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Posts posted by Andre_C4

  1. Sorry for necroing this post once more, but i just need to vent some frustration after losing about 500k credits just to finish this quest.

    So when i just started this quest i didn't fully knew what the index was, i played it like once before and even then that time i was carried by a team of higher rank players, so when i did the first match of the index in this quest, i lost in the first round after not being able to fully understand how to play that mode, i didn't get angry because i should've checked a guide when the game told me that if i lose i would also lose my credits, still, a tutorial or a practice round before sending you there would've been nice, or even better, make the first match free.

    So, after that i learned how to play and won every match right until the 10pt margin match, in which i tied and lost my credits because a tie is the same as a lost, so after farming enough credits i came back and played another match were i lost because i went over the margin, funny thing that if you win that match and you're over the margin you still lose the match and your credits, after that i lost another match after playing with gara and being shoved over a clift after being hit by an explosion, which made me die and my barrier disappear and when i came back an enemy scored 32 points at once.

    by the end i was so tired and angry because of all the time i wasted farming credits and then losing them all at once, that i couldn't enjoy the rest of the quest, which to be honest is quite great, that moral choice at the end is perfectly placed and i ended up really thinking what choice should i pick.

    This quest could be easily fixed, it just need a few changes like:

    • Make the first index match free or have a practice round
    • Make the next matches cost 20k -> 40k -> 60k - 80k so it doesn't hurt so much if you lose
    • Make it so you only need to win 2 out of the 3 rounds of a match (so if you lose one round you don't immediately lose your cash)
    • If you invite someone that person doesn't need to pay credits to join you (that person won't recibe rewards other than mods)

    and there, it's fine.

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