to favorite items but you can always use the search tool to quickly find it assuming you remember the name. What is more annoying is the clutter that can accumulate as you collect items over the course of the game. This clutter could be anything from Warframes, pets, weapons, mods, and resources.

    Lets take my foundry for example. I open it up. I click on "ready to build", and the list starts. I can build air support charges, ciphers, restores of all flavors, specters of all flavors, random parts of Warframes that I may or may not already have, and so much more. In theory if I knew what I wanted I can use the search bar to filter it down... but what if I don't know what I want? What if I'm just trying to see if there are any weapons I can build that I don't have? I don't know the name of it so using the search bar doesn't work. I have to go through every single entry to find out if there is anything I want to build and to be honest... Most of the entries are things I may want to keep, such as a x10 squad energy restore, but others such as a vapor specter I may never want to build as I do have Clem. However, every single time I do this I have to scroll past it. Someone might argue that I could just sell those seemingly worthless which would work in the short term assuming I didn't want to keep it for some reason. However, things like specters have a tendency to drop constantly and again I may want it someday, like Ammo Restores which I never thought I'd use.

    However, if I could HIDE the specter somehow so I won't see it unless I click a checkbox or go to a special tab of hidden items that'd greatly reduce the clutter in my foundry, inventory, and even stores such as Baro. Its not adding or removing any items it's just hiding them and they become visible again with a simple tick box in whatever menu you're looking at. You'll have that weapon that's no longer obtainable but you don't use, that frame you dislike but you keep to keep your collection intact, those "I'll use them one day" items, the prime part you're desperately trying not to accidentally sell to Baro, and the "I just sold those" items such as Oberon parts.

    At the writing of this I know Fortuna just dropped and there is far more important things to handle but I've caught myself wishing this feature existed enough times that I thought I'd finally just suggest it.


  9. Further edit:

    Issue D : corpus terminal. When they're attacking it they had a bunch of ships clip into each other while trying to drop off corpus, a TON of corpus spawned during the defense mission, probably far more than intended for this mission level, also a bunch of them got stuck in the hill to the south of the tower. I had to use a rhino stomp to kill them to have the waves continue.

  10. Doing the Vox Solaris mission. Exit fortuna, hop on the k-drive, start rushing to pass the mother orb thing....

    Issue A: Orb Mother slammed a leg down and knocked me off the board and the board under the map making it irretrievable.

    Issue B: Orb Mother immediately got stuck on the guard rail.

    Issue C : Orb Mother  continues to fire at me no matter where I am. Shoots through itself, instant snapping to me after I come out from operator invisibility (Also minor forum bug as 😄 is what kept coming up instead of C and colon)

  11. The AI doesn't uses the guardrails as cover. Which is fine. But they think they're smaller than they are so you have corpus grunts kneeling behind this massive guardrail, standing up, and shooting the guardrail then kneeling down again.

  12. Killed a T shaped dropship while I was on archwing.

    First. Did NOT drop the loot to the ground probably due to the next note.

    Second. It's collision didn't go away. I have an invisible box of "You can't go here" that doesn't go away.


    I killed ~5 dropships. Only 2 did it. Ixal, rhino, using a lex.


    Update: Killed like another 10. None of them did it. Not sure whats causing it. Maybe it didn't unload its guys yet properly

  13. Rolling fixes it for me and allows my guns to work again.

    (Semi jokingly) Limbo became more powerful than we could possibly imagine and is effecting the entirety of Warframe now.

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