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Posts posted by slappy330

  1. You know what, you could've just made Viver some type of ext mission or something instead of ruining perfectly fine things in frames, I'm all for balence but yay...now one of my favorite frames can't do stuff right..again...

  2. Hi Thanks for the reply,


    I'm not sure I understand.


    I go to Equipment -> Arsenal -> Companion Loadout Section I have 2 slots currently equipped with:

    - Carrier -> click Equip -> I only see sentinels, where is kubrow ?

    - Sweeper -> click Equip -> I only see sentinels, where is kubrow ?


    I go to Equipment -> Incubator-> Stasis -> do I have to put him in Stasis and wait ? I didn't do this yet.

    I go to Equipment -> Incubator-> Jimmy Chops (the name of my Kubrow) I can interact with him



    Your Kubrow, like a normal pet, must mature over the course of 3 days, THEN you can use him. Don't put him in stasis.

  3. It's not so much shotguns are bad, its just what they are good at doing is proved unreasonable by the time it matters, loads of damage doesn't matter when you need to be close enough to smell their breath to deal it..

  4. I was thinking why are warframes gender locked? I've never liked playing games that have gender locked classes or characters. I've always wanted to play a female rhino or a male ember in my time playing warframe. Just a suggestion

    Because they've already said gender swaps will never happen and the closest you'll ever get is a different gender with a similar theme.

  5. I don't remember when I actually started playing warframe but it was 1 week or so before I joined the forums. But I instead just march 5th because S#&$ memory.

    Click the main warframe up there at the top, click your name and go to account management, that'll show you the first day, mine was 21 months ago.

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