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Posts posted by --MELON--

  1. Am a clan warlord needing quite a large number of these to hand out to other members, if there's any kind soul willing to donate (even one is fine), I would greatly appreciate these. If credits are an issue, I would gladly take the time to farm them up with you. Message me on forums and add me if you'd be so kind, I'll try to reply ASAP!

  2. Really? This suggestion does nothing harmful to non founders(myself included, unfortunately), and it seems every argument is personal ("oh these damned founders want more exclusivity") What about blindbold bringing up frost prime/umbra? DE did mention before they were planning on more umbra frames, so why has no disagreement addressed that? It's just a helmet and skin, we're not missing out on anything, and I think 90% of the community knows how important fashionframe is, don't restrict these poor souls who have burnt the cash we didn't. Besides, when other umbra frames come up, that way we get even more fashionframe options. Can we just stop disagreeing with founders for the sake of relieving our own salt for not getting/being able to get founders ourselves? They've done nothing wrong, or at least nothing wrong with this post.

    Wow I feel really toxic typing this.

  3. I am willing to offer for the virulent scourge:
    Some stance mods:Burning wasp, Coiling viper, Reaping spiral, Fracturing wind, Sundering weave, Cleaving whirlwind.

    Some other mods:Berserker, Energy channel, Focus energy, Power throw, Barrel diffusion, Flow and Master thie. Oh and some T2 keys. All of the things listed above.

    LOOK AT HOW MUCH I WANT IT D: i added you, hopefully you'll accept my offer D:

  4. Faction - Tenno

    Description -  Switchblades mounted on the wrists that fold, thus not requiring to sheathe the weapon constantly. These twin matching blades have an increased attack speed at the cost of lower damage per hit. The charge attack will strike the enemy twice using both blades, stunning the enemy with the speed it possesses.

    I made this weapon out of cardboard a month ago out of sheer boredem, and then i saw this contest and I thought "Why not just enter it in? I've nothing to lose." So here it is, hope you like it, i have 5 pictures of it in total but since theres a maximum of two i'll just put two up here.

    Was i supposed to name it? :o because i can't think of a name.




  5. DE, You are by far the single most dedicated gaming company i have ever known, to acknowledge your mistakes that i did not even realize, putting so much effort into an apology, and even thinking what most would prefer! DE, you are awesome, keep up the good work on the updates :D

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